oats | Noun. 1. Sperm, with regard to being seeds. Used in phrases such as sow one's oats, which essentially alludes to procreation but at its most basic to having to sexual intercourse. 2. Sex. The informal phrase get one's oats meaning to have sex. E.g."You look a bit happier than you did yesterday. Did you get your oats last night?" |
obs | Adv. Obviously. Cf. 'obvs'. {Informal} |
obvs | Adv. Abbreviation of obviously. E.g."Obvs I'm not going to complain about her food to her face, she'll get upset." Cf. 'obs'. {Informal} |
oddball | Noun. An eccentric or unusual person. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} Adj. Unusual, eccentric, strange. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
odd-fish | Noun. An eccentric or unusual person. |
odds | Noun. Loose change. Probably short for odds and sods. [Merseyside use] |
odds and sods | Noun. Bits and pieces, miscellaneous items. |
offer someone out | Vrb phrs. To challenge someone to a fight. E.g."She offered me out but I'm not happy fighting with drunk females." |
off it | Phrs. 1. Crazy, insame, mad. 2. Intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. |
off like a robber's dog | Phrs. Departing or leaving very quickly. |
off one's box | Phrs. 1. Intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. E.g."I was so off my box last night that when my brother walked in the room I didn't recognise him." Cf. 'out of one's box'. 2. Out of one's mind, crazy. |
off one's chump | Phrs. 1. Very intoxicated, by alcohol or drugs. 2. Insane, crazy. See 'chump' (noun 2). E.g."He's off his chump if he thinks I'm going to let him run off with my wife!" |
off one's face | Phrs. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. Cf. 'out of one's face'. |
off one's head | Phrs. 1. Insane, mad. 2. To be extremely intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. E.g."He's off his head on LSD." |
off one's nut | Phrs. 1. Intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. 2. Mad, crazy. E.g."I wouldn't get on the wrong side of him, he's off his nut and could turn aggressive at any moment." 3. Angry. E.g."She's off her nut about having her car scratched by the neughbour's kids." |
off one's rocker | Phrs. Insane, crazy. |
off one's tits | Phrs. Very drunk or intoxicated with drugs. |
off one's tree | Phrs. 1. Insane, mad. E.g."Don't expect a proper conversation with her, she's off her tree." 2. To be extremely intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
off one's trolley | Phrs. 1. Crazy, insane. [Orig. U.S. Late 1800s] 2. Very intoxicated. |
off | Verb. To kill or murder. E.g."She paid me £5000 to off her husband but I just couldn't bring myself to do it." |
off the hook | Phrs. Exceptionally good, cool, wonderful. |
off you fuck | Phrs. Go away. Jocular, less offensive and familiar way of telling someone to 'fuck off'. |
offy | Noun. A shop that sells alcohol to be consumed off premises. An abbreviated form of off licence. Also spelt offie. |
oggin | Noun. 1. Sea. [Navy use] 2. Water. [Navy use] |
oggy | Noun. A Cornish pasty. [Cornwall use] |
Oh my days! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, shock or appreciation. |
Oh my giddy aunt! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. |
...oholic | Suffix. A suffix added to emphasise the nature of a person with regard to one of their obsessive or compulsive qualities, taken from the commonly used alcoholic. Terms such as chocoholic and sexoholic are frequently heard. E.g."It's pointless calling for Jim before midday, he's a sleepoholic." |
oik | Noun. An unsophisticated, uncultured and objectionable person. |
oil painting | Noun. An attractive thing. Usually in the negative as 'no oil painting'. |
oily | Noun. A cigarette. From the rhyming slang oily rag, meaning 'fag'. |
oi oi savaloy! | Exclam. 1. A greeting or attention seeking exclamation. Cockney? [Mainly London use] 2. Used to get attention. [Mainly London use] |
O.J. | Noun. Abbr. of orange juice. [Orig. U.S.] |
OK | Exclam./Adj./Noun. All correct, good, acceptable. Also as okay. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
old bag | Noun. An disagreeable, elderly woman. Derog. |
old banger | Noun. A delapidated old car. |
old bat | Noun. An disagreeable, unpleasant, elderly woman. Derog. {Informal} |
old bean | Noun. A form of address. E.g."Hello old bean, how are you today?" |
(the) old bill | Noun. The police. Often shortened to 'the bill'. [1950s] |
old boiler | Noun. 1. An unnattractive woman. Derog. 2. Wife. Derog. |
old boot | Noun. An objectionable, aging, unattractive woman. Derog. See 'boot' (noun 1). |
old chap | Noun. Affectionate term for one's penis. Cf 'old fellow', 'old man', 'lad'. |
old chestnut | Noun. A statement, joke or story that is so often repeated that it has become clichéd or no longer interesting. E.g."I can't be doing with listening to that old chestnut again." {Informal} |
