dab hand | Noun. A person highly skilled at a given task. E.g."He's a dab hand at programming and web design." |
da bomb | Noun. The best. [Orig. U.S./Black 1990s] |
dabs | Noun. Fingerprints. Generally police and criminal vernacular. |
dab on | Noun. A sweat on. See 'have a dab on'. |
daft | Noun. Silly, foolish. {Informal} |
daft as a brush | Phrs. Very silly, crazy. [Mainly Northern use] |
daftie | Noun. A fool, an idiot. |
Dagenham | Adj. Totally insane, crazy. Because on the London underground/rail transport system Dagenham (Heathway) station is 2 stops beyond Barking station. Barking is slang for crazy. See 'barking'. |
Dagenham dustbin | Noun. A Ford car. The Ford car manufacturer have a major engine plant at Dagenham, East London. Derog. |
dago | Noun. A foreigner, usually applied to Italians, Spanish and Portugese. Derog and offensive. |
daisies | Noun. Boots. Rhyming slang on daisy roots. |
daisy chain | Noun. A sexual act involving 3 or more people, during which each person simultaneously has sex with the person beside them in the group, thus forming a chain. |
damage | Noun. The cost, expense. E.g."What's the damage for the meal? Without the drinks!" |
dancers | Noun. Stairs. Also, but less commonly, jolly dancers and molly dancers. [North-west use] |
dander | Noun. A walk, a wander. E.g."Let's go for a dander up the river and get some fresh air." [Northern Irish use] |
dangleberries | Noun. Faecal remnants adherring to anal hairs. |
dangly-bits | Noun. The male genitals. |
dannies | Noun. Hands. [South Yorkshire use] |
Danny (La Rue) | Noun. A clue, an idea. Rhyming slang. Danny La Rue, British stage and TV drag artist and entertainer. |
daps | Noun. Plimsolls, trainers (footwear). [Welsh use] |
dark | Adj. Excellent. [Orig. U.S. 1990s] |
darkie | Noun. A black person. Also as darky. Derog/offens. |
darn | Adj./Adv. Extremely, very much, used an intensifier. A euphemism for damn. E.g."That darn fool needs reminding of who pays his wages." [Orig. U.S.] |
David Gower | Noun. A shower. Rhyming slang. David Gower, England cricketer in the 1980s. [1980s] |
Deacon | Noun. An imbecile, idiot. Derived from the name Joey Deacon, see 'Joey'. Derog. |
dead | Adv. Very, extremely. E.g."Our holiday was dead good." |
dead cert | Noun. A sure thing. E.g."It's a dead cert that the favourite will win." |
dead chuffed | Phrs. Extremely delighted. E.g."I'm dead chuffed we've found a vaccine for the virus." See 'dead' and 'chuffed'. [Mainly Northern use] |
dead from the neck up | Phrs. Unintelligent, stupid. |
dead heat in a Zeppelin race | Noun. Large breasts on a woman. E.g."Wow! Look at her, looks like a dead heat in a Zeppelin race." |
Dear John | Noun. A letter, usually from a female, terminating a relationship. |
de-bag | Verb. To remove a persons trousers, usually without their consent. Usually adolescent behaviour. See 'bags' (noun). |
deck | Verb. To physically knock down, to floor. E.g."I decked him and got arrested for fighting." [Orig. U.S.] |
Dee Dah | Noun. A person from Sheffield. Derogatory term, taken from the way they speak in Sheffield. [Yorks/Derbyshire use] |
deek | Noun. A look, a glance. E.g."Give me a deek at your magazine." [Yorkshire use/ North east use?] |
deep sea diver | Noun. A five pound monetary note (£5). Rhyming slang for fiver. |
deep shit | Noun. Serious trouble. |
deep throat | Noun. Fellatio involving the envelopment of the penis using the depth of the throat. Verb. To fellate as in the manner of the noun, above. |
deets | Noun. Details, information. Abbr. of details. Occ. as deats. E.g."I'll send you the deets by email." [Mid 1980s] |
def | Adj. Excellent, outstanding, perfect. [Orig. U.S. black] |
deffo | Adj./Adv. Certainly, without doubt. Abbr. of definitely. Also as defo. [Orig. Aust.?] |
def (someone) out | Verb. To ignore (someone). Possibly originally deaf out, so therefore to ignore by not listening. E.g."I hate the way that she always defs me out when I say something." [Midlands use] |
dekko | Noun. A look or glance. From the Hindustani, dekho. [1890s] |
Delhi belly | Noun. A severe stomach upset. A common occurrence for Western travellers visiting countries of the East, such as India, hence the expression. |
