u-ee | Noun. A u-turn. A term used by drivers. |
ugly as sin | Phrs. Very ugly. |
umpteen | Adj. Many, a lot of. E.g."This was the umpteenth time he had got a speeding ticket." |
Uncle Dick | Adj. Sick, unwell. Rhyming slang. |
Uncle Ned | Noun. 1. The head. Rhyming slang. 2. Bed. Rhyming slang. |
Uncle Tom | Noun. A black person. Derog./Offens. |
undercarriage | Noun. A person's genitals. |
undercrackers | Noun. Underpants. |
underground chicken | Noun. A rabbit. |
underkecks | Noun. Underpants. |
under the cosh | Phrs. In trouble, in a difficult situation. E.g."We were under the cosh for the whole of the second half of the match." |
under the weather | Phrs. Out of sorts, not currently in good health. {Informal} |
unflappable | Adj. Calm, composed, not given to anxiety. {Informal} |
unhinged | Adj. Insane, mentally unstable and unpredictable. |
uni | Noun. Abbr. of university. |
unmentionables * | Noun. 1. Underwear. [Early 1800s] 2. The genitals. [Early 1800s] * All uses from meanings being too vulgar to directly mention by name. |
unreal | Adj. Fantastic, excellent, wonderful. An expression of approval. [Orig. U.S.] |
up | Adj. Intoxicated by drugs, high. |
up and down like a whore's drawers | Phrs. Of a person, unsettled, agitated, unrestful. Numerous variations exist, i.e. whore may be replaced by prostitute or tart, and drawers with knickers. E.g."She couldn't sleep last night and was up and down like a tart's knickers." |
up and down like Tower Bridge | Phrs. 1. Fluctuating, moving up and down. 2. Emotionally unstable |
upchuck * | Noun. Vomit. Verb. To vomit. * From 'chuck up', meaning to vomit. |
up for it | Phrs. Phrase encompassing the enthusiasm of a person for an event. Particularly evident within the British club scene in the 1990s with the crowd being 'up for it'. |
uphill gardener | Noun. A homosexual male. |
up on blocks | Phrs. Of a woman, menstruating and therefore considered unavailable for sex. From being out of service and unusable, like a vehicle in for repair. |
upper | Noun. A stimulant drug, usually amphetamine sulphate. |
up shit creek | Phrs. In serious trouble. An adaptation of the saying up the creek without a paddle, meaning the same. |
up sticks | Verb. To move on, to settle or live elsewhere. {Informal} |
up the duff | Phrs. Pregnant. |
up the pictures | Phrs. Broken, not in working order. E.g."My cooker is up the pictures at the moment, so we'll have to eat out." |
up the spout | Phrs. 1. Broken, no longer working, ruined. 2. Pregnant. E.g."She won't be coming out drinking as she's up the spout." |
up the suff | Phrs. 1. Down the drain. [W. Midlands use] 2. Wasted, broken. [W. Midlands use] |
up the swanny | Phrs. In a hopeless situation. Cf. 'up shit creek'. |
up the wrong 'un | Phrs. Up the anus. From up the wrong one. |
uptight | Adj. Frigid, conventional, stressed. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
up your bum! | Exclam. 1. An angry and dismissive exclamation. 2. Cheers! Jocular use said before drinking alcohol. |
up your clunges! | Exclam. A dismissive and angry exclamation. See 'clunge'. |
up yours! | Exclam. Exclamation of anger or defiance, usually directed at someone. |
Uri (Geller) | Noun. Stella Artois, a popular brand of lager. Rhyming slang on Stella. Uri Geller, famous for his involvement in scientifically unexplained phenomena, such as bending metal spoons by the use of the power of mind. |
use one's loaf | Vrb phrs. To think, to use one's ingenuity, to use one's head. Loaf (of bread), rhyming slang on head. E.g."Use your loaf and think about the consequences of carrying a knife on the street." |
use one's noggin | Vrb phrs. Meaning the same as 'use one's loaf'. |