old cock | Noun. Affectionate term of address for a man. Also 'old cocker'. |
old cocker | Noun. A form of address, usually for a man. Occasionally shortened to cocker. |
old dear | Noun. A frail elderly woman, and very occasionally man. {Informal} |
old fart | Noun. An elderly, old fashioned and tedious person. See 'fart' (noun 2). |
old fellow | Noun. Affectionate term for one's penis. Cf 'old chap', 'old man', 'lad'. |
old fruit | Noun. A affectionate term of address. |
old hat | Adj. Old fashioned. |
old lady | Noun. Mother, girlfriend or wife. |
old man | Noun. 1. Father, boyfriend or husband. 2. Affectionate term for one's penis. Cf 'old chap', 'old fellow', 'lad'. |
Oliver (Twist) | Noun. Fist. Rhyming slang. Oliver Twist, character and title of novel by Charles Dickens. E.g."Put up your Olivers and let's sort this once and for all." Adj. Drunk. Rhyming slang on 'pissed'. |
omadhaun | Noun. A fool, a simpleton. Also as omadawn, omadan, amadan, omadhon, omadhan. [Mainly Irish/Manx use. Early 1800s] |
on | Adj. Euphemism for the menstrual cycle. E.g."No! I don't want sex tonight, I'm on. OK?" |
on about | Phrs. Talking about, often tediously. E.g."What are you on about? Get to the point." |
on a mission | Phrs. Seeking a good time. |
on a promise | Phrs. To have been promised sexual intercourse by someone, usually one's partner. |
once-over | Noun. An inspection, a quick look over something or someone. E.g. "Always give a car a good once-over before buying it." |
one-eyed trouser snake | Noun. The penis. Often shortened to 'trouser snake'. |
one for the road | Noun. A final alcoholic drink before setting off on one's journey. |
one in the departure lounge | Noun. In need of an act of defecation. E.g."Stop the car! I need the toilet, I've got one in the departure lounge." |
one-night stand | Noun. A brief sexual fling. |
one-off | Adj. Occurring only once. E.g."This is a one-off model, a concept car made by the same team who designed the Lotus Elite." Noun. A singular occurrence of an activity, or production of a thing. E.g."This party is a one-off, as we can't afford to have another one this year." |
one over the eight | Phrs. Drunk, intoxicated by alcohol. E.g."Can someone get a taxi for Alex, he's had one over the eight and needs to go home now." |
one sandwich short of a picnic | Phrs. Eccentric, insane, odd. Also as two sandwiches short of a picnic. |
...one's tits off | Phrs. An addition to certain verbs to add emphasis. E.g."I laughed my tits off when I saw his new haircut, it was ridiculous!" |
one stop short of barking | Phrs. Mad, crazy, insane. See barking. |
on fleek | Adj. Fashionable, stylish, well-groomed. Cf. fleek /fleeky. [Orig. U.S.] |
on one | Phrs. Acting in a slightly crazed way. E.g."I'm going home. Andy's on one and he's annoying me." |
on one's billy (tod) | Phrs. On one's own. E.g."He was like an excited puppy when I visited, having spent the whole weekend on his billy tod." |
on one's Jack | Phrs. Alone. Rhyming slang on Jack Jones. |
on one's tod | Phrs. Alone. Rhyming slang from Tod Sloan, the name of an American jockey. |
on one's uppers | Phrs. Extremely poor, short of money. E.g."We would love to come out for a meal but we're on our uppers until we get paid at the end of the month." {Informal} |
on spec | Phrs. With hope of success, as a gamble, on the off chance. E.g."We called on spec and hoped to catch you in." {Informal} |
on the batter | Phrs. Drinking alcohol, or having a drinking session. [Orig. Irish?] |
on the blink | Phrs. Of machinery, or technology, not working efficiently or temporarily out of order. |
on the blob | Phrs. Menstruating. |
on the box | Phrs. 1. Claiming social security, unemployment benefits, from being unable to work through sickness. The 'box' was originally where charitable organisations kept funds that could be used to help workers on the sick. [West Midlands use] 2. Showing on the television. E.g."Have you seen that fab new sitcom on the box?" {Informal} |
on the broo | Phrs. Unemployed, claiming unemployment benefits. Also on the burroo. Cf. 'broo'. [Scottish use] |
on the cadge | Phrs. Begging. {Informal} |
on the dole | Phrs. Receiving social security benefits. {Informal} |
on the drip | Phrs. Paying by installments, on hire purchase. Cf. 'on the never never'. |
on the fiddle | Phrs. In the process of cheating, or defrauding. See 'fiddle'. |
on the fritz | Phrs. Broken. Cf. 'on the blink'. [Orig. U.S. /Early 1900s] |
on the fuddle | Phrs. A bout of drinking, a drinking session. See 'fuddle'. |
on the game | Phrs. Working as a prostitute. [Mid 1900s] |
on the hit | Phrs. Getting drunk. Abbr. of on the hit and miss, rhyming slang for 'on the piss'. |
on the hobble | Phrs. Working without declaring one's income when in receipt of social benefits. [South Wales use] |
