vadge | Noun. Vagina. |
vagitarian | Noun. Lesbian. A pun on vegetarian. |
vanilla | Adj. 1. Gay expression for conventional sex without any kinky extras such as bondage or sado-masochism. Frequently used in a perjorative sense. 2. Orthodox, conventional. |
varda | Verb. To look at. Mainly gay use and originating from Polari. Also varder, vardy, vada, and vardo. |
veg | Noun. Vegetable(s). E.g."We need to get some veg to go with the meat." {Informal} |
veggie | Noun./Adj. Abbr. of vegetarian. {Informal} |
veg-out | Verb. To vegetate, chill-out. |
Vera (Lynn) * | Noun. 1. Gin. 2. Chin. 3. A skin, a cigarette paper. E.g."Buy me some veras and 10 Marlboro Light when you pass the newsagents." * All senses from cockney rhyming slang. Vera Lynn, popular British singer best remembered for her songs during WWII. |
verbal diarrhoea | Noun. Incessant and aimless talk. |
vertical bacon sandwich | Noun. The female genitals, particularly with respect to the visible labia. |
vibe | Noun. The atmosphere or feelings in a situation. E.g."What was the vibe like at the match? Last time they met there was a riot." |
vicky-verky | Adv. Vice versa. A humourous and deliberate mispronunciation. |
village | Noun. 1. Useless, of no value, poor quality, not up to one's expected standards. 2. A country person, one unfamiliar with the sophisticated ways of city life. Derog. 3. An unsophisticated person, by extension of meaning 2. |
...ville | Suffix. Derived from the French ville meaning town and added to nouns and adjectives to intensify a certain quality, such as shitsville (a particularly awful situation), cheeseville (very trite). The origins of such combinations occurred during the beatnik and hippy counterculture years of the late 1950s and 1960s in the U.S. E.g."It was a club full of gorgeous people, sheer sexville." |
vinegar strokes | Noun. The last thrusts of sexual intercourse, or masturbation, just prior to reaching orgasm. |
vino | Noun. Cheap inferior wine. |
vinyl | Noun. Gramophone or phonograph records, not CDs. |
voddy | Noun. Vodka. |
vom | Noun. Vomit. Verb. To vomit. E.g."I had gastric flu and felt like I was going to vom." |