sab | Noun. Abbr. of saboteur and sabotage. The 'sab'/'sabbing' terms gained prominence during the 1980s with the increased activity in animal rights and hunt saboteurs. Verb. To sabotage. E.g."We're off sabbing the ICI animal labs in Cheshire tomorrow so bring your lawyer's phone number." |
sabbing | Noun. An act of sabotage, usually with regards to animal rights and other ethical campaigns. E.g."I've been on hundreds of sabbing days." |
sack | Noun. 1. Bed. See 'hit the sack'. [Orig. U.S.] 2. Dismissal from employment. Verb. To dismiss from employment. E.g."I was sacked because of my poor time keeping. I was consistently late arriving at work in the mornings." |
sack (something) off | Verb. To put an end to something. E.g."I sacked the relationship off at the end of last year. She was sleeping around and spending all my money." |
sack-it | Verb. Stop it, put an end to something. |
sad | Adj. 1. Unfortunate, pitiful or pathetic. E.g."Geoff's so sad, getting his tongue pierced just because it's fashionable." 2. Objectionable. |
sad-arse | Noun. 1. A pathetic, sad person. 2. General insult for someone who acts contemptuously. |
sad case | Noun. A pathetic or contemptible person. |
saddo | Noun. A pathetic or contemptible person. |
sad sack | Noun. A miserable, pathetic person. [Orig U.S.] |
safe! | Exclam. 1. An expression of agreement, OK! Agreed! 2. Thanks! 3. A form of greeting. |
safe as houses | Phrs. Very safe, secure, something assured. {Informal} |
saft | Adj. Stupid, soft. [West Midlands use] |
salad dodger | Noun. A fat person. Derog. |
salmon and trout | Noun. Tobacco, cigarettes. Rhyming slang on 'snout', meaning tobacco. |
salmon canyon | Noun. The vagina. |
salty | Adj. Irritated, angry, bitter. [Orig. U.S.] |
same to you with brass knobs on! | Exclam. A dismissive and contemptuous retort. |
sand grown | Noun. A person born in one of the West Lancs coastal towns, e.g. Blackpool, Morecombe etc. Also a sand grown 'un. |
S. and M. | Noun. Sado-masochism. Abbr. of sadism and masochism. The sexual pleasure derived from inflicting and receiving pain. |
sand niggar | Noun. An Arab, or more widely a person from the Middle East. Derog./Offens. |
sandwich | Noun. A sexual threesome. |
sannies | Noun. Soft rubber soled shoes, plimsolls, sneakers. [Glasgow use] |
Sapphic | Noun. Of or like a lesbian. |
sanger | Noun. A sandwich. [Orig. Aust/Irish] |
sarky | Adj. Abbr. of sarcastic. |
sarnie | Noun. A sandwich. {Informal} |
sauce | Noun. Alcoholic drink. E.g."He's going to feel bad in the morning, after 12 hours on the sauce." |
saucepan (lid) | Noun. 1. A child. Rhyming slang on kid. 2. A Jew. Rhyming slang on yid. Offens |
saucy | Adj. Sexually suggestive, slightly erotic, sexy, often with a humourous use. E.g."She was wearing a saucy top with a bit of cleavage visible." {Informal} |
sausage | Noun. 1. A penis. 2. An affectionate term of address. |
sausage fest | Noun. An event or situation that has a disproportionately large number of male participants in comparison to female, or an event that is wholly male based. Cf. 'sausage party'. [Orig. U.S.] |
sausage fingers | Noun. Clumsy and imprecise fingers, frequently applied to when mistyping on computer or phone keyboards. E.g."Sorry about the spelling mistakes; I must have had sausage fingers when I was typing." |
sausage jockey | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. Cf. 'nob jockey'. [1990s] |
sausage party | Noun. See 'sausage fest'. |
sausage sandwich | Noun. 1. A sexual act involving one man and two women. 2. A masturbatory act involving the penis being sandwiched between a woman's breasts. |
savvy | Adj. In the know, well informed. |
S.B.D. | Noun. A silent breaking of wind that is particularly foul smelling. Abbr. of Silent But Deadly. [1960s] |
S.B.V. | Noun. See 'S.B.D.' Abbr. of Silent But Violent. |
scab | Verb. To scrounge. E.g."I scabbed a lift home with my boss as he was heading that way." |
scabby | Adj. Unpleasant, distasteful, rotten. |
scaffy * | Noun. A refuse collector, street cleaner. [Scottish use] Adj. Cheap, low value, undesirable. [Scottish use] * Also, occasionally scaffie. |
scag | Noun. Heroin, the opiate. Also spelt 'skag'. |
scally * | Noun. 1. A miscreant, an irresponsible, self-assured lout, usually male. Abbr. of scallywag. This derogatory term has been in prolific use from the early 1990s. 2. A person, usually young, who typically wears casual, brand-name sportswear, such as Nike, Addidas and Reebok etc., baseball caps, and boots, often Rockport. Usually associated with town/city dwellers. * Scally was also a term for a Liverpudlian youth, used in and around Liverpool itself and was possibly the forerunner of the current expression, however the use of it in this form is now rare. |
scam | Noun. A trick or con. [Orig. U.S./1900s] |
scammels | Noun. Prominent and erect female nipples. An abbreviated form of scammel wheel nuts. Scammel, a manufacturer of heavy and industrial vehicles. |
scanties | Noun. Female underwear. From their often exiguous nature. |
scared shitless | Adj. Very frightened. See 'shitless'. |
scare shitless | Verb. To terrify. See 'shitless'. E.g."I was scared shitless when he jumped out at me wearing a Freddy Kruegar mask." |
scaredy-cat | Noun. A person who is frightened. Mainly adolescent use, often employed as a taunt. Derog. |
scare the pants off (someone) | Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone). E.g."Having muscles that huge would scare the pants off anyone." |
scare the shit out of (someone) | Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone). |
scarper | Verb. Go, often hurriedly, to escape. E.g."He grabbed her handbag and scarpered before anyone had the chance to tackle him." |
scat queen | Noun. A gay male who indulges in sexual acts involving faeces. Scat, derived from scatology. Cf. 'curry queen', 'pissy queen' and 'dinge queen'. |
scatty | Adj. Absent-minded. Possibly from scatterbrained. {Informal} |
scav | Noun. Abb of scavenger. Verb. To scavenge. E.g."I scavved a bit furniture from the refuse tip and after a lick of paint they made my living room very homely." |
schemie | Noun. A disparaging term for a person from a Scottish council estate, called a scheme. [Scottish use] |
schizzo | Noun. Abbr. of schizophrenic but more generally applied to a person showing mental problems and incapabilities. Also skitzo. Derog. |
schlep | Verb. To tiresomely lug around, to do lots of leg work. Also as shlepp. The term gained popularity in Britain during the late 1980s. [Yiddish] {Informal} |
schlong | Noun. Penis. Also spelt shlong. [Yiddish] |
schmaltzy | Adj. Overly sentimental, corny. [Orig. German/Yiddish] {Informal} |
schmooze | Verb. To chat intimately and in a flattering manner in order to gain or get an advantage. [Orig. Yiddish] |
schmuck | Noun. A clumsy or stupid person. [Orig. Yiddish/U.S.] |
schnoz | Noun. The nose. Also schnozz, shnoz. [Poss. from Yiddish] |
schoolboy howler | Noun. A very stupid mistake, one considerably worse than a 'howler'. {Informal} |
schpiel | Noun. Persuasive talk. Cf. 'spiel'. [Orig U.S.] |
schtum | Adj. Quiet, silent. Also spelt schtoom, stumm and shtum. E.g. "Keep schtum about it, we'll get into trouble if the boss finds out!" [Orig. Yiddish] |
schwing! | Exclam. Indicating one's sexual excitement at seeing a very attractive person, typically male usage, and inferring the action of a swift penile erection. Popularized by the Wayne's World TV and film productions. [Orig U.S. Early 1990s] |
scive (off) | Verb. To evade doing one's work or duties. Less common spelling of 'skive'. |
scoff | Verb. To eat. E.g."It's no wonder she feels sick, she's scoffed the whole box of chocolates." {Informal} Noun. Food. {Informal} |
sconner | Noun. A person without pubic hair. |
scooby * | Noun. 1. A clue. Rhyming slang on scooby doo, the cartoon character. E.g."I haven't got a scooby why she went into a rage, I was only 1 hour late for dinner." 2. A Suburu car. * Both uses rhyming slang on scooby doo. |
scoop | Noun. Pint of beer, an alcohic drink. [Orig. Irish] |
scop | Verb. To throw. E.g."We got caught scopping stones at this man's greenhouse." [Cumbria/Dialect] |
score | Verb. 1. To obtain illicit drugs. [Orig. U.S. 1930s] 2. To achieve a liason with a sexually desirable person. Noun. In money, 20 pounds sterling. |
Scouse * | Noun. 1. A native or inhabitant of Liverpool, and the dialect they speak. Adj. Liverpudlian. * Derived from the name of a local stew and an abb. of lobscouse. |
Scouser | Noun. A person from Liverpool, a Liverpudlian. See 'scouse'. |
scrambled | Adj. Confused. E.g."Strewth, my head's scrambled from all those drugs." Also applies to one's hearing, E.g."What did he say ? My ears were on scramble." |
scrag | Verb. 1. To throttle, strangle. 2. To handle roughly. |
scram | Noun. 1. Food. Cf. 'scran'. [North-west use] 2. A scratch. [South Wales use] Verb. 1. To depart quickly. Frequently used in the imperative. [Orig. U.S.] 2. To scratch, with claws or fingernails. E.g."It's my own fault the cat scrammed me, I was teasing it." [South Wales use] |
scran | Noun. Food. [Northern use. Late 1800s] |
scrap | Noun. A fight or quarrel. {Informal} |
scratcher | Noun. Bed. [Mainly Irish use?] |
scratter | Noun. 1. A slovenly dressed person, a dirty person, perhaps of low intelligence and having little culture. 2. A contemptible person. |
scream blue murder | Vrb phrs. To make an outcry of anger or exasperation. E.g."The crowd was screaming blue murder and baying for the head of Donald Trump, who they blamed for the death of their families and children." |
screaming abdabs | Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. E.g."He's got the screaming abdabs since failing his driving exam 6 times." Cf. 'abdabs' [1940s] |
screw | Verb. 1. To copulate. E.g."Yeah I think they like each other, they screwed all night and kept us awake with their noise." [1800s] 2. To cheat, to swindle. Noun. 1. A act of sexual intercourse. 2. A prison officer. |
screw around | Verb. 1. Be sexually promiscuous. E.g."I screwed around all through my teens and only stopped when I got married." [Orig. U.S.] 2. To idle away time. E.g."We've been screwing around, watching TV, drinking, playing pool." |
screwed | Adj. 1. In trouble, in a hopeless situation. E.g."We need to think how we can keep him quiet, cos if he goes to the police we're screwed." 2. Cheated, tricked, swindled. |
screwing | Noun. Sexual intercourse. |
screw it! | Exclam. A general dismissive exclamation. Cf. 'fuck it' |
screw loose | Noun. See 'have a screw loose'. |
screw the arse off (someone) | Vrb phrs. 1. To copulate vigorously and with great enthusiasm. E.g."." Cf. 'fuck the arse off.' 2. To drive a car or vehicle aggressively or hard. E.g."I screwed the arse off the hire care for 200 miles and got caught speeding 3 times." |
screw up | Verb. To make an error, to ruin, to mess up, to upset. E.g."Don't screw up your life taking recreational drugs." Noun. A failure, a 'cock-up'. |
screw you! | Verb. A rebuke such as 'get lost' or 'fuck you'. |
scrike | Verb. To cry. Also skrike. E.g."She scrikes that much she actually takes a box of tissues to the cinema." [Northern Dialect] |
scrikey | Adj. Tearful. [Northern use] |
