j | Noun. A marijuana/cannabis cigarette. Abbr. of 'joint'. [Orig. U.S.] |
jab | Noun. A hypodermic injection, a vaccination. E.g."You don't need hepatitis jabs to visit Cornwall, it's not a foreign country." |
jack | Verb. To steal, often in relation to mugging. From hijack. E.g."My phone got jacked when I was on my way home." |
jack all | Pron. Nothing. E.g."There's jack all wrong with it." |
jack and danny | Noun. Vagina. Rhyming slang on 'fanny', slang for vagina. E.g."What, with her short skirt, and no knickers, I had great view of her jack and danny." See 'fanny'. |
jack (and jill) * | Noun. 1. A hill. 2. A pill. 3. A bill. * Cockney rhyming slang. |
jackanory * | Noun. 1. Story. 2. A lie, a tall story. * Rhyming slang on story. Jackanory was a long running British children's TV programme on which celebrities would read a story, and which originally ran between 1965 and 1996. The title Jackanory itself was taken from a children's nursery rhyme. [1970s] |
jackbit | Noun. Food, or more specifically a packed lunch. [Lancs use] |
jack in | Verb. See 'jack (it) in'. |
jacking off | Noun. An act of masturbation. See 'jack off'. [Orig. U.S.] |
jack (it) in | Verb. Stop doing (something), to terminate (something), to end. E.g."I'm going to jack in my college course after the vacation, it's too much like hard work." |
Jack (Jones) | Noun. Alone. Rhyming slang. Usually used in the expression on your jack, or on my jack. See 'on one's Jack'. |
jack off | Verb. To masturbate. Usually applied to males. E.g."I jacked off in the morning before I went to school, then once more before bed." Cf. 'jill off'. [Orig. U.S.] |
jack shit | Pron. Nothing. [Orig. U.S.] |
jacksie | Noun. Buttocks, or anus. |
jack's alive | Noun. Five. Rhyming slang. |
Jackson Pollocks * | Noun. 1. Testicles. 2. Nonsense, rubbish. * Rhyming slang on 'bollocks'. |
Jack-the-lad | Noun. A male who is quick witted, a rogue who looks out for themselves. |
jack-up | Verb. To inject with drugs. |
jacobs | Noun. Testicles. Rhyming slang on Jacob's Cream Crackers meaning 'knackers'. Cream Crackers being a dry savoury biscuit usually served with cheese and Jacobs being the manufacturer. See 'cream crackered'. |
jaffa | Noun. An infertile male. From jaffa oranges being seedless. This term either gained prominence from or was invented for the British TV sitcom Only Fools and Horses in the 1990s. Derog. |
jag | Noun. An injection. [Glasgow use] Verb. To prick. [Glasgow use] |
jailbait | Noun. An attractive person who, viewed sexually, is younger than the legal age of sexual consent. Also jail bait. E.g."I'll warn you now, dont get involved with Mike's sister, she's jailbait." |
jake /jakey | Noun. 1. A drunk, an alcoholic. E.g."So this jakey came up to me, stinking of whisky and asking if I had any spare change." Derog. [Orig. Scottish] 2. A beggar, a homeless person. Derog. [Orig. Scottish] |
jaked | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. Probably from 'jake' (noun), above. |
jam butty car | Noun. A police car. Cf. 'jam sandwich' [Mainly Merseyside use] |
James Blunt | Noun. An objectionable person. Rhyming slang on 'cunt'. James Blunt, a British musician. [2000s] |
jam jar | Noun. A car. Rhyming slang. |
jammies | Noun. Pyjamas. Cf. 'jimjams'. |
jammy | Adj. Fortunate, lucky. {Informal} |
jammy dodger | Noun. A lucky person. Also a type of biscuit with a jam centre. Also jammie dodger. See 'jammy'. |
jam packed | Adj. Full to capacity. {Informal} |
jam rag | Noun. A sanitory towel, a tampon. |
jam roll * | Noun. 1. An idiot. 2. Anus. * Rhyming slang on 'arsehole'. |
jam sandwich | Noun. A police car, specifically the white ones with a bright red band running horizontally along the sides. |
jam week | Noun. The period of menstruation. |
jangle | Verb. To gossip. E.g."Are you two going to sit there jangling all night, or help me cook the meal?" (Liverpool use) |
jank | Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. [South-east use?] |
Janner | Noun. A person from Plymouth. |
Jap's eye | Noun. The urethal opening on the head of the penis. Offens. |
jar | Noun. A glass of beer or lager, usually a pint. |
jarg | Adj. Fake, counterfeit. [Liverpool use] |
jarred off | Adj. Upset, fed-up. [E. Anglia use.] |
J. Arthur | Noun. An act of masturbation. Rhyming slang on J. Arthur Rank meaning 'wank'. See 'wank'. J. Arthur Rank, British industrialist who founded the Rank film company. |