demic | Noun. 1. A thing that is worn out or broken. 2. A derogatory term for a person who is constantly sick, a hypochondriac, someone in obviously less than good health. |
Derby (Kelly) | Noun. Stomach. Cockney rhyming slang on belly and often abbreviated to Derby Kel. Also Darby Kelly. [Early 1900s] |
desk pilot | Noun. An office clerk. Probably from 'fly a desk'. |
Desmond | Noun. 1. A jacket. Rhyming slang on Desmond Hackett, the renowned Daily Express newspaper sports reporter. 2. A university degree, grade 2.2. Abbreviation of Reverend Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. |
destroyed | Adj. Drunk, very intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. |
devil dodger | Noun. A member of the church, or a strong believer in religion. [More commonly Navy use] |
devil's dandruff | Noun. Cocaine. |
dhoby | Verb. To wash, clean. Originally to do laundry, from the Hindu dhob meaning washing. Also dhobi, dobi, doby. [Services slang, mainly Navy use] |
dhoby dust | Noun. Washing powder. See 'dhoby'. |
diabolical | Adj. Bad, unpleasant, disgraceful, outragious. Frequently heard in the expression a diabolical liberty. E.g."The food was OK, but the service was diabolical." |
dial | Noun. A person's face. |
diamond | Noun. Wonderful, excellent. [Orig. London] |
diamond geezer | Noun. A really wonderful man, helpful and reliable; a gem of a man. A commonly heard extension to 'diamond'. [Mainly London use] |
Dibble | Noun. A policeman/woman. The name taken from the U.S. cartoon Top Cat, where the local policeman is called Officer Dibble. [N.W. England use.] |
dibs | Noun. A claim. E.g."I put dibs on tasting it first." Verb. To put a personal claim on something. E.g."I made the cocktail so I dibs first taste." |
dicey | Adj. Risky. |
dick | Noun. 1. The penis. 2. A contemptible or foolish person. |
dick around / about | Verb. Mess around, idle away time. E.g."Tim's been dicking about in the back yard with that bloody football again." |
dick breath | Noun. A contemptible or obnoxious person. |
dickend | Noun. A contemptible person, an idiot. |
dickfuck | Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person. |
dickhead | Noun. A stupid person, a contemptible person. Adj. Stupid, objectionable, annoying. Also dickheaded. |
dicksplash | Noun. A contemptible person. Cf. 'dicksplat'. |
dicksplat | Noun. A despicable person. Cf. 'dicksplash'. |
dickwad | Noun. A contemptible person, idiot. [Orig. U.S.] |
dickweed | Noun. A contemptible person. |
dicky | Adj. Unsound, likely to fail, unhealthy. Also spelt dickey and dickie. E.g."You can't seriously expect me to lift that box when you know I've got a dicky heart." |
dicky-bird | Noun. Rhyming slang for word. Usually heard in a negative sense. E.g."We've not heard a dicky-bird from Andy since he moved." |
dicky bow | Noun. A bow tie. |
dicky dirt | Noun. A shirt. Cockney rhyming slang. [Late 1800s] |
dicky fit | Noun. An emotional outburst, a tantrum. Also dickie fit. E.g."Don't even think about smoking Angela's last cigarette, she'll have a dicky fit." |
dick pic | Noun. A photograph that a man has taken of his penis, which is frequently to send to someone else without being requested. |
diddicoy | Noun. A gypsy. Also as diddicoi and didicoi. [Orig. Romany/dialect] |
diddies | Noun. 1. Women's breasts. [Scottish use] 2. Gypsies. Abbr. form of 'diddicoy'. |
diddle | Verb. 1. To have sex with, and often used with reference to masturbation of the female genitals. 2. To swindle. {Informal} |
diddly | Noun. Nothing. E.g."There's diddly wrong with it." [Orig. U.S.] |
diddly diddly music | Noun. Onomatopoeic name for Irish folk music. |
diddly-squat | Noun. Nothing, zero. E.g."Due to the pandemic I've earnt diddly squat this year." [Orig. U.S.] |
diddy | Adj. Small. |
diddy ride | Noun. A masturbatory act involving the rubbing of the penis between a woman's breasts. Also diddyride. [N.Irish use] |
die on one's arse | Vrb phrs. To fail badly, to fail to get the expected response, often of a comedian or entertainer. E.g."The first night of his tour he died on his arse but by the last night he had them rolling on the floor laughing." |