scrote | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. 2. An abb. of scrotum. 3. A young criminal. Derog. [Police use] |
scrotty | Adj. Unpleasant, dirty. |
scrubber | Noun. 1. A coarse and sexually amenable or promiscuous woman. Derog. 2. An untidy, slovenly woman. Derog. |
scrub round | Verb. To avoid or disregard (something). E.g."If you haven't got the time to complete the whole section, scrub around the latter part." {Informal} |
scrub up well | Vrb phrs. To dress up smartly and clean, in comparison to normally. E.g."Dont worry about me showing you up, I scrub up well and won't be wearing my jeans." |
scruff | Noun. An unkempt or dirty person. {Informal} |
scruffs | Noun. Less important clothes in which one relaxes or completes tasks likely to dirty or ruin them. E.g."I can't come for a meal immediately, I'm still in my scruffs." |
scrummy | Adj. Delicious, pleasant, occasionally sexually appealing. Derived from the informal scrumptious. |
scrump | Verb. To steal fruit from a garden or orchard. {Informal} |
scrumping | Noun. The act of stealing fruit from an orchard or garden. E.g."We went scrumping at the weekend and got ourselves 4 kilos of apples." {Informal} |
scud mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. Also scud book. See 'in the scud'. [Orig. Scottish] |
scuds | Noun. Underwear. |
scuffer | Noun. A policeman. [Liverpool use] |
scum | Noun. A worthless person or persons. Derog. {Informal} |
scumbag | Noun. 1. A general term of abuse for a despicable or objectionable person. 2. A sleazy person. * Orig. meaning a condom, a contraceptive sheath. |
scumbucket | Noun. Meaning the same as 'scumbag'. |
scummer | Noun. A person from Southampton. Derog. [Portsmouth use] |
scundered | Adj. To be embarrassed. E.g."I was totally scundered when my girlfriend caught me playing with myself." [Irish use] |
scunner | Noun. 1. A nuisance, an objectionable person. [Scottish use] 2. Something objectionable or that's a nuisance. [Scottish use] |
scunt | Noun. A contemptible person. |
scupper | Verb. To thwart, to prevent from succeeding. E.g."Don't scupper your chances of passing your driving test by having a beer first." {Informal} |
scut | Noun. A sexually promiscuous woman. [Merseyside use?] |
scutch | Verb. Sting or smart from a slap. [Runcorn/North-west use] |
scutter | Noun. A slovenly woman. [Midlands use?] |
scuzzbucket | Noun. 1. A despicable or objectionable person. 2. A sleazy person. |
scuzzy | Adj. Filthy, dirty, unkempt. |
seconds out | Phrs. Usually stated by a third party, and jocularly announcing the imminent onset of trouble between two parties. From boxing. |
see a man about a dog | Vrb phrs. An euphemism to avoid telling of your true destination, often in reply to an awkward question. Is commonly used as a euphemism for going to the toilet. |
seeing to | Noun. 1. A sexual act. E.g."I wouldn't mind giving him a good seeing to, he's gorgeous." 2. A beating. |
seen! | Exclam. OK! Understood! Right! [London use] |
see one's arse | Vrb phrs. To get upset, to lose one's temper. E.g."You might want to avoid Dave for a few hours, he's seen his arse and is no mood to talk to anyone." [Mainly Yorkshire use] |
see to | Verb. To have sexual intercourse. E.g."I was seeing to her when her mother arrived home." |
see you (!) | Vrb phrs./Exclam. Goodbye. Also as see ya. E.g."Right, I'm off home, see you!" {Informal} |
see you next Tuesday | Phrs. A veiled insult, working on the approximate creation of the acronym, CUNT. From See (C) you (U) next (N) Tuesday (T). |
selfie | Noun. A photograph taken of oneself, often for use on social media. {Informal} |
sell (someone) a pup | Verb. To deceive, to swindle, usually in a business transaction. E.g."I brought a car from a back street dealer and was sold a pup. It broke down before I even got home." {Informal} |
semi | Noun. A half erect penis. An abb. of semi-erection. [1990s] |
sen | Pron. Self, or oneself. Usually in expressions such as yoursen, meaning yourself. E.g."Did you carry that huge box all by yoursen?" [Yorks use/dialect] |
send up | Noun. A parody, an act of mocking or satire. {Informal} Verb. To mock, to parody, to make fun of. E.g."He spent the evening sending up his guests, who then all left early." {Informal} |
senga | Noun. A young, poorly educated female who wears casual sportswear and is of working class upbringing. The female equivalent of a 'ned'. Derog. Cf 'chav'. [Scottish/Glasgow use] |
seppo | Noun. A person from the U.S.A.. Abbreviated and altered form of 'septic', see below. |
septic | Noun. A person from the U.S.A.. From the rhyming slang septic tank meaning Yank. |
sesh | Noun. A period of drinking or drug taking. Abbr. of session. |
set of wheels | Noun. A vehicle or a wheeled means of transport. |
seven shades of shit | Noun. That which can be beaten out of someone, see 'beat seven shades of shit out of someone'. |
sex on a stick | Noun. A slim, sexually attractive woman. |
sex on legs | Noun. A sexually desirable person, usually applied to women. |
sexpot | Noun. A person who is sexually very attractive, or very interested in sex. {Informal} |
sex wee | Noun. Ejaculate, semen. |
shade | Adj. Unfair, questionable, disreputable, dubious. Probably from shady. |
shaft | Verb. 1. To fornicate. Male terminology. [1940s] 2. To con, treat unfairly. Noun. The penis. |
shag | Verb. 1. To copulate, to have sex. Less coarse than 'fuck'. E.g."The first night we met we shagged all night." [1800s] 2. To wear out, to break. E.g."You'll shag it up if you keep hitting it with that hammer." Noun. 1. An act of fornication. 2. A hassle. E.g."It's such a shag, having to get the early train; I'm not even usually awake at that time in the morning." 3. A term of address for a friend. [Staffordshire use] |
shagbag | Noun. A sexually amenable or available woman. Derog. |
shaggability | Noun. A measure of a person's sexual desirability. Also shagability. E.g."He had a general air of shaggability about him, he was truly gorgeous!" |
shaggable | Adj. Sexually desirable. Also shagable. |
shagged | Adj. Worn out, exhausted, broken. Also often combined with out or up. E.g."I'm shagged out after my 26 mile run." |
shagging | Noun. Sexual intercourse. |
shag out | Verb. To wear out, to tire out. E.g."He shagged out the engine by forgetting to top up the oil." |
shagtastic | Adj. 1. Sexually desirable, sexy. 2. Excellent, wonderful, by extension of meaning 1. E.g."It was a shagtastic Ferrari." |
shake a leg! | Exclam. Hurry up! Move! E.g."Come on you two, shake a leg! We have to get to the station before 6." |
shake hands with the unemployed | Vrb phrs. To urinate, male usage. |
shake one's lettuce | Vrb phrs. Of females, to urinate. E.g."She got caught on CCTV shaking her lettuce behind a car." |
shambolic | Adj. In a mess, disorganised, chaotic, mismanaged. {Informal} |
shampoo | Noun. Champagne. |
shan | Adj. Unfair. [North-east use] Verb. To embarrass. Also see 'shant' (verb). [Cumbria use] |
shank | Verb. To stab with a knife. E.g."My mate got shanked outside the club by these drunken louts from out of town." |
Shanks's pony | Noun. On foot, walking. E.g."Looks like we've missed the bus, so it's Shanks's pony or wait another hour for the next bus." {Informal} |
shant | Noun. A drink, usually alcohol, and especially beer. Verb. Embarrassed - past tense of 'shan'. [Cumbria use] |
Sharon and Tracy | Noun. A disparaging name for females considered to be working class, unintelligent and vulgarly dressed, generally below the social standards acceptable to the user of the phrase. Each name can be heard used individually to imply the same. Derog./Offens. |
sharpish | Adj. Quickly. E.g."You had better hurry to shops pretty damned sharpish, before they close" |
shart | Verb. To break wind, from the anus, and to inadvertently defecate at the same time. A combination of the words 'shit' and 'fart'. E.g."It was so embarrassing, I sharted in front of my mother-in-law." |
shat | Verb. To have defecated, the past tense of 'shit'. E.g."I shat my pants when I saw the size of him, he was very scary." |
shattered | Adj. Worn out, exhausted. {Informal} |
shaven haven | Noun. A depilated pubic region, usually of women, and viewed as sexually desirable. |
Shaz /Shazza | Noun. A form of the name Sharon, see 'Sharon and Tracy'. Can be derog. |
shebang | Noun. A thing, event or matter of concern, often in the phrase the whole shebang. [Orig. U.S. Late 1800s] |
shed | Noun. Something dilapidated. Cf. 'shed on wheels'. |
shedded | Adj. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
shed load (of something) | Noun. A large quantity of (something). E.g."If you want tunes on vinyl, go down Oldham Street, there's a shed load of record shops there." |
shed on wheels | Noun. A dilapidated vehicle. Cf. 'shed'. |
sheepshagger | Noun. A ruralised person. Derog. |
sheesh! | Exclam. Used to express exasperation, surprise. E.g."Sheesh! That was a surprise, I never expected to win the lottery." [Orig. U.S.] |
sheet | Noun. Paper money, monetary notes. E.g."My new computer cost me 800 sheets." |
shell out | Verb. To pay up, to hand over, usually money. E.g."I shelled out over £1000 for that holiday." {Informal} |
sherbet | Noun. An alcoholic drink. Also sherbert. E.g."I think we should go down to the bar, get in some sherbets and then hit a nightclub." |
sherbet (dab) | Noun. A taxi. Rhyming slang on cab. (1990s?) |
sherman | Noun. An act of masturbation. Cockney rhyming slang on sherman tank, rhyming with 'wank'. [1940s] |
sheila | Noun. A woman. Stereotypical but jocular use when impersonating Australians and their vernacular. [Orig. Aust.] |
shift | Verb. 1. To move quickly. E.g."You should have seen him shift when I told him they were giving away free beer downstairs." {Informal} 2. To consume large amounts of drink or food. E.g."We shifted some beer last night." {Informal} |
shift oneself | Verb. A request to move oneself. Used in imper. E.g."Will you shift yourself so I can vacuum the lounge." {Informal} |
shift one's arse | Vrb phrs. To move out of the way or to hurry up. E.g."Come on, shift your arse and help me tidy up, my parents will be here soon." |
shiner | Noun. A black eye. {Informal} |
shirt | Noun. A male nightclubber whose ideal night out will be to drink excessively, make sexual advances towards women and complete the night with a drunken brawl. Invariably their attire includes a dressy shirt, often without a tie. |
shirtlifter | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
shirty | Adj. Ill-tempered. E.g."Pete got all shirty with me when I didn't invite him for dinner." {Informal} |
shit (!) | Noun. 1. Faeces. E.g."OK, who's got shit on their shoes?" [1500s] 2. An act of defecation. E.g."I'll be with you in 5 minutes, I just need to have a shit and clean my teeth." 3. A contemptible or obnoxious person. E.g."He's an irritating little shit who doesn't know when to shut up." [1500s] 4. Rubbish, nonsense, a bad thing, something worthless. [Late 1800s] 5. Cannabis or marijuana. 6. Miscellaneous items. E.g."Come on, get your shit together, the taxi's due in 5 minutes." Verb. To defecate. E.g."I do my best thinking when I'm on my own, actually usually when I'm shitting." Exclam. An exclamation of frustration or anger. |