jasper | Noun. A wasp. |
jazz mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. |
jeb end * | Noun. 1. The penis. [Northern use] 2. A contemptible person. [Northern use] * Also as jebend. |
jebs | Noun. Breasts. |
Jeez! | Exclam. A profane exclamation of surprise, frustration or amazement. A shortening of Jesus. |
jel | Adj. Abbr. of jealous. |
jellies | Noun. Cheap rubber/plastic sandals mainly worn by children. Their transparent and brightly coloured appearence resembles jelly, hence their name. |
jelly | Noun. Temazepam (a tranquillizer). Usually in the plural. E.g."I'll need some jellies if I'm going to get some sleep tonight." |
jellyfish | Noun. A weak and ineffectual person. Derog. |
jemmy | Verb. To break open using a crowbar. The crowbar used by burglars also being called a jemmy. {Informal} |
jerk | Noun. An idiot. [Orig U.S.] |
jerk-off | Verb. To masturbate. E.g."He's in his room, jerking off to that new adult film he brought." Noun. An idiot, a despicable person. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
Jerry | Noun. 1. A German, or from Germany, often in a military context. [1914-18] 2. A chamber pot. Dated. {Informal} |
jessie | Noun. A feeble, easily scared person, a softy. Derog. |
Jesus! | Exclam. A profane exclamation of surprise, anger, frustration. |
Jesus boots | Noun. Sandals. |
Jesus creepers | Noun. Sandals. |
Jesus freak | Noun. A strong believer in Christianity. Derog. |
Jesus H Christ! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, annoyance. |
Jesus suffering fuck! | Exclam. Expressing surprise, or anger. |
Jesus wept! | Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance or surprise. |
jet | Verb. To move quickly or depart hurriedly. E.g."I'm just jetting into town to collect my holiday money." |
jewels | Noun. Male genitals. Cf. 'family jewels'. |
Jewish piano | Noun. A cash register. Can be offensive due to racial stereotyping. |
jibbons | Noun. Spring onions. [SW use/SW Wales use/dialect?] |
jiffle | Verb. To fidget, to be restless. E.g."I got no sleep at all with her jiffling about in bed all night." [Norfolk use? Dialect] |
jiffy | Noun. A moment, a short time. E.g. "Wait there a second, I'll be back in a jiffy." {Informal} |
jiggaboo | Noun. A black person. Also jigaboo. Offens. |
jigger | Noun. An alleyway, back passage. [Liverpool use] |
jiggered | Adj. 1. Confounded. Heard in the rather archaic exclamation, I'll be jiggered! {Informal} 2. Worn out, exhausted. |
jiggery pokery | Noun. Deception, trickery, dishonest behaviour. {Informal} |
jiggy | Adj. Cool and in touch with what's happening and respected. Apparently originates with Will Smith, U.S. rapper and movie star, and came to prominence with his song Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It. [Orig.
U.S. 1990s] Noun. Sex. [Orig. U.S. 1990s] |
jilling off | Noun. An act of female masturbation. See 'jill off'. [Orig. U.S.] |
jill off | Verb. Of women, to masturbate. Expression punning and created as a female equivalent to 'jack off'. [Orig. U.S.] |
jimjams | Noun. Pyjamas. Also 'jim-jams'. See 'jammies'. |
jimmy | Noun. A term of address for a male, typically one whose name is unknown. [Scottish use] |
Jimmy Hill | Noun. A pill. Rhyming slang. Jimmy Hill, football player, manager and then UK TV sports presenter. |
jimmy riddle | Noun. An act of urination. The rhyming slang for 'piddle'. Often used singularly as jimmy, or riddle. See 'piddle'. |
Jim Skinner | Noun. Dinner. Rhyming slang. |
jingly * | Adj. Afghani, or more widely also Arabic or Middle Eastern. Also jingley. Noun. A person from Afghanistan, or Middle Eastern country, such as Iran, Saudi, Oman etc. * [Military use] |
jip | Noun. Hassle, bother. Cf. 'gyp'. |
jism | Noun. Semen. Also 'gism'. [1800s] |
jitters | Noun. Severe nervousness. {Informal} |
jitty | Noun. An alleyway or passageway between buildings. Also gitty. [Midlands use] |
jizz | Noun. Sperm. Abbr. of jism. |
joanna | Noun. Piano. Cockney rhyming slang. |
job | Verb. To hit, punch, physically attack. E.g."Stop shouting at me, or I'll job you!" [Notts use] |
jobby | Noun. 1. A lump of excrement. 2. An act of defecation. E.g."Give me 5 minutes, I've just got to have a jobby." |
jobby jabber | Noun. Homosexual male. See 'jobby'. Derog. [Mainly Scottish use] |