diesel (dyke) | Noun. A butch lesbian. A little less derogatory than 'bull dyke'. |
digby | Noun. An idiot, an imbecile. Possibly from Digby hospital, a mental health facility that closed in the mid 1980s. [Devon/Exeter use] |
dig (the grave) | Noun. A shave. Rhyming slang. E.g."Can you give me 10 minutes, I need to have a dig and clean my teeth." |
digs | Noun. Lodgings, accommodation. {Informal} |
dildo | Noun. 1. A substitute penis used for sex. [1600s] 2. An objectionable or imbecilic person. |
dilly-dally | Verb. To dawdle, linger, loiter. {Informal} |
dim | Adj. Unintelligent, dim-witted. {Informal} |
dimbo | Noun. An idiot, a fool. From 'dim'. |
dimmock | Noun. An imbecile, an idiot. From 'dim'. |
dimp | Noun. The filter remnants of a smoked cigarette. |
dimpsey | Noun. Dusk, twilight. [Devon use/dialect] |
din-dins | Noun. Dinner. Originally a children's expression. |
ding-a-ling | Noun. Penis. Also as dingaling. [Orig. Black/U.S.] |
dingbat | Noun. An idiot. |
ding-dong | Noun. An argument, commotion, fight. {Informal} |
dinge queen | Noun. A gay male attracted to black homosexuals. Essentially offensive term due to the use of 'dinge', meaning black. Cf. 'curry queen', 'pissy queen' and 'scat queen'. |
dingle | Noun. A person from Burnley (Lancashire). Generally derog, and heard mainly in football circles, especially by rival Blackburn fans. |
dingleberries | Noun. Excrement that adheres to one's anal hairs. Cf. 'dangleberries' |
dingus | Noun. 1. A thing or contraption whose name you have forgotten {Informal} 2. A fool, an idiot, an objectionable person. [Orig. U.S.] |
dingy | Verb. To ignore (someone). E.g."He thought they were friends but she dingied him and went off with someone else." [Glasgow use] |
dinky | Adj. Small, cute, neat. {Informal} |
dinlo | Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person. Also as din and dinny. [Portsmouth use] |
dip | Verb. To pick pockets. E.g."We dipped shoppers all Saturday and had enough cash by the evening to get drunk." See 'dipping'. |
dip one's wick | Vrb phrs. Of males, to have sex. |
dipping | Noun. The act of picking pockets. See 'dip' (verb). |
dippy | Adj. Silly, empty-headed. |
dipshit | Noun. A despicable person. Derog. [Orig. U.S] |
dipso | Noun. A drunk, an alcoholic. Abbr. of dipsomaniac. Derog. [1940s] {Informal} |
dipstick | Noun. A fool. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
dirtbag | Noun. A worthless, contemptible person. |
dirtbox | Noun. The anus. |
dirty | Adv. A general intensifier. E.g."There was a dirty great big spot on the end of his nose." |
dirty-mac | Noun. A worn or decrepid long raincoat or mackintosh, the sort stereotypically worn by men with a prediliction for exposing their genitals in public. See 'dirty mackintosh brigade'. |
dirty mackintosh | Noun. See 'dirty-mac'. |
dirty mackintosh brigade | Noun. Collectively, perverts or those who indecently expose themselves. Cf. 'long mackintosh brigade'. |
dirty pillows | Noun. Women's breasts. |
dirty stop-out | Noun. A person who has stayed out enjoying themselves beyond the expected time of return. Jocular usage. |
dirty weekend | Noun. A liberating weekend away from home for the indulgence in intimacies, either sexual or otherwise, with one's lover. {Informal} |
dischuffed | Adj. Displeased. Cf. 'chuffed'. |
disco biscuit | Noun. An ecstasy (MDMA) pill. Within the UK club scene it was originally a specific type of ecstasy pill, however, in the U.S. in the 1970s disco biscuits were qualudes. [Early 1990s] |
dish | Noun. 1. A sexually attractive person. 2. The buttocks. Gay use. 3. The face. Verb. To smash, to break. E.g."Someone has dished all my car windows." [Merseyside use] |
dish the dirt | Vrb phrs. To reveal the truth or gossip. E.g."Mandy's always a good bet for dishing the dirt on celebrities who visit the restuarant." |
dish out | Verb. To hand out, to give out, to distribute. E.g."We dished out a thrashing to them in the semi-final." |
dish up | Verb. 1. To serve food. {Informal} 2. To hand out, to provide. E.g."We dished up a great performance and got a wonderful review in the local paper." |