shit-a-brick! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or annoyance. |
shit-all | Adj. Nothing at all. Cf. 'fuck-all', 'sod-all'. |
shitbag | Noun. A contemptible or obnoxious person. |
shitbox | Noun. 1. The anus. 2. A contemptible thing, place or person. |
shit bricks | Vrb phrs. To be terrified, very scared. Cf. 'shit one's pants' and 'brick it'. |
shitcunt | Noun. A contemptible, worthless person. Also shit-cunt. |
shite | Noun / Verb. See 'shit'. [Orig. Northern use. 1800s] |
shit eater | Noun. A contemptible person. Also shiteater. |
shitehawk | Noun. 1. A despicable person. 2. A seagull. |
shitepipe | Noun. The anus. [Mainly Scottish/Northern use] |
shiter | Noun. The anus. A variation on 'shitter' (noun 1). |
shitey | Adj. See 'shitty'. |
shitface | Noun. A contemptible person. Also shit-face. |
shitfaced | Adj. 1 Drunk, intoxicated. [1940s] 2. Intoxicated with drugs. |
shit for brains | Noun. A particularly stupid person, a contemptible person. |
shithead | Noun. An contemptible person. Also shit-head. |
shit heap | Noun. An object or place that's dirty, unsightly, unreliable, of poor quality. Cf. 'heap of shit'. |
shit hits the fan | Phrs. As 'when the shit hits the fan', it warns that severe consequences will be felt when the results of actions are discovered. Alternatively, in such phrases as "the shit will hit the fan when she discovers Ibroke her favourite vase". See 'when the shit hits the fan'. |
shit-hot | Adj. Excellent, the best, extremely good. Also shit hot. |
shithouse | Noun. 1. A messy or dirty domicile. 2. A lavatory. Originally a shithouse was an externally accessed toilet, before the advent of an inside lavatory. 3. A despicable person. |
shithousery | Noun. Behaviour used to gain an advantage by unacceptable or unfair means. E.g."I've never seen such shithousery as I saw in the final few minutes of the game." |
shit it down | Vrb. phrs. To rain heavily. E.g."As it was shitting it down we stayed in all weekend." |
shit kicker | Noun. A rural person, usually a farm worker. Also shitkicker. [Orig U.S.?] |
shitless | Adj. Very frightened. Usually preceded by the word bored or scared. See 'scared shitless' and 'bore shitless'. |
shit load (of something) | Noun. Many, a large number of. Also shitload. E.g."It was a great New Year party - there was shit loads of free wine and some really lovely people." |
shitloads | Adj. A large amount. |
shitlist | Adj. A list, albeit frequently hyperthetical, of people or places one finds unacceptable or unpopular. E.g."He's on my shitlist after cheating on my sister." |
shit on a raft | Noun. A meal, specifically kidneys on toast. [Navy use] |
shit on a stick (!) | Exclam. Expression of surprise. Noun. Something, or someone, important or exceptional. E.g."Go buy that new tune, it really is shit on a stick." |
shit one's pants | Vrb phrs. To be terrified. Used metaphorically for when in extreme terror the bowels are uncontrollably voided. E.g."He was shitting his pants when he heard the police had warrant out for his arrest." |
shit on (someone) | Verb. To betray, to land someone in trouble. E.g."I know it was you who shitted on him, so don't pretend you're his best friend" |
shit out | Verb. To act cowardly, to change one's mind out of fear. E.g."They shitted out of coming once they saw the weather forecast." |
shits | Noun. Diarrhoea. E.g."I can't come out to the pub, I've got the shits." |
shit-scared | Adj. Very frightened. Cf. 'shit bricks'. |
shitshow | Noun.A disasterous and disorganised event or situation. |
shit (somone) | Verb. To deceive or tease. E.g."Are you shitting me? Or is that the truth?" |
shit-stabber | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
shitstain | Noun. A contemptible person. Also as shit-stain. Derog. |
shit stirrer | Noun. An insidious gossip, a person whose malicious words and actions cause problems for others. |
shit stirring | Noun. Trouble making, for the sake of it. |
shit stoppers | Noun. 1. Very narrow, tight fitting jeans. [North use] 2. Tracksuit (sweatsuit) bottoms with elasticated ankles. [North use] |
shitstorm | Noun. A confused, frightening or controversial situation. [Orig U.S.] |
shitter | Noun. 1. The anus. 2. A toilet. 3. A contemptible person. |
shit the bed! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
shit ticket | Noun. Toilet paper. |
shitting * | Adj. 1. A general intensifier. E.g."Did you see the shitting size of that man." 2. A general term of abuse. E.g."When shitting lawyers charge you a fortune for a consultation only to then say they don't think you have case." Also as shiteing. |
shitting hell! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, annoyance or frustration. Almost invariably it'll be heard pronounced shittin'ell! |
shit-tip | Noun. A mess. E.g."Tommy, you're not going to Macdonalds until you tidy your bedroom, it's a bloody shit-tip!" |
shitty | Adj. 1. Worthless, trashy. 2. Covered in faeces or excrement. 3. Dirty, filthy. 4. Contemptible, despicable. 5. Uncomfortable, unpleasent. E.g."We had a shitty night's sleep." 6. Insignificant, trivial. E.g."It was a shitty little car that could only seat 4 people, and uncomfortably at that." |
shit up | Verb. 1. To terrify, to scare. E.g."I was so shitted up I had to sleep with my bedroom light on." 2. To make dirty. E.g."I shitted up my new shoes walking the dog in the woods." |
shizzle my nizzle! | Exclam. For sure, certainly, without doubt. Cf. 'fo' shizzle!'. [Orig. U.S./black] |
shlepp | Verb. See 'schlep'. |
shock horror! | Exclam. That's not surprising. An ironic exclamation. |
shonky | Adj. Dubious, unreliable, underhand. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
shoogle | Verb. To shake gently, to shake off, to joggle, to move back and forth. [Mainly Scottish use] |
shoot! | Exclam. A euphemism for 'shit'. [Orig. U.S.] |
shoot blanks | Verb. Of a man, to be sterile. Cf. 'fire blanks'. |
shoot off | Verb. To leave quickly, to hurriedly go. E.g."I'm just going to shoot off down to the post office before it closes." |
shoot one's load | Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen. E.g."He shot his load all over her chest and expected her to like it." [1800s] |
shoot one's mouth off | Vrb. phrs. To talk carelessly, indiscreetly or irresponsibly, to boast or brag. Cf.'shout one's mouth off'. |
shoot one's wad | Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen. E.g."I was furious! He shot his wad and then immediately fell asleep on top of me." |
shoot-up | Verb. To inject a drug. |
shop | Verb. To tell or inform on. E.g."I shopped him to the police and he got sent down for 5 years." [1890s] |
shopping | Noun. 1. A euphemism for illicit drugs as brought from a drug dealer. 2. Shoplifting. [Criminal use] |
short and curlies | Noun. Basically the term refers to pubic hairs, however it is used figuratively in having got someone by the short and curlies - having complete power over someone. Orig military use. [1930s] |
short-arse | Noun. A person who is small in stature. Derog. |
shot | Adj. Worn out, exhausted. {Informal} |
shotgun | Verb. A way of smoking cannabis/marijuana between two people, with one person blowing and the other inhaling. |
shoulda | Verb. Should have. Also as shouldda. E.g."We shoulda gone on the other road, via the bypass, it's quicker." {Informal} |
shout | Noun. A round of drinks. E.g."Go on, get to the bar you lazy sod, it's your shout." |
shout one's mouth off | Vrb. phrs. To talk carelessly, indiscreetly or irresponsibly, to boast or brag. |
shout-out | Noun. A mentioning of a person verbally or in writing, as a method of showing respect. Often heard used on the radio by DJ's replacing the previously popular request. [1990s] |
shout the odds | Vrb phrs. To aggressively and verbally express one's opinions. E.g."Coming in here, shouting the odds and expecting everyone to like you! What an idiot!" {Informal} |
shovel (and pick) | Noun. Prison. Rhyming slang on 'nick' (noun 2). |
shove it! | Exclam. A dismissive exclamation of anger. |
shove it up your arse! | Exclam. An exclamation of contempt. |
shove off (!) | Verb. Go away. Often heard as an imperative exclamation. |
showboat | Verb. To show off, to ostentatiously display one's skills. {Informal} |
showboating | Noun. Showing off, pretentiously displaying one's skills and abilities. {Informal} |
shower | Noun. A derogatory and all encompassing term for a contemptible person(s). An abbreviated form of 'shower of shite'. |
shower of shite/shit | Noun. Contemptible worthless person, persons or things. E.g."It has been said that this dictionary is a shower of shit." |
shrammed | Adj. Cold, frozen. Also occasionally numbed by extension of being frozen. [South-west use/dialect] |
shrapnel | Noun. Money in the form of loose change, coins not notes. |
shreddies | Noun. Underwear. |
shrimp | Verb. To lick, suck and kiss the toes for sexual gratification. E.g."I dont know how people can be into shrimping, imagine how smelly people's feet get." Noun. A small, thin, feeble and objectionable person. Cf. 'prawn'. |
shrink | Noun. A psychiatrist. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
shrooms | Noun. Mushrooms, often with regard to 'magic mushrooms', the hallucinogenic psilocybin. Cf. 'mushies'. |
shufflebutt | Noun. A fidgety, restless person. |
shufty | Noun. A look, a glance. Also shufti and shoofty. Derived from the Arabic sufti, meaning have you seen. E.g."Have a shufty at the copyright laws before you think about using this slang dictionary on your own website." [1940s] {Informal} |
shut it! | Exclam. Be quiet! Shut up! |
shut your face! | Exclam. Shut your mouth! Shut up! Be quiet! There are several variations, including shut your gob, shut your trap, shut your cake-hole and shut your pie-hole. E.g."If you don't shut your gob I'll shut it for you!" |
sick! | Exclam. Excellent! Good! |
sick as a parrot | Phrs. Depressed, upset, very disappointed. |
sickie | Noun. A period away from work with illness, and usually without just medical cause. Cf. 'throw a sickie'. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] {Informal}. |
sicko | Noun. A disturbing and unstable person, a pervert. Derog. |
side | Noun. Boastfulness, arrogance. Usually in negative, e.g."He's a nice man, honest and down to earth, and there's no side to him." {Informal} |
sign one's pants | Vrb phrs. To urgently need to defecate. E.g."Quick! Let me in the toilet will you! I've just signed my pants." |
sike | Noun/Verb. Alternative spelling of psyche, as in psyche out. E.g."He was really siked out by my staring at him all night." |
sile down | Verb. To rain heavily. From sile meaning sieve. E.g."You'll need an umbrella, it's siling down out there." [Yorks/Lincs use] |
silent but deadly | Phrs. Describing the silent emmision of wind from the anus, a 'fart', that is particularly bad smelling. Cf. S.B.D. [1960s] |
silent but violent | Phrs. The same as 'silent but deadly', see above. |
silly billy | Noun. Affectionate name for a foolish person. |
silly bugger | Noun. An idiot, a fool. Cf. 'play silly beggars/buggers'. |
silly cow | Noun. A foolish woman. See 'cow' (noun 1). Cf. 'silly moo'. |
silly moo | Noun. A foolish woman. Often jocular use. Cf. 'silly cow'. |
silly sausage | Noun. A foolish person. Jocular but affectionate usage. |