on the hoof | Phrs. Without planning or preparation. E.g."Are we going to book at table at a restaurant or get something on the hoof." {Informal} |
on the hoy | Phrs. Out getting drunk with friends. [North-east use] |
on the job | Phrs. Having sexual intercourse. |
on the lash | Phrs. Out getting drunk. E.g."We're on the lash tonight lads, so bring plenty of cash." |
on the never never | Phrs. Paying by installments, on hire purchase. Cf. 'on the drip'. |
on the Pat and Mick | Phrs. Taking time off work due to sickness. Rhyming slang for on the sick. See 'Pat and Mick'. |
on the piss | Phrs. Getting drunk. E.g."He's got a hangover after going out on the piss last night." |
on the pull | Phrs. Seeking a partner for sexual intimacies. E.g."We're off on the pull tonight, so have a bath and wear your best suit." |
on the Q.T. | Phrs. On the quiet, secretly. |
on the rag | Phrs. Menstruating. |
on the razz /razzle | Phrs. Indulging in alcohol, partying, generally having a good time. A shortening of on the razzle-dazzle. E.g."I'm buying a new shirt; we're off out on the razzle tonight." |
on the rob | Phrs. The act of thieving. E.g."You don't want to employ him! He's just like his older brother, always on the rob." |
on the scrounge | Phrs. Seeking to obtain something at the expense of or through the generosity of others. E.g."Keep out of the way of Steve, he's on the scrounge for some cash." {Informal} |
on the take | Phrs. Open to bribery, receiving bribes. |
on the tap | Phrs. Meaning the same as 'on the pull'. See also 'tap off'. |
on the tiles | Phrs. On a spree, out late enjoying oneself. Usually heard as having a night on the tiles. After the nocturnal habits of cats. {Informal} |
on the wagon | Phrs. Teetotal, abstaining from alcohol. |
on your bike! | Exclam. Go away! Clear off! |
oojah | Noun. A thing whose name one has forgotten. Often extended with other humorous additions, including an oojah ma bob, oojah ma thingy, or oojamaflip. |
oose | Noun. Fluff. [Scottish use] |
order of the boot | Noun. Dismissal. E.g."I can't afford to go out tonight, my boss gave me the order of the boot yesterday." |
oscar | Adv. Later. Rhyming slang on Oscar Slater, victim of a Scottish miscarriage of justice in 1909. Wrongly convicted of murder, his original sentence of death was commuted to hard labour for life, of which he served almost 20 years before being freed. [Glasgow use] |
other half | Noun. One's wife, husband or partner. Cf. 'better half'. |
O.T.T. | Phrs. Abbr. of Over The Top, meaning excessive, beyond that which is acceptable, extravagant. E.g."Whooping in Church at a vicar's Easter sermon is a bit O.T.T." |
our kid | Noun. 1. One's younger brother or sister. {Informal} 2. Affectionate term for a friend. {Informal} |
out | Adj. Openly living as a homosexual. See 'closet.' Verb. To declare publicly the homosexuality of someone. Very popular direct-action of the 'Gay' community in the 1990s, in an attempt to bring a higher profile to homosexuality. |
out for a duck | Phrs. Of the batsman, in the game of cricket, out for no score. More recently also applied to other scoring games. Cf. 'duck' (Noun 3). {Informal} |
out of it | Phrs. Very intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. |
out of one's head | Phrs. 1. Mad, crazy. 2. Intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. Cf. 'off one's head'. |
out of one's box /tree | Phrs. See 'off of one's box'. E.g."I wouldn't bother calling on Sally, she's been drinking all afternoon and is out of her tree." |
out of order | Adj. Of a person or their behaviour, unfair, unacceptable, or wrong. E.g."Did you see that girl screaming at her mum in the church? She was well out of order." |
out of puff | Phrs. Out of breath. {Informal} |
out on one's arse | Phrs. Thrown out, discarded without further consideration. E.g."Any more noise during the ballet performance and you'll all be out on your arse." |
out on the town | Phrs. An evening enjoying the nightlife of a town or city. {Informal} |
outtie | Noun. A navel, belly button, that protrudes. Cf. 'innie'. |
out to lunch | Phrs. Insane, mad, crazy. {Informal} |
over my dead body! | Exclam. There is no way that I will let that happen! An emphatic objection. |
over the shoulder boulder holder | Noun. A brassiere, a bra. Jocular usage. Cf. 'boulder holder'. |
over the moon | Phrs. Delighted, very happy. E.g."I'm over the moon after passing my driving test first time." {Informal} |
over the top | Phrs. Extremely exaggerated, outrageous, beyond a joke. Cf. O.T.T. {Informal} |
ow do! | Exclam. Hello! How do you do! [Northern use] |
owt | Pron. Anything. E.g."Is there owt on television worth watching?" [Northern dialect] |
oxo (cube) | Noun. The London underground transport system. Rhyming slang on the underground's common name, the Tube. [London use] |
oxygen thief | Noun. An elderly person. Derog. |