dishy | Adj. Sexually attractive. {Informal} |
diss | Verb. To disrespect, ridicule, insult. E.g."No he can't come with us - he dissed me and my family." [Orig. Black English/U.S.] |
div | Noun. An idiot, a pitiable person, a contemptible person. Cf. 'divvy'. |
dive | Noun. A squalid place. |
divvy | Noun. Idiot. Derog. |
divvy up | Verb. To share out, distribute. {Informal} |
dizzy queen | Noun. A giddy and flamboyant gay male. |
do | Noun. A party or event. Frequently prefixed with the type of event, such as wedding do or leaving do. E.g."We went to a wonderful do at Rachel and Tom's at the weekend." {Informal} Verb. 1. To physically assault, to beat up. E.g."I'll do him if he calls me an idiot again." 2. To have sex with. E.g."I did her throughout spring and until her boyfriend came home from university for the summer." |
do a bunk | Vrb phrs. To leave hurriedly, escape. E.g."He did a bunk, out of the bedroom window, when his parents came home unexpectedly." |
do a runner | Vrb phrs. Meaning the same as 'do a bunk', but often implying a departure without paying for a received service. |
dob (in) | Verb. To inform on, betray. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
dobber | Noun. 1. A penis. 2. An idiot, a contemptible person. 3. Something very large. E.g."I've never seen a pizza so big, it was a real dobber, and we could only eat half of it between six of us." [Northern use] 4. An informer, a teller of tales. From 'dob'. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] 5. A condom. [Leics use] |
dobbing | Adj. A general intensifier. E.g."This dobbing great idiot spilt my drink and didn't apologise, so I hit him." |
doby | Noun. Laundry. See 'dhoby'. |
docking | Adv. Extremely. E.g. "It was a docking big car, the size of a bus, and certainly not suitable for town driving." |
docky | Noun. A snack. [Norfolk/ Cambridgeshire/ Lincs. use] |
docky time | Noun. Mid morning break. See 'docky'. [Norfolk/ Cambridgeshire/ Lincs. use] |
doddle | Noun. An easy task. {Informal} |
dodge a bullet | Vrb phrs. To avoid a unwelcome situation, often by good fortune. E.g."I think I dodged a bullet by not going a date with her, as apparently she never pays for anything." {Informal} |
dodgy | Adj. Risky, suspicious, dubious. {Informal} |
dog | Noun. 1. A sexually unattractive person. Derog. 2. A foot, usually in plural as dogs and often heard used in the expression my dogs are barking. See 'dogs are barking'. Verb. To play truant. Also doggin' it. [Scottish use] |
dog and bone | Noun. Telephone. Cockney rhyming slang. |
dog-breath | Noun. 1. A person with halitosis, bad smelling breath. 2. A contemptible person. |
dog-end | Noun. A cigarette end, the remnants of a cigarette after smoking. |
dogger | Noun. A person who engages in exhibitionist and anonymous sex in public places, or seeks out such activity in order to watch. Originally referred to a voyeur of sex. See 'dogging'. |
doggie fashion | Adj. An act of sex in the manner of dogs, that is, with both partners facing the same direction and on their knees. |
dogging | Noun. Anonymous, public sex between strangers, usually taking place in cars or outdoors and in the presence of voyeurs. E.g."I went dogging at the weekend, but just to watch." See 'dogger'. |
(one's) dogs are barking | Phrs. (One's) feet are tired and aching. E.g."Do you mind if I sit down, my dogs are barking!" |
the dogs | Noun. Greyhound racing. {Informal} |
dogsbody | Noun. A person who does the menial and boring tasks. {Informal} |
dog's bollocks | Noun. The best. E.g."This song is the dog's bollocks." Cf. 'cat's whiskers', 'bee's knees' and 'mutt's nuts'. |
dog's breakfast | Noun. A mess. E.g."I've made a bit of a dog's breakfast of that essay, and will probably have to rewrite it." Cf. 'dog's dinner' |
dog's dangly bits | Noun. The best. Later variation on the 'dog's bollocks'. See 'dangly bits'. |
dog's dinner | Noun. 1. A mess. Cf. 'dog's breakfast'. 2. See 'done up like a dog's dinner'. |
dog's egg | Noun. A lump of dog faeces. |
doh! | Exclam. Used to express realization that one has made a foolish mistake or things have turned out badly. {Informal} |
do in | Verb. To beat up, to kill. |