single fish | Noun. An act of urination. Rhyming slang on 'pish', meaning 'piss'. [Scottish use] |
siphon the python | Vrb phrs. Of males, to urinate. Also 'syphon the python'. |
sissy | Noun. An effeminate, weak, or cowardly person. Derog. {Informal} |
sister | Noun. 1. A term of address between women. 2. A term of address for a black woman. [Black use] |
sitter | Noun. In sport, an easy catch or goal, that results in points being scored, a certainty. {Informal} |
six-pack | Noun. Strong and evident abdominal muscles. [Orig. U.S.] |
sixpence short of a shilling | Phrs. Crazy, eccentric. |
sixty-nine (69) | Noun. A couple's simultaneous oral stimulation of each others genitals during sex. Being representative of the shape two bodies are in such a position. Verb. To have oral sex in the manner of the noun, above. E.g."It was a wild party, there was a couple sixty-nining each other in the garden." |
size queen | Noun. A gay male with a sexual preference for partners with large genitalia. |
skag | Noun. Heroin. Also spelt 'scag'. |
skaghead | Noun. A heroin addict. Derog. See 'skag'. |
skanger | Noun. A young, working class person who dresses in casual sportswear. Cf. 'chav'. [Irish/Dublin use] |
skank | Verb. To steal, thieve. E.g."Someone's skanked my cigarettes and it was nearly a full packet!" Noun. Someone or something disgusting, or unpleasant. E.g."He's a bit of a skank, not washing for 5 days and then expecting Debbie to sleep with him." |
skanky | Adj. Dirty, unnattractive, ugly, smelly. |
skanky pants | Noun. Dirty, or disgusting, lingerie or underwear. Also occasionally skanky panties, but this is more U.S.. |
skate | Noun. A person from Portsmouth. Derog. [Mainly Southampton use] |
skedaddle | Verb. To move, to go away. {Informal} |
skeen | Exclam. O.K.! Understood! [London use/2000s?] |
skeg | Noun. A look at. E.g."Give us a skeg at your paper, I need to check the racing results." (Hull/Yorkshire use) |
skelf | Noun. A splinter. [Scottish/N.Irish use] |
skelp | Verb. To smack, slap, strike or beat. E.g."I'll skelp his backside if he doesn't do his homework before playing on that games console." [Mainly Northern and Scottish use/1500s] |
skerret | Noun. A tiny amount, a fragment. A derivative of 'skerrick'. |
skerrick | Noun. A small amount, a fragment. E.g."Would you believe it, it was a wedding but we didn't get a skerrick to eat and went home starving." Cf. 'skerret'. [Early 1800s] |
sket | Noun. A promiscuous woman. Derog. (South-east use) |
skew-whiff | Adj. Out of alignment, incorrect. {Informal} |
-ski | Suffix. Added to a word to humourously imitate a Russian word. Also as sky. E.g."Right I'm offski before my I miss my buski." |
skid-lid | Noun. A motorcycle helmet. Also skidlid. |
skidmark | Noun. A faecal smear or stain. Frequently with regard to one's undergarments. [1900s] |
skids | Noun. 1. Underwear, underpants, knickers. 2. Excrement smears or stains, usually with respect to one's underpants. Abbr. of 'skidmark'. |
skin | Noun. 1. A skinhead. 2. A sister. Rhyming slang on 'skin and blister'. Verb. To roll up a cannabis/marijuana cigarette. Abbr. of 'skin up'. |
skin and blister | Noun. Sister. Cockney rhyming slang. |
skin diver | Noun. A five pound (sterling) note. Rhyming slang on 'fiver'. |
skin flute | Noun. The penis. |
skinful | Noun. A sufficient quantity of alcohol to make one drunk. E.g."I'm not driving anywhere; I've had a skinful and the police are out in force." {Informal} |
skinny | Noun. Information, details. E.g."What's the skinny with that new man in accounts?" |
skins | Noun. Cigarette papers, often referring to those used in the construction of a 'joint'. |
skint | Adj. Having no money, poor. |
skin up | Verb. To roll or build a cannabis/marijuana cigarette. E.g."Anyone who was spotted skinning up was arrested and given a police warning." |
skirt | Noun. A woman or women. Cf. 'bit of skirt'. Derog. |
skit | Verb. To make fun of, to tease. [Merseyside use] |
skitters | Noun. A bout of diarrhoea. E.g."I'm not coming into work today, I've got the skitters." |
skive | Noun. An evasion of one's tasks and responsibilities, a period of shirking. Verb. To evade doing one's work or duties, to truant. E.g."Every Friday afternoon you can guarantee he'll be skiving and getting drunk down the pub." |
skive off | Verb. Meaning the same as 'skive' (verb). E.g."There's nothing clever about skiving off from school" |
skiver | Noun. A shirker, one who evades doing their work or duties. |
skivvies | Noun. Underwear, particularly with reference to pants. [Orig. U.S.] |
skivvy | Noun. A servant for menial tasks. Derog. {Informal} |
skoosh * | Noun. 1. A squirt of cream from an aerosol. 2. Something very easy. E.g."That exam was a skoosh! I knew all the answers." 3. A carbonated drink. * All uses are Scottish. |
skrike | Verb. See 'scrike'. |
skullfuck | Verb. To actively perform sexual intercourse with a person using their mouth. [Orig U.S.] |
skun | Verb. Past tense of 'skin' (verb), i.e. skinned. E.g."Rob skun up a joint last night that was 9 inches long!" |
skunk | Noun. 1. A popular type of very strong marijuana, characterized by its pungent smell, hence its name. 2. A person from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and more particularly a supporter of Newcastle football club. From the team's colours, black and white stripes, and as a derogatory term due to the fact that skunks 'smell'. Derog. [Mainly Sunderland use] |
skunkweed | Noun. A type of very strong marijuana. See 'skunk'. |
sky (rocket) | Noun. Pocket. Rhyming slang. [Late 1800s] |
skypilot | Noun. A priest, vicar or similar preacher of religion. |
slacker | Noun. A person who shirks work or avoids exertion. {Informal} |
slag | Noun. 1. A prostitute or promiscuous woman. Also occasionally heard with reference to such men. Derog. 2. A contemptible person. Verb To put down, verbally. Meaning the same as 'slag off'. |
slag (someone) off | Verb. To verbally put down someone or something. E.g."If you are going to persistently slag off your friends you soon won't have any left to upset." |
slag tag | Noun. A tattoo located at the base of the spine, usually spread across the width of the back and often tribal in style. Cf. 'tramp stamp'. |
slam dancing | Adj. An aggressive and physical dance style adopted by thrash metal fans, originating with second generation punks in the early 1980s. Cf. 'moshing'. |
slap | Noun. Cosmetic make-up. Originally from theatrical usage. See 'slap-up' (verb). Verb. To beat-up, hit, thump. E.g."I'm going to slap that bastard if he doesn't shut up." |
slap and tickle | Noun. Playful sexual activity. {Informal} |
slaphead | Noun. A balding person. |
slapper | Noun. 1. A sexually promiscuous woman. Derog. 2. A contemptible woman. |
slapping the monkey | Noun. Masturbating. E.g."How are you going to catch up on your sleep if you're lying there slapping the monkey all night?" |
slappy | Noun. A pie sandwich. Usually a meat pie on a bread bun. [Wigan use] |
slap the monkey | Verb. To masturbate. |
slap-up | Verb. To apply cosmetic make-up. Adj. Extravagent and sumptuous. Usually applied to meals, feasts or dinner. E.g."It's my birthday so we're off out for a slap-up meal, and I'm paying!" {Informal} |
slash | Verb. To urinate. Noun. An act of urination. |
slaughtered | Adj. 1. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs. 2. Exhausted, worn out. |
slay (!) | Adj./Exclam. Excellent, great. From jazz usage in the 1920's meaning to impress via effectively saying you kill me; standard English usage, to strike or smite so as to kill. [Orig. U.S.] |
sleazebag | Noun. A despicable, sleazy, fawning person. [Orig. U.S.] |
sleazeball | Noun. Meaning the same as 'sleazebag'. |
sledge | Verb.From taking drugs, to be mentally incapacitated, and consequently physically. E.g."I just sat there sledging in the corner, unable to dance." [1990s] |
sleekit | Adj. 1. Smooth, shiny. Possibly from S.E. sleek. E.g."She had long sleekit hair." [Scottish use] 2. Crafty, sneaky. E.g."He was a sleekit wee chap when he was young." [Scottish use] |
slimeball | Noun. A repugnant person. Also shortened to slime. |
sling one's hook | Vrb phrs. To go away. Also, less commonly, take one's hook. E.g."You're not coming in here, sling your hook before I call for security." |
slip (someone) a length | Vrb phrs. Of males, to have sex. See 'length'. |
slit | Noun. The vagina. [1600s] |
Sloane | Noun. A young, fashionable, upper-class person, usually a woman, living in London. Abbr. of Sloane Ranger. {Informal} [1970s] |
Sloanie | Noun. See 'Sloane'. Adj. Of or like a Sloane (Ranger), see 'sloane'. |
slob | Noun. A uncouth, unsavoury and lazy person. {Informal} Verb. To act in the manner of a slob. E.g."Are you going slob all day, or do something useful for a change." |
slob about /around | Verb. To act lazily, doing very little. E.g."His father used to slob around and never do any housework, it's why I left him." See 'slob' (verb). |
slobberchops | Noun. A name for a person with a particularly salivery mouth. Derog, but often used affectionately |
slob out | Verb. See 'slob' (verb). |
slog one's guts out | Vrb phrs. To work very hard. |
slo-mo | Adj. Slowly. Abbr. of slow-motion. |
slop out | Verb. To empty a prison chamber pot. E.g."Britain is full of old fashioned prisons where inmates are still expected to use chamber pots and complete the process of slopping out each morning." [Prison use] |
sloppy seconds | Noun. A subsequent indulgence in an activity by a second person involving an exchange of bodily fluids. This may involve the sharing of drink, or more often it applies to a sexual nature. E.g."I'm not having sloppy seconds, I want to shag her first." |
sloshed | Adj. Drunk. [1900s] |
slot | Verb. Hurt, injure, stab, shoot. E.g."I slotted that bastard last year, and he spent 3 weeks in hospital." [Mainly Army use] |
slum-it | Verb. To live without the usual pleasures. |
slummock | Noun. A dirty, untidy or lazy person. {Informal} Verb. To behave in a lazy and unkempt fashion. {Informal} |
slummy | Noun. Loose change. [Liverpool use] |
sluts wool | Noun. Clumped dust that has accumulated at the edge of rooms and under furniture. A dated expression and rarely heard, with the slut in this sense referring to a slovenly woman. Cf. 'dust bunnies'. [Mid 1800s] |
slutty | Adj. Sexually promiscuous. Derog. |
smack | Noun. Heroin. Derived from the Yiddish schmeck. [Orig. U.S. Mid 1940s] |
smacked up | Adj. On the drug heroin, or occasionally just generally on drugs. See 'smack'. |
smacker | Noun. 1. A loud kiss. From the noise it might make. 2. One pound sterling, although usually in the plural. E.g."She still owes me 40 smackers from last week." 3. A strong physical blow. E.g."I caught him a right smacker on his jaw." |
smackeroos | Noun. Meaning the same as 'smacker' (Noun 2), but with a more lighthearted slant. E.g."I can't wait to get my hands on all those lovely smackeroos when I collect my winnings." |
smackhead | Noun. A heroin addict, junkie. Derog. |
smackie | Noun. Heroin addict. From 'smack', meaning heroin. E.g."If I was you I wouldnt go in the park after dark, it's usually full of smackies." [Orig. Aust.?] |