job's a good'un! | Exclam. Expressing a thing or situation is good. |
jobsworth | Noun. A person who is very pedantic at work and strictly adheres to the rules; so called because of their oft used exclamation, "I can't let you do that, it's more than my job's worth." Derog. |
Jock | Noun. A Scottish person. Can be offensive. |
jockey's whips | Noun. Chips, French fries. Rhyming slang for chips. [Orig. North-west] |
Jodrell (Bank) | Noun. An act of masturbation. From the rhyming slang Jodrell Bank meaning 'wank'. Jodrell Bank, a large radio telescope in Cheshire, North-west England. |
Joe Baxi | Noun. A taxi. Rhyming slang. |
Joe Bloggs | Noun. A fictitious name for the average or unknown person. {Informal} |
Joe Daki | Noun. A Pakistani. Rhyming slang on Paki. Offens. |
Joey | Noun. 1. A friend or acquaintence who is regarded a fool or weakling, and often has to bear the brunt of jokes. Believed to be derived from the rhyming slang Joe Hunt, meaning 'cunt'. 2. An imbecile. Derived from the name Joey Deacon, a physically handicapped (cerebral palsy) guest on a British children's TV programme called Blue Peter in the 1970s; consequently his name was cruelly adopted by children as an insult. Cf. 'Deacon'. |
jog on | Vrb phrs. 1. Go away, get lost! 2. Proceed, carry on, move on. |
John | Noun. 1. General term of address for a male. [London use] 2. A client. Prostitute's parlance. |
johnny | Noun. A condom. Derives from the term French Letter via the archaic slang Frenchie and consequently Johnny Frenchman. Cf. 'rubber johnny'. |
Johnny Foreigner | Noun. A person from another country, that isn't the UK. {Informal} |
John Thomas | Noun. The penis. A well established but aging euphemism. |
joint | Noun. A cannabis/marijuana cigarette. |
jollies | Noun. 1. Pleasure, thrills. E.g."He always gets his jollies from hurting others, he's a proper sadist." 2. Holidays, vacation. E.g."Are you going to mainland Europe again for your jollies?" |
jollop | Noun. 1. A dollop. E.g."I'll have a jollop of ice cream with my apple pie." 2. Medicine. |
jolly | Noun. A day trip, particularly one taken for pleasure and arranged from one's place of work. E.g."Work was great last week, we went on a jolly to London and got the boss drunk." |
jolly good | Phrs. Expressing approval or satisfaction on what someone had done or said. E.g."So you're all packed and ready to go? Jolly good, let's head off then." {Informal} |
jones | Verb. To desire, crave or want something very badly. Originally from experiencing withdrawal from heroin. [Orig U.S.] |
jonesing | Adj. Wanting, desiring. E.g."He's jonesing for a cigarette." See 'jones'. |
josh | Verb. To jest and joke with someone. E.g."Dad! Stop joshing me. She's not my girlfreind, just a mate." |
joskin | Noun. A rural dweller, a country bumpkin. [Yorkshire use] |
journo | Noun. Abbr. of journalist. [Orig. Aust.] |
joyride | Noun. A ride in a stolen vehicle. {Informal} Verb. To go on a joyride. |
jubblies | Noun. Women's breasts. |
jubbly! | Exclam. Excellent! Great! Abbr. of 'lovely-jubbly'. |
Judy | Noun. A woman, or girlfriend. [Liverpool use] |
Judyscuffer | Noun. A police woman. See 'judy' and 'scuffer'. [Liverpool use] |
jug | Noun. 1. Prison. [Orig. U.S.] 2. A bank. [Underworld use] |
jug handles | Noun. Ears, usually implying large or excessively protruding. |
jugs | Noun. Breasts. |
jug up | Verb. To get drunk. E.g."What better reason to get jugged up than at a party." [Orig. U.S.] |
juice | Noun. 1. Petrol, fuel for engines. 2. Electricity. E.g."My Ipod's run out of juice, can I borrow your charger?" |
jumbly | Noun. 1. A jumble sale, a rummage sale (U.S.). 2. The unwanted goods and possessions which are sold at a jumble sale. |
jumped up | Adj. Arrogant. {Informal} |
jungle bunny | Noun. A black person. Derog./Offens. |
junk | Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. Frequently as talking junk. E.g."Everything he's said for the last hour has been junk." {Informal} 2. Heroin, the drug. Sometimes any narcotic drug. [Orig. U.S.] |
junkie | Noun. 1. A heroin addict. Also as junky. 2. Now more frequently used for anyone with any addiction. E.g."Have you seen the size of his record collection? He truly is a vinyl junky." |
(have) junk in the trunk | Noun. Usually of women, having large curvaceous buttocks, and frequently seen as an attractive feature. |