doings | Noun. Non-specific items, things one may have temporarily forgotten the name for. E.g."Tony, will you move all your, err... doings from the kitchen table?" |
dole | Noun. Social security benefits. See 'dole-ite'. {Informal} |
dole-ite | Noun. An unemployed person in receipt of social welfare. Also as doleite and dolite. See 'dole'. {Informal} |
doll | Noun. 1. A young and especially attractive woman. 2. Sweetheart. An expression of endearment, e.g. "Come on doll, it isn't that bad." |
doll up | Verb. To smarten up, to make attractive. |
dollybird | Noun. An attractive woman. Use is generally jocular and historical. [1960s] |
do me a favour | Phrs. A phrase meaning "you must be joking" or "are you kidding me?" |
do me a lemon | Phrs. Alternative version of 'do me a favour', see above. [London use] |
done and dusted | Phrs. Completed, finished. {Informal} |
done in | Adj. Tired out. {Informal} |
done up like a dog's dinner | Phrs. Smartly or extravagantly dressed. Usually disparaging use. {Informal} |
done up like a kipper | Phrs. 1. Caught in the act, caught red handed. 2. Put in a position of no hope. |
dong | Noun. A penis. |
donger | Noun. A penis. |
donkey | Noun. 1. A male, well endowed with a large penis, as in hung like a donkey. Also phrased as donkey-dick. 2. Something that doesn't come up to expectations. E.g."The car broke down within 5 miles so I think we can confidently say we've been sold a donkey." |
donkey's (years) | Noun. A long time. Often abbreviated to donkey's. E.g."It's been donkey's since I had a good night's sleep and I'm really tired." {Informal} |
donnies | Noun. Hands. [W. Midlands use] |
don't (even) go there | Phrs. Don't talk about that, please stay away from that subject. Fequently used as a warning. |
donut | Noun. See 'doughnut'. |
doobie | Noun. A marijuana cigarette. [Orig. U.S. 1960s] |
doobrie | Noun. Something whose name isn't known or has been forgotten. |
doo doo | Noun. Children's expression for faeces. |
doofah | Noun. A thing whose name has been forgotten or momentarily can't be recalled. Also as doofer. |
doolally | Adj. Mad, crazy, insane. A shortening of doolally tap, a madness that afflicted British soldiers in Deolali (Doolally), India. There's speculation as to whether the soldiers went mad whilst stationed there, awaiting the troop ship home, or that they were sent to the sanatorium there after going mad. Cf 'tapped'. [Late 1800s] |
do one | Verb. To go away. E.g."Listen, I'm going to do one and let you finish your work. I'll call you later." |
do one's fruit | Vrb phrs. To be extremely annoyed. E.g."Sharon's going to do her fruit when she finds David's interfering in her business again." |
do one's head in | Vrb phrs. To mentally disturb. E.g."Will you stop going on and on, you're doing my head in." |
do one's nut | Vrb phrs. To be very angry, to throw a tantrum, to get emotionally upset. E.g."The work was piling up, he couldn't do it all by himself but the boss was doing his nut." |
doormat | Noun. A person who is easily exploited, someone who is walked on and readily used by others. |
doorstep | Noun. A thickly cut slice of bread. Verb. 1. To canvas or sell from door to door. {Informal} 2. Of a journalist or press reporter, to call on someone in their home on order to get an interview. {Informal} |
doorstop | Noun. A thick slice of bread. |
dope | Noun. 1. A stupid person. Derived from dopey. (s.e.) 2. General term for a narcotic drug. Adj. Excellent, great. [Orig. U.S./Black] |
dopehead | Noun. An idiot. |
Doris | Noun. Wife or girlfriend. E.g."I'm taking my doris to the cinema to see the new Harry Potter film." |
dork | Noun. An idiot, a socially inept and objectionable person. [Orig. U.S.] |
dose | Noun. Euphemism for a venereal infection. |
dosh | Noun. Money. |
do (someone) | Vrb phrs. To have sexual intercourse with someone. E.g."Yeah, Johnny's doing that blonde who works in the tax office." |
doss | Verb. 1. To sleep rough, to sleep at a temporary place. E.g."I've been dossing at my mates." {Informal} 2. To rest, to idle away time. Often followed by about or around. E.g."I spent the weekend dossing around with my mates on Blackpool beach." Noun. An easy task. E.g."That maths exam was a doss." {Informal} |