smack out | Verb. To succumb to an excessive indulgence in recreational drugs, to become stupified by drugs. Originally referring this state when high on heroin. E.g."I was so smacked out I fell asleep where I was. Although waking up under the kitchen table was a bit of a surprise." See 'smack'. |
smacktard | Noun. An incompetent person. Used frequently within the online gaming community. Possibly derived from either smack the retard or retard on smack. See 'smack'. |
small potatoes | Noun. An insignificant amount, often with regard to money. |
smalls | Noun. Small items of clothing, usually underwear. E.g."There were dirty smalls all over the floor - it was a typical teenager's bedroom." |
smarmy | Adj. Obsequious, condescendingly flattering. {Informal} |
smart-arse | Noun. A person who smuggly displays their intelligence. |
smart-arsed | Adj. Smuggly displaying one's cleverness. |
smarty-pants | Noun. A know-all. Also smartie-pants. {Informal} |
smashed | Adj. Very intoxicated with drink or drugs. |
smashing | Adj./Adv. Excellent, brilliant, wonderful. E.g."We had a smashing time at the circus, and I'd definitely go again." {Informal} |
smashingly | Adv. Very well, without any problems. E.g."Yes we had a great time, the holiday went smashingly, with lovely weather and no-one fell out." |
smash in someone's backdoor | Vrb phrs. To have anal sexual with someone. Frequently used aggressively and with a suggestion of non-consensual sex. Also as kick in someone's backdoor. E.g." I smashed in her backdoor and she actually seemed to enjoy it." |
smash it | Verb. To overwhelmingly succeed at a task, to be successful. E.g."Doesn't it make you feel good when you know you're smashing it." |
smash someone's pasty | Vrb phrs. To have sexual intercourse, with a female. E.g."She's gorgeous, I'd smash her pasty." [North-east use] |
smeg | Noun. Abbr. of smegma. Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance. |
smeggy | Adj. Unsavoury, horrible. The word derives from smegma. |
smeghead | Noun. An idiot, an objectionable person. Popularized on Red Dwarf, a British sit-com, for the humorous usage. Also smeg head. [Orig. Liverpool?] |
smellies | Noun. Scented toiletries and perfumes. |
smell like a whore's handbag | Vrb phrs. To smell strongly of cheap perfume. Also as smell like a whore's boudoir. E.g."Oh my god! You can't go out smelling like a whore's handbag." |
smelly | Noun. A biker, usually unkempt, long haired, and a listener of rock music. Derog. |
smelly-bridge | Noun. The perineum. The area bridging one smelly place to another (the genitals to the anus). |
smidge | Noun. A little, a small amount. An abbreviated form of 'smidgeon'. |
smidgeon | Noun. A little, a small amount. Also as smidgen. {Informal} |
smoggy | Noun. A person from Middlesbrough. From the area's heavy industry and resulting polution. Derog. Cf. 'smog-monster'. [Mainly North-east use] |
smog-monster | Noun. A person from Middlesbrough. Term not used by the locals of Middlesbrough. Derog. Cf. 'smoggy'. [Mainly North-east use] |
smoke | Noun. 1. A cigarette. 2. Also cannabis or marijuana. E.g."Have you got any smoke for tonight." 3. London, the city. Always phrased as the smoke. |
smoke a pink cigar | Vrb phrs. To fellate. See 'pink cigar'. |
smoking | Adj. Excellent, attractive. [Orig. U.S.] |
smoothie | Noun. A person who is over stylish and suave. {Informal} |
smuggling peanuts | Phrs. Of a woman, having erect and prominant nipples apparent through her clothing. Cf. 'peanut smuggling'. |
snaffle | Verb. To grab, seize or steal. E.g."The apple pie was delicious, so I snaffled an extra portion when the cook wasn't watching." {Informal} |
SNAFU | Noun. A bad situation, a mistake, a foul-up. Acronym of situation normal all fucked up. [Orig. U.S. 1940s] |
snail-mail | Noun. Post, surface mail. Jocular expression coined with the advent of the speedier and generally immediate email. [1990s] |
snail-trail | Noun. A thin line of pubic hair extending from the pubic region to the navel. Cf. 'crab ladder' |
snake | Noun. An untrustworthy or deceptive person. |
snap | Noun. Food, especially a snack, occasionally a packed lunch. [Northern and Midlands use/dialect?] |
snappin | Noun. Food. [Stoke-on-Trent use] |
snarky | Adj. Irritable, bad-tempered. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
snashters | Noun. Sweets, confectionary. [Strathclyde use] |
snatch | Noun. 1. The vagina. 2. Women, as viewed sexually. |
snazzy | Adj. Smart or attractive in an ostentatious way. |
sneck | Noun. The latch of a door or gate. [Dialect? Scottish/Northern use] |
sneep | Verb. To insult, to upset. Also sneap. [Staffordshire use] |
sneeped | Adj. Hurt, offended. [Staffordshire use] |
snicket | Noun. An alleyway. [Mainly Northern use] |
snide | Adj. Fake, not genuine, occasionally can mean illicit. E.g."There's a good stall on the market that's well worth checking out. It sells snide D&G handbags." |
snided | Adj. Very crowded, busy. E.g."It was New Year's Eve, the club was hot and snided, and John wished he'd stayed at home watching TV." [Northern/N. Midlands use] |
sniffy | Adj. Contemptuous, unreasonably critical, ill-tempered, disagreeable. {Informal} |
snifter | Noun. A small drink of alcohol, usually a shot of spirits. |
snig | Noun. Nasal mucus. Often extended to sniggy. |
snippy | Adj. Critical, supercilious. {Informal} |
snirtle | Verb. To snigger. E.g."OK, quiet please, and stop snirtling at the back there or you'll have double homework." [Scottish/North use. Dialect] |
snitch | Verb. To inform on somebody. Noun. Someone who snitches. [1700s] |
snitcher | Noun. An informer. See 'snitch'. |
snockered | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. |
snog | Verb. To kiss lengthily, passionately or lustfully. E.g."There was a young couple snogging in the seats behind us, and making such slurping noises that we couldn't hear the film." Noun. A lengthy and passionate kiss. |
snog someone's face off | Vrb phrs. To kiss someone deeply and passionately. |
snook-cocking | Adj. Showing contempt. From 'cock a snook'. |
snookered | Adj. Defeated, thwarted, put in an impossible situation. From the game of snooker. |
snorker | Noun. A sausage. [Orig Aust. Mid. 1930s] |
snort | Verb. To inhale via the nose a quantity of powdered drug, such as cocaine or amphetamne. [Orig U.S.] |
snot | Noun. Nasal mucus. [s.e. from 1400s, until 1800s] Verb. To expel nasal mucus. E.g."He laughed so much that he snotted down his chin." |
snotbox | Noun. The nose. |
snot rag | Noun. A handkerchief. Also as snotrag. |
snot-rocket | Noun. A purposeful expulsion of mucus from the nose. Done by blocking one nostril with the fingers whilst blowing hard out of the other. See 'snot'. |
snotter | Noun. 1. The nose. 2. Handkerchief. Cf. 'nose blow'. |
snotty | Adj. 1. Over proud, conceited, snobbish. 2. Full of nasal mucus, as with having the ailment, a cold. |
snotty-nosed | Adj. See 'snotty' (adj.1). |
snout | Noun. 1. Tobacco, or a cigarette. E.g."Have you got a snout John? I'm gasping for a smoke." 2. An informer, particularly one for the police. |
snowballing | Noun. The sexual act of passing ejaculated semen from one person's mouth to another's. |
snowflake | Noun. A young person who is over-sensitive and easily offended. {Informal} |
snuff | Verb. To kill. E.g."He got snuffed whilst jogging in the park in the middle of the night." |
snuff-it | Verb. To die. E.g."Bing Crosby snuffed it at the ripe old age of 73, just after finishing a game of golf." |
snuff movie | Noun. A violent movie showing real murders or torture. Snuff meaning to murder or a murder. |
snug | Noun. A small room in a public house or inn, traditionally quieter, comfortable and safer than the main public bar, and sometimes used for private gatherings. |
snurge | Noun. A person who smells bicycle seats for sexual pleasure. |
soak | Noun. A drunkard. |
so-and-so | Noun. A contemptible person. {Informal} |
soap-dodger | Noun. An unkempt, dirty person. Derog. |
soapy tit wank | Noun. An act of masturbation between a woman's breasts with the use of some form of lubrication, such as soap lather Cf. 'tit wank'. |
sobs | Noun. Money. A mispronunciation of 'sovs' (sovereign, meaning £1 sterling). E.g."How many sobs did that Armani suit cost?" |
sob story | Noun. A tale or story that is told to instill pity and sympathy for the person telling it. {Informal} |
sod * | Noun. 1. A contemptible or objectionable person. 2. A pitiable person. E.g."He's just had his car stolen and his wife has just run off with the milkman, the poor sod." 3. A thing or action that is difficult or problematic. E.g. "We had a sod of a journey, getting stuck in a traffic jam at Birmingham for over 3 hours." * Abbr. of the word sodomite. |
sod about/around | Verb. To waste time, to idle away time. E.g."My son needs to find himself a job, he's been sodding around playing computer games for the last 6 months and sleeping 15 hours a day." |
sod-all | Noun. Nothing. E.g."I've done sod-all this vacation, but I still feel like I need a holiday." Adj. No. E.g."I've done sod-all work this vacation." |
social butterfly | Noun. A socially dynamic person, someone who is very active and comfortable socially and frequents many social events. {Informal} |
sodding | Adv./Adj. Used as an intensifier. E.g."It's always that sodding idiot who wakes everyone up at a god awful hour." |
sod it! | Exclam. A exclamation of exasperation, annoyance, frustration. E.g. "Sod it! I'm leaving". |
sod off | Verb. Go away, leave. Usually used in the imperative. E.g."If he doesn't sod off in the next 2 minutes I'm going to hit him." |
sod this! | Exclam. Expressing frustration, resignation, annoyance. E.g."Sod this! I've had enough." Cf. 'sod it!'. |
sod this for a game of soldiers! | Exclam. Expressing exasperation at a situation and that one is going to give up. Also as bugger/fuck this for a game of soldiers. E.g."Sod that for a game of soldiers, it's not going to work today. Let's try again tomorrow." Cf. 'sod this for a lark'. |
sod this for a lark ! | Exclam. I give up! An intolerant, impatient exclamation. Cf. 'sod this for a game of soldiers'. |
sod you! | Exclam. General exclamation of dismissal, rejection, hostility. |
sofa surfing | Noun. Being homeless and relying on the generousity of friends to provide a temporary place to sleep, often on a sofa. |
soft in the head | Phrs. Stupid, dimwitted. |
soft-lad/lass | Noun. Affectionate expression for an inept or overly sentimental male/female. |
soft soap | Verb. To flatter, especially with the intention of persuading them to do something. {Informal} |
softy | Noun. A weak, feeble or overly sentimental person. {Informal} |
soggy biscuit | Noun. A juvenile sex game in which a single biscuit is placed between a circle of masturbating males. The last male to ejaculate over the biscuit is obliged to eat it. Cf. 'sticky biscuit'. |
soldier | Noun. 1. A thin strip of bread or toast, typically used for dipping into soft boiled eggs. {Informal} 2. A friendly term of address. |
solid (!) | Adj. Excellent, great. Jazz origins. [Orig. U.S.] Exclam. Expressing approval or satisfaction. Noun. Hashish. |
sonny Jim | Noun. A condescending term of address, usually to males. Occasionally also spelt sunny Jim. |
soopy | Noun. A supermarket. Unknown spellings, perhaps also supie or supey. |
soppy | Adj. Feeble, sickly sentimental. {Informal}. |
sort | Noun. An attractive person, more frequently applied to a woman. [Mainly London/South-east use] |
sorted (!) | Exclam. An approving exclamation, brilliant, excellent. Adj. An all purpose expression of satisfaction, contentment. Commonly used to denote having the required or desired drugs. E.g."I've just been into town and got sorted for tonight's party." |
sort-out | Noun. An act of tidying up a room or one's possessions, often involving the throwing out of unwanted items. {Informal} |
sort (someone) out | Verb. 1. To beat (someone) up, to violently deal with (someone). E.g."I don't think he'll bother you again, I sorted him out." 2. To supply (someone) with drugs. E.g."I really need to have a smoke. Can you sort me out until the weekend and I'll pay you then?" |
sound | Adj. O.K., wonderful, similar to 'sorted.' |
sound as a pound | Phrs. Wonderful, excellent, correct. [Merseyside/ North-west use?] |
sounds | Noun. Tunes or music. E.g."Have you brought any new sounds for tonight's party." |
sovs | Noun. Money. Abbr. of sovereign, £1 sterling. |
sow one's oats | Vrb phrs. To have sexual intercourse, usually during a period of youthful sexual promiscuity. E.g."Ever since going to University I've been enjoying myself and sowing my oats." |
soz | Adj. Sorry. Mainly adolescent use. Also as sos. |
sozzled | Adj. Drunk. {Informal} |
SP | Noun. Abbr. starting price. Meaning information and heard in expressions such a what's the SP? meaning what's happening, or what's the information? Comes from horse racing and betting vernacular. E.g."What's the SP with the holiday accommodation? Are we staying in a hotel or an apartment?" |
spac | Noun. An imbecile, objectionable person. From spastic. Offens. |
space cadet | Noun. An eccentric person, a crazy person, a person not thinking rationally, or who is out of touch with reality. Possibly derived from 'spaced out'. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
spacecake | Noun. Cake made with the added ingredients of cannabis or marijuana. |
spaced out | Adj. Stupification resulting from the use of drugs. |
spacey | Adj. Ambient, ethereal. |
spacker | Noun. An imbecile, an objectionable person. From spastic. Cf. 'spacky'. Offens. |
spackered * | Adj. 1. Mentally or physically impaired, or resembling such. 2. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. 3. Exhausted, very tired. * From 'spacker'. Offens. |
spackhead | Noun. An idiot, contemptible person. Derived from spac. Offens. |
spacko | Noun. 1. A mentally, or occasionally physically, disabled person. Offens/Derog. 2. A clumsy, inept person. Offens. |
spacky | Adj. Idiotic, stupid. Also spaccy. From spac. Offens. |
spadger | Noun. A sparrow. [dialect] |
spaff | Noun. Semen. Verb. To ejaculate, sexually. E.g."I just had to think about her naked and I spaffed." |
spag | Noun. 1. Abbr. of spaghetti. Also spag bol, spaghetti bolognese. 2. An imbecile, socially inept person. From spastic. Offens. Cf. 'spaz'. |
spam fritter | Noun. The anus. Rhyming slang on 'shitter'. [1990s] |
spam javelin | Noun. The penis. Spam is a meat product derived from pork. |
spam valley | Noun. A poor neighbourhood or town, because the residents can only afford a poor diet, such as spam meat. [Scottish use] |
spangled | Adj. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
spaniel's ears | Noun. Saggy, flat, droopy breasts. From their vague similarity. |
Spanish archer | Noun. Rejection, exclusion, usually heard in the expression 'give someone the Spanish archer'. |
spank | Verb. 1. To move quickly and energetically. E.g."We were spanking along the motorway when an unmarked police car spotted us." 2. To beat up. E.g."My nights out aren't complete unless I've spanked a few drunken idiots." |
spanking | Adj. 1. Excellent. 2. New. Short for brand spanking new. E.g."Yeah, the car won't stay spanking for long the way he drives it." Noun. A beating. E.g." We gave them a right spanking and showed them who was boss." |
spank the monkey | Verb. To masturbate. E.g."He was spanking the monkey when his dad walked in on him." |
spanner | Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person. |
spannered | Adj. Thoroughly intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. |
spare | Noun. A sexually available, unattached person. Cf. 'bit of spare'. |
spare prick at a wedding | Noun. A useless or unwanted person. Usually heard in the expression 'like a spare prick at a wedding'. |
spare-tyre | Noun. A roll of fat around one's midrift. [1920s] {Informal} |
spark | Noun. An electrician. |
sparko | Adj. Unconscious, asleep. From 'spark out'. E.g."I was sparko for a good 12 hours after the New Year party." |
spark out | Verb. To pass out, to become unconscious, to fall asleep. E.g."That's a relief, I think the kids have finally sparked out." Adj. Unconscious, asleep, exhausted. Also sparked out. E.g."I've checked he's still breathing and so he's just spark out." |
spark up | Verb. To light a cigarette, and often with regards to a 'joint'. |
sparky | Adj. Lively and entertaining, vivacious. E.g."I thought you gave a rather sparky performance last night." {Informal} |
sparrowfart | Noun. Dawn, morning break. Cf. 'crack of sparrow's fart'. |
spasm chasm | Noun. The vagina. |
spatchcock | Verb. To add a phrase, clause or sentence in a context that is inappropriate. {Informal} |
spawny | Adj. Lucky. |
spaz | Noun. An imbecile, a socially or physically awkward person, an objectionable person. Also as spas. Derived from spastic. Offens. |
spaz chariot | Noun. 1. An invalid's car. See 'spaz'. Offens. 2. A wheelchair. Offens. |
spazmo | Noun. Imbecile, objectionable person. Derived from spastic. Offens. |
spazmobile | Noun. 1. A car for the disabled. Offens. 2. An objectionable, unstylish car. Offens. |
spaz out | Verb. To have a tantrum, lose control, become extremely emotional. E.g."She totally spazzed out, smashed the TV, broke three windows and then locked herself in the bathroom until daybreak." Offens. |
spazzy | Adj. Stupid, 2. Uncool, not fashionable. |
spearchucker | Noun. A black person. Also spear-chucker. Derog/Offens |
spec | Noun. A viewing point. Also speck. E.g."Let's go up to the top tier, it's a good spec to see the match." [Merseyside use] |
special K | Noun. The drug ketamine. |
specky-four-eyes | Noun. A juvenile name for a wearer of glasses (spectacles). Derog. |
speed | Noun. Amphetamine sulphate, the drug. [Orig. U.S. 1960s] |
speed freak | Noun. 1. A compulsive user, or addict, of amphetamines. 2. A person who loves driving fast. |
speeding | Adj. Under the influence of amphetamine sulphate. |
speg | Noun. Chewing gum. [Blackburn use] |
spell | Noun. A splinter. [Yorkshire use/dialect] |
spend a penny | Vrb phrs. To urinate, to go to the lavatory. A euphemism derived from the fee once charged in public toilets for use of a cubicle; the saying is based on a pre-inflatatory figure. {Informal} |
spends | Noun. Money to spend on oneself, often with respect to children's pocket money. |
sperm bandit | Noun. A woman who has sex with a man with the ulterior motive of getting pregnant. |
spesh | Adj. Abbreviated form of special. E.g."Last night was really spesh but I wish I hadn't drunk quite so much" |
spew | Noun. Vomit. Verb. To vomit. |
spew one's guts up | Vrb phrs. To vomit. |
spew-up | Verb. To vomit. |
spic * | Noun. 1. A person from Puerto Rico, Mexico or Spain. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] 2. Of Spain and its languages. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] * Also spelt spick. |
spice | Noun. 1. Confectionery. [Yorks/Notts use] 2. A form of synthetic cannabis which is associated with some severe side affects, including psychosis and kidney damage. Originally sold as a legal high until it was made illegal in 2016. [Early 2000s] |
spicehead | Noun. A person who consumes the drug 'spice'. |
spide | Noun. A young person, usually male, who is of a working class background, and typically dresses in sportswear and showy jewellery. Cf. 'chav'. [N. Ireland use] |
spidge | Noun. Chewing gum. [Derbyshire use] |
spider's legs | Noun. The pubic hairs which protrude from beneath one's underwear. |
spiel | Noun. Persuasive speech, sales patter. Cf. 'schpiel'. |
spiffing | Adj. Excellent, first rate. Somewhat archaic expression perpetuated by humourous use when mimicking upper class behaviour. E.g."We had an absolutely spiffing time, thanks mainly to Lord Ponsonby's generous gift of free champagne all night" |
spinny | Adj. Strange, unusual, confusing. E.g."That new kid's spinny, and I dont trust him." |
spiggy | Noun. Chewing gum. Cf 'spoggy'. [East Lancs use] |
spill one's guts | Vrb phrs. 1. To confess or reveal the truth. 2. To vomit. Probably a misuse of version 1 due to its similarity with 'spew one's guts up'. |
spin someone's drum | Vrb phrs. To search someone's house or property. [Police use] |
spill the beans | Vrb phrs. To reveal confidential information. Sometimes shortened to spill. E.g."He spilled the beans after being tortured for 6 hours." |
spit | Noun. An exact double, an identical image. E.g."She was the spit of her when she was Jane's age, but now she's dyed her hair and wears glasses." |
spit-spot | Verb. Hurry up, get a move on. E.g."Come on, spit spot, we have a flight to catch in 2 hours." |
spit (out) one's dummy | Vrb phrs. To throw a tantrum. Like a child discarding its pacifier (a dummy) in a fit of anger. E.g."I'm convinced the way he spat out his dummy over such a minor insult, that he needs some anger management." |
spit roast | Noun. Sexual intercourse between at least two males and a third party, the recipient (either male or female). The active males taking positions at either end of the recipient, in the manner of a spit roast. Also spit roasting. |
spit tacks | Vrb Phrs. Be very angry. E.g."She was spitting tacks after I stained her best table cloth with ketchup." |
spitting feathers | Adj. 1. Thirsty. E.g."Let's stop at the next cafe, I'm spitting feathers." 2. Angry, agitated. E.g."She was spitting feathers after those kids smashed her front window." |
spiv | Noun. A man, who typically makes a living by disreputable dealings, lives by his wits, and is often characterized by his flashy dress sense. Cf. 'wide-boy'. |
spivvy | Adj. Characteristic of a spiv. See 'spiv'. |
splash one's boots | Vrb phrs. To urinate. Also splash the boots. E.g."Give me a couple of minutes, I just need to splash my boots." |
splats | Noun. Diarrhoea. From the action of splattering. E.g."I'm not leaving the house tonight, not whilst I have the splats." |
splick | Noun. Distasteful or unpleasant viscous substances. [1980s] |
spliff | Noun. A cannabis or marijuana cigarette. [Orig. W.I.] |
split arse | Noun. A woman. |
split beaver | Noun. An explicit pornographic pose fully revealing the female genitals. Cf. 'beaver'. |
splosh | Noun. Tea (the drink). [Mainly London use] |
spod | Noun. 1. A studious person. A 'swot'. Derog. 2. A contemptible person. Derived from definition 1. |
spogs | Noun. Confectionary, any kind of sweet. [Yorks use] |
spoggy | Noun. Chewing gum. Cf 'spiggy'. [Humberside/Lincs use] |
spondulicks | Noun. Money. Also spelt spondulics and spondulix. [1800s] |