dossdown | Verb. To sleep rough. Also doss down. {Informal} |
dosser | Noun. 1. A person who sleeps rough, a homeless person. Derog. 2. A person who lives by exerting the least amount of personal effort. Derog. |
dosshouse | Noun. A cheap lodging house, refuge or shelter for the homeless. Also occasionally a house where one is temporarily staying. Also as doss-house. |
do the business | Vrb phrs. Do what is necessary to achieve the required result. E.g."If you don't do the business, we are going to fail." {Informal} |
do the dirty on (someone) | Vrb phrs. To betray, to cheat on (someone). |
do time | Verb. To serve time in prison. E.g."He's done time for shoplifting." |
dotty | Adj. Eccentric or slightly mad. E.g."My dotty Auntie Ethel is visiting this weekend." {Informal} |
double bagger | Noun. An ugly woman. So called because two bags would be needed to avoid having to see her during sex, one to cover her head, and one to cover one's own should her bag accidentally come off or rip. |
double-bubble | Noun. Double the amount. |
double Dutch | Adj. Nonsense, incomprehensible talk. {Informal} |
double fuck! | Exclam. Used to emphasise the numerous exclamationary uses of 'fuck'. |
douche | Noun. A contemptible person. Abbr. of 'douchebag'. [Orig. U.S.] |
douchebag | Noun. A contemptible person. Also douche bag. [Orig. U.S.] |
dough | Noun. Money. |
doughnut * | Noun. 1. An idiot, a contemptible person. 2. A skilled manoeuvre in a motorized vehicle, whereby it is repeatedly spun on the spot through 360°, resulting in the tyres overheating and consequently leaving burnt rubber on the tarmac - in the shape of a doughnut. |
* also as donut.
Douglas Hurd * | Noun. 1. A lump of excrement. Rhyming slang on 'turd'. [1980s] 2. A third (class degree). Rhyming slang. [1980s] * Douglas Hurd, Tory government minister during the 1980s under Margaret Thatcher, and later John Major. |
dout | Noun. A cigarette butt. [Scottish use, Glasgow?] |
downer | Noun. 1. A tranquillizer. 2. Something that mentally depresses. E.g."It put me on a right downer, crashing the car, especially now when I have no money." |
down in the dumps | Phrs. Miserable, depressed. E.g."I'm not coming out tonight, I'm feeling a little down in the dumps." |
down the pan | Phrs. Wasted, lost, ruined. E.g."Oh well, that's another £1000 down the pan." |
down under | Noun. Australia. {Informal} |
doylem | Noun. An idiot, an objectionable person. Also doylum and doilum. [North-east and North Yorks use] |
dozy | Adj. Dimwitted, stupid, mentally slow. {Informal} |
drag | Noun. 1. Dressing in the opposite sexes clothes. 2. A draw on a cigarette. |
drag queen | Noun. A male homosexual who dresses in women's clothes and affecting extreme effeminate mannerisms. |
drain the main vein | Vrb phrs. Of males, to urinate. |
drama queen | Noun. Someone who makes an excessive fuss over a situation. Of the many queen names from the gay scene, this is widely used by heterosexuals of heterosexuals. |
drangway | Noun. An alleyway. [Devon use] |
draw | Noun. Cannabis or marijuana. Also phrased as a draw. E.g."Here mate, have you got a draw? I need something to help me sleep." |
drawk | Verb. To soak. [Yorks/North-east use. Dialect] |
(the) dreaded lurgy | Noun. Any unspecified or fictitious desease. Invented and popularized by Spike Milligan on the Goon Show. Jocular use. Also dreaded lurgi. |
dreamboat | Noun. A sexually attractive person. |
dreamy | Adj. Of a person, wonderful, delightful. |
dreckly | Adv. Immediately, straight away, although despite its meaning can also imply 'soon' or 'when ready'. From directly. [South-west use] |
dressed (up) to the nines | Phrs. Dressed very well and fashionably. |
drink from the furry cup | Vrb phrs. To perform cunnilingus. See 'furry cup'. |
drinky poo | Noun. A drink. Mock juvenile expression. |
drip | Noun. A feeble and boring person. Derog. |
dripping with | Phrs. Having an excessive amount of, usually in the context of wealth, such as jewellery or money. |
drippy | Adj. Ineffectual, overly sentimental. |
drive-by | Noun. The shooting