spoof | Noun. Semen. Verb. To ejaculate semen. E.g."The dirty bastard spoofed all over my skirt and then laughed!" |
spooge | Noun. Semen. Verb. To ejaculate semen. E.g."He spooged all over my clean sheets!" |
spook | Noun. 1. A spy, an undercover agent. [Orig. U.S.] 2. A ghost. {Informal} 3. A black person. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] Verb. To scare, to frighten. E.g."We were spooked by this noise in the attic." |
spoon | Verb. 1. To nestle against one another in bed whilst both facing the same way. [Mid 1800s] 2. To miss hit a ball during a sporting activity. E.g."He only had the goalkeeper to beat and he spooned his shot!" Noun. An idiot, a foolish person. |
spot on | Adj./Adv. Correct, exactly right. {Informal} |
spraff | Verb. To chat, talk. E.g."Don't just stand there spraffing, find some work to do." |
spread it on thick | Vrb phrs. To exaggerate. |
spreathed | Adj. Sore through exposure to cold weather, chapped. [South Wales use] |
sprog | Noun. A child. |
sprogged up | Adj. Pregnant. Also get sprogged up meaning have children. From 'sprog' meaning child. |
spud | Noun. 1. An ugly person. 2. An affectionate term of address. A play on the word 'bud', an abbreviated form of buddy. 3. A potato. {Informal} |
spuds | Noun. 1. The hands. Children might be heard to say "Put your spuds in", when chanting a rhyme to decide who is it. 2. Testicles. E.g."He kicked me right in the spuds." |
spud ugly | Adj. Very ugly. |
spuggly | Adj. Very ugly. A contraction of 'spud ugly'. |
spuggy | Noun. A sparrow. E.g."The only wildlife they ever saw were hundreds of spuggies. You could tell they lived in Newcastle city centre." [N.E./N. Yorkshire use] |
spunk | Noun. Semen. |
spunkbubble * | Noun. 1. A term of abuse, an objectionable person. 2. An attractive person. [Orig. Aust.] * Also as spunk-bubble. |
spunk bucket | Noun. 1. A promiscuous woman. 2. The vagina, as viewed as a recepticle for semen. |
spunk dustbin | Noun. The vagina. As viewed as a receptacle for semen. |
spunk trumpet | Noun. 1. The penis. 2. A general term of abuse. |
spunk (up) | Verb. 1. To ejaculate semen. E.g."He spunked up just as his dad came in the room." 2. To use up, to consume, often suggesting wastefully. E.g."We spunked up all our earnings on a rather expensive meal." |
squaddie | Noun. A low ranking soldier. |
squaddie mattress | Noun. A woman who sexually prefers soldiers. See 'squaddie'. [Military use] |
square | Noun. A person who is reactionary, old fashioned and set in their ways. Derog. Adj. Old fashioned, conservative, conventional. |
square-eyes | Noun. A humourous address for someone who watches too much television. |
square-go | Noun. A fist fight, a punch up. [Scottish use] |
square root of fuck-all | Phrs. Absolutely nothing. Cf. 'fuck-all squared'. |
squat | Verb. 1. To defecate. 2. To urinate. Female expression. Noun. 1. The act of defecation. 2. An act of urination, when applied to females. 3. Nothing, naught. E.g."He knew squat about football and shouldn't have been refereeing the match." [Orig. U.S.] |
squeaky-bum time | Noun. The time when one is likely to be most nervous or worried. [Early 2000s] |
squeal | Verb. To inform (on). Often used in the simile, squeal like a pig. |
squeeze | Noun. A girlfriend or boyfriend, generally one's romantic partner. Often heard as main squeeze meaning primary partner. [Orig. U.S.] |
squick | Noun. Something distasteful, vile, disgusting. See 'squick someone out'. |
squick (someone) out | Vrb phrs. To disgust (someone). E.g."People picking their noses in public really squicks me out." [Orig. U.S.?] |
squicky | Adj. Disgusting. [Orig. U.S.?] |
squid | Noun. A jocular term for one pound sterling, derived from 'quid'. |
squidgey | Adj. Feeling soft, squashy or soggy. E.g. "I think the ground's a little too squidgey for cricket today." {Informal} |
squiffy | Adj. 1. A little drunk. {Informal} 2. Askew, off centre, awry. {Informal} |
squiggle | Noun. A written signature, because they are often just a wavy line with little to no resemblance to letters. E.g. "OK, please pop your squiggle on the form and then we're done." |
squillion | Noun. A very large indefinite amount. |
squinny | Noun. One who moans or complains. [Portsmouth use] |
squire | Noun. A term of address. {Informal} |
squirt | Noun. A diminutive and insignificant person, especially a child or young person. Derog. {Informal} 2. The act of sexual ejaculation, recently more commonly used for female ejaculation. Verb. To ejaculate. E.g."I was pleasantly surprised when she squirted." |
squirting | Noun. The act of sexual ejaculation, more commonly applied to females. |
squit | Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. [Mainly Norfolk use] |
squits | Noun. Diarrhoea. [1840s] |
squitty | Adj. Of or having the characteristics of diarrhoea. Also as squity. E.g."I'm not coming into work today, I have a squitty bottom." |
squiz | Noun. A look, a glance. E.g."Have a squiz at the photos and see if you can spot anyone you recognise." |
stabby | Adj. 1. Of a pain, sudden and sharp. {Informal} 2. Of a location, unsafe and a threat to individual safety, from the people who frequent said location. E.g."I don't recommend walking through the red light district at night, it can be a bit stabby." |
stacked | Adj. Of a woman, well built or large breasted. |
stack it | Verb. To fall over, to tumble, to lose balance. E.g."I stacked it when I punctured my front tyre taking a stupid short cut up a cobbled street." |
stage-diving | Noun. The act of leaping off a stage during a live music performance to then be caught by the audience. Originates from 1980s punk but proliferated during 'thrash' and 'grunge' era of the late 1980s and 1990s. |
stalk | Noun. An erect penis. |
starfish | Noun. The anus. Abbreviated form of 'chocolate starfish'. |
starfucker | Noun. 1. A person who seeks to get close to or have sexual relationships with a celebrity. Also as star-fucker. |
stark bollock naked | Adj. Totally naked. |
starkers | Noun. Naked. From stark naked. Cf. 'stark bollock naked'. |
starved | Adj. Of a person, very cold, freezing. [Yorks use] |
stash | Noun. Illicit drugs. |
staycation | Noun. A holiday spent in one's home or country of residence. {Informal} |
steady on | Phrs. Calm down, be careful, be reasonable. E.g."Oi, steady on with the wine, that bottle's got to last us all evening." {Informal} |
steamboated | Adj. Drunk, very intoxicated. |
steamboats | Adj. Drunk. |
steaming | Adj. 1. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. Abbr. of steaming drunk. 2. Racing, moving quickly. E.g."We were steaming up the motorway at 140." 3. Very angry. E.g."I've never seen her so angry, she was steaming." Adj./Adv. An intensifier, such as 'blinking', 'bleeding'. E.g."That steaming idiot has spent all our holiday money on a new stereo." Noun. A act of aggressive robbery, often taking place on public transport, whereby groups of youths terrorize their victims. |
steam off my piss | Phrs. Heard in phrases such as "wouldn't give them the steam off my piss" or "not worth the steam off my piss", meaning somebody or something worthless. |
stecky | Noun. A tantrum, an fit of anger. Also throw a stecky, to have a tantrum. [Lancs/Cumbria use] |
steds | Noun. Steroids. [Mainly bodybuilding /sports use] |
stench-trench | Noun. The vagina. |
Stenders | Noun. Abbr. of Eastenders, the British TV soap opera. Cf. 'Corry'. |
Steve McQueens | Noun. Jeans. Rhyming slang, often shortened to steves. |
stew | Noun. A mess, a difficult or worrisome situation. E.g."I think we can safely say, we're in a stew and nothing can save us now." |
stewed | Adj. Drunk. |
stick | Noun. 1. Hassle, excessive criticism, trouble. E.g."Keep giving him stick and he'll pack his bags and leave." 2. Effort. E.g."Go on, give it some stick and get the job finished, then we can all go home." Verb. Suffer, tolerate, abide. E.g."I can't stick that sarcastic humour of his." {Informal} |
stickin' out | Adj. Impressive, excellent. [Ulster use] |
stick in the mud | Noun. A boring, unadventurous, old-fashioned person. Derog. {Informal} |
stick one on someone | Vrb phrs. To hit or beat up someone. E.g."I'm going to stick one on him if he shows up tonight and insults my family again." |
sticks | Noun. Rural, remote areas such as in the countryside. E.g."They live out in the sticks, miles from anywhere." [Orig. U.S.] |
stick the boot in * | Vrb phrs. 1. To kick someone aggressively and repeatedly. E.g."If you're going to go around sticking the boot in get some sturdy boots with steel toecaps." 2. Also used figuratively, meaning to cause trouble for someone. E.g."He really stuck the boot in when he told my wife that I'd been chatting up his sister again." * Also as 'put the boot in'. |
sticky | Adj. Of a situation, tricky, awkward, uncomfortable. E.g."Things got sticky when I tried sprinting the last mile of the marathon." {Informal} Noun. A member of the official I.R.A., an Irish republican. E.g."The stickies protested against the proposed march by the Unionists." [Mainly army use/1970s] |
sticky biscuit | Noun. A sex game whereby a biscuit (cookie) is placed centrally between a circle of masturbating males. The last male to ejaculate, over the biscuit, is obliged to eat it. Cf. 'soggy biscuit'. |
sticky fingers | Noun. 1. A thief. 2. A tendency to steal. |
sticky-fingered | Adj. Liable to steal. Evokes interesting imagery of other people's belongings adherring to the culprit's fingers. Not dissimilar to the s.e. light-fingered. |
sticky love piss | Noun. Semen. |
sticky wicket | Noun. A difficult situation. Cf. 'bat on a sticky wicket'. |
stiff | Noun. 1. A dead body. 2. A boring, conventional person. |
stiffener | Noun. A reviving or fortifying alcoholic drink. |
stiff upper lip | Noun. An unyielding and stoic attitude, especially in the face of trouble. Often as keep/have a stiff upper lip. E.g."If the English weren't so stiff upper lipped then they might have lost the war." {Informal} |
stiffy | Noun. An erect penis. Usually jocular use. Also stiffie. |
stink | Noun. A row, a furore, usually in phrases such as raise/make or kick up a stink. [Early 1800s] |
stinkard | Noun. A contemptible person. [1600s] |
stinker | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. [1600s] 2. An awkward, difficult task. |
stinking | Adj. 1. Extremely objectionable. E.g."That stinking idiot deserves all he got." 2. Wealthy. A shortening of stinking rich. E.g."She can afford it, she's stinking." 3. Drunk. |
stinks | Adj. Suspicious. E.g."Don't lie to me, your excuse stinks." |
stitch up | Verb. To betray with false evidence. Also phrased to stitch someone up. Noun. An act of betrayal with the use of falsified evidence. |
stoater | Noun. Something impressive or excellent. [Scottish use] |
stocious | Adj. Intoxicated. [Irish/Scottish use?] |
stodge | Noun. Heavy, filling food, often fattening with little nutrition. {Informal} |
stoked | Adj. Excited, pleased, thrilled. E.g."My dad was stoked when I passed my driving test first time." |
Stoke-on-Trent * | Noun. 1. A male homosexual. 2. Criminal. * Both meanings are rhyming slang for 'bent'. Stoke-on-Trent, a city in the midlands of England. |
stomp on | Verb. To physically assault (someone). |
stomping | Adj. Lively, energetic. E.g."That last tune the DJ played was stomping." |
stone bonker | Noun. A sure thing, a certainty. |
stoned | Adj. Intoxicated with drink or more frequently its contemporary usage refers to cannabis or marijuana intoxication. [Orig. U.S.] |
stone me! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
stone the crows! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
stonk (it) | Verb. To hurry, to race. E.g."We stonked it up the M6 motorway and got to the game just 2 minutes before the kick off." |
stonked | Adj. 1. Heavily bombarded, usually by artillery. [Military use] 2. Thoroughly defeated, by extension of above use. E.g."Then our team lost its two best defenders to injury and we ended up getting totally stonked." 3. Drunk, intoxicated with drink or drugs. |
stonker | Noun. 1. An erect penis, usually implying great size. 2. Something huge or impressive. |
stonkered | Adj. Very intoxicated with drink or drugs. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
stonking | Adj. 1. Impressively large. 2. An intensifier, E.g."Yeah, we had a stonking good time." |
stonkingly | Adv. Extremely, amazingly. E.g."It was a stonkingly good performance from the World Champion." |
stookie | Noun. A plaster cast on a broken limb. Also spelt stooky. [Scottish use] |
stoppy back | Noun. An after hours drink at a public house (bar). [Macclesfield use] |
storming | Adj. Marvellous, excellent. E.g."We had a storming night out at the club, the best ever." |
stottie | Noun. A flat coarse bread, made from the scraps of dough leftover in baking. [Scotland/ Tyneside/ Northern use] |
stove in | Verb. To smash up. E.g."When I see that idiot again I'm gonna stove his head in" |
stowed out | Adj. Crowded, packed out, full to capacity. [Mainly Scottish use] |
straight | Noun. 1. A heterosexual. [Orig. U.S.] 2. A conventional but boring person. 3. A manufactured cigarette, as opposed to a roll-up. Adj. 1. Heterosexual, as opposed to homosexual and being 'bent'. 2. Law abiding. |
straight edge | Noun. A lifestyle choice based around the philosophy of abstention from things that are considered harmful, such as alcohol, drugs and sexual promiscuity. More common in the U.S. from where it originated. |
straight-up | Adj. True. Adv. Truthfully, honestly. E.g."Honestly, I didn't touch your diary Sarah, straight up." |
strap | Noun. A gun. |
strap-on | Noun. A substitute penis that can be worn by females to simulate male to female sexual intercourse. |
strapped | Adj. 1. Lacking, short of. E.g."Can you give it some thought? I'm strapped for ideas." {Informal}. 2. Poor, short of money. E.g."I can't come out for a meal tonight, I'm strapped." |
strap up | Verb. To make a cannabis/ marijuana cigarette. |
street | Noun. Having to do with the street life of a city at the most common accessible level, urban subculture. |
The Street | Noun. Nickname and abbreviation for Coronation Street, a popular U.K. TV soap. Cf. 'Corry'. |
street cred | Noun. Having fashionable awareness, acceptable on the 'street'. |
stretch | Noun. A period spent in prison. |
strewth! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, annoyance or frustration. Derived from God's truth. Also spelt struth. {Informal}. |
strides | Noun. Trousers |
strike a light! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
strike me pink! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
stringbean | Noun. A tall, thin person. {Informal}. |
strobing | Adj. An effect similar to seeing a series of stills as when viewed under a stroboscope, but when under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen. |
strop | Noun. A bad mood, a fit of fury. E.g."I got in a strop after that bloke knocked over my pint of beer." |
stroppy | Adj. Bad tempered. {Informal} |
strum | Noun. An act of female masturbation. |
strung out | Adj. Emotionally stressed, in mental turmoil. |
strut one's stuff | Vrb phrs. To act proudly, confidently and without inhibitions; often heard in relation to dancing. |
stuck-up | Adj. Conceited, snobbish. {Informal} |
studmuffin | Noun. An attractive male. [Orig. U.S./ mid 1970s] |
stuff | Verb. 1. To copulate. Male usage. [Mid 1800s] 2. To defeat thoroughly in a game or competition. E.g."With our new signing from United we're going to stuff them good and proper." 3. Used to exclaim indifference or rejection of (something). E.g."Stuff the consequences! I'm going to get drunk." |
stuff and nonsense | Noun. Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; nonsense. Often as an exclamation. E.g."Stuff and nonsense! You're talking rubbish." |
stuffed | Adj. 1. Concerned, bothered. Usually phrased in the negative. E.g."I'm not stuffed with going out drinking tonight." 2. In a position of no hope. |
stuffing | Noun. Sexual intercourse, from a male point of view. E.g."I gave her good stuffing then went back down to the party." |
stuff it ! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger, contempt or indifference. Verb. Expressing contempt. E.g."I don't care, you can stuff it! I'm going home." |
stuff one's face | Vrb phrs. To eat greedily or fully. |
stump up | Verb. To pay up, to hand over what is owed. |
stunner | Noun. A person or thing that is outstanding or strikingly attractive. E.g."She was a real stunner and I couldn't help but stand there staring." |
stupid o'clock | Noun. An unreasonable time, typcally very early or late. E.g."We're setting off for the airport at stupid o'clock so I think we should go to bed early." |
suck | Verb. To be worthless, contemptible or disgusting. E.g."The storyline in that book is a little contrived and the characters suck." Noun. Sweets, confectionary in general. A suck shop being a sweet shop. [W. Midlands use] |
sucker | Noun. 1. A gullible person. 2. An ice lollipop. [Notts use] |
sucking diesel | Phrs. Doing very well, progressing well. [Orig. Irish?] |
suck it and see | Phrs. Try it and see if it works, or what it's like. E.g."We just have to suck it and see and if doesn't work, revert back to the original format." {Informal} |
suck off | Verb. To give oral sex (to someone). E.g."I lay down on the sofa with my pants around my ankles so she could suck me off." |
suck shit | Verb. To be worthless, contemptible. E.g."How can you wear beige? It's dull and totally sucks shit." [Orig U.S.] |
suck up | Verb. To flatter, be obsequious. |
sugar! | Exclam. A euphemism for 'shit!' (exclam). |
suit | Noun. A white-collar worker, a business executive. |
suicide blonde | Noun. A woman with dyed blonde hair, a peroxide blonde. [Orig. U.S./1930s] |
suited and booted | Adj. Very smartly dressed. From wearing a suit and equivalent formal footwear. |
summat | Pron. Something. E.g."There's summat up with the engine. Everytime we accelerate the exhaust blows smoke." [Northern use/dialect] |
sunnies | Noun. Sunglasses. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
sunshine | Noun. A form of friendly address. E.g."Alright sunshine! Show us what you've got." {Informal} |
sup | Verb. To drink. E.g."It's no wonder you've got a headache, you've been supping beer all day." |
'sup (!)(?) | Exclam. A greeting, hello, hi. A contraction of 'what's up?' Phrs. What's the matter? What's happening? |
surf | Verb. To browse different Web sites using the links in a relaxed almost random manner. E.g."I've been surfing on the net all night and found an excellent new music site." |
surf-bum | Noun. A person, usually young, whose life revolves around surfing, and who consequently spends much of their life on or around beaches. Cf. 'beach-bum'. |
suss (out) | Verb. To work something out, to understand, to ascertain, to discover. E.g."The manager sussed him out and had security watch him. They eventually caught him stuffing a pair of stolen trainers under his coat." |
suss | Adj. Abbr. of suspicious. E.g."I don't like the looks of that bloke, he's suss." Noun. 1. Abbr. of suspicion. 2. A police suspect, a suspected person. Abbr. of suspect. * also as sus. |
sussed | Adj. Knowledgeable, well-informed, able to look after oneself. |
sussies | Noun. Suspenders, the elasticated garters used to hold up stockings. |
swag | Noun. Money or items, as taken by a thief or burglar, ill-gotten gains. {Informal} Adj. Not very good, terrible, worthless, cheap or of poor quality. |
swally | Noun. Alcoholic drink. [Scottish use] |
swamp donkey | Noun. An ugly person. Derog. |
swan | Verb. To travel about in a casual, relaxed way. E.g."So I hear you've been swanning around Europe after your win on the lottery?" {Informal} |
swap spit | Verb. To kiss deeply. |
swat * | Noun. A person who studies hard. {Informal} Verb. To study hard. E.g."Timmy had been swotting for 3 months, but still failed his exams." {Informal} * Also as 'swot'. |
sweat cobs | Verb. To perspire profusely, to sweat excessively. E.g."With the room temperature at 95 degrees, I was sweating cobs." |
sweat the small stuff | Vrb phrs. To worry about the minor things, the trivial insignificant details. Usually in the negative as don't sweat the small stuff. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
sweaty Betty | Noun. A jocular term of address for a woman suffering excess perspiration and/or bad body odour. Derog. |
sweaty sock | Noun. A person from Scotland, a Scot. From the rhyming slang sweaty sock meaning jock. Offens. |
swede | Noun. The head. E.g."Watch your swede when you enter the tunnel, the door's very low." |
swedge | Noun. A fight. [Scottish use] |
(the) Sweeney | Noun. A specialist section of the London Metropolitan Police called the Flying Squad, a branch of CID. Rhyming slang on Sweeney Todd, meaning Flying Squad. |
sweet | Adj. Excellent, a general term of approval. |
sweet as a nut | Phrs. O.K., great, fine, satisfactory. |
sweet F.A. | Phrs. Nothing at all. Euphemism for sweet fuck-all. Cf. 'sweet fanny adams'. |
sweet Fanny Adams | Phrs. Absolutely nothing. Euphemism for sweet fuck-all. Cf. 'Fanny Adams'. |
sweet-pea | Noun. A term of affection. |
swig | Verb. To drink greedily. E.g."I swigged a whole bottle of brandy, danced for 20 minutes, threw up, and then not surprisingly apparently I passed out." {Informal} |
swimbo | Acronym. One's wife or girlfriend. Standing for She Who Must Be Obeyed. |
swing both ways | Vrb phrs. To be bisexual. [Orig. U.S.] |
swinger | Noun. A person who indulges in partner swapping for sexual variety. |
swing the lead | Vrb phrs. To waste time, to shirk one's duties. E.g."Come on Mark, stop swinging the lead, there's work to do." |
swirly | Noun. The act of forcing a victim's head down a toilet bowl whilst simultaneously flushing it. Also occasionally swirlie. Cf. 'bog washing'. |
swish | Adj. Smart, fashionable, elegant. E.g."We had a lovely meal last night at this swish new restaurant in the West End." {Informal} |
swizz | Noun. A swindle. {Informal} |
swot * | Noun. A person who studies hard, usually applied to students. {Informal} Verb. To study hard. {Informal} * Also as 'swat'. |
swotty | Adj. Studious. {Informal} |
swot up | Verb. To study hard. {Informal} |
syphon the python | Vrb phrs. Of males, to urinate. Light-hearted expression, also spelt 'siphon the python'. |
syrup | Noun. A wig. Abbr. of the rhyming slang Syrup of Fig; making a comeback into everyday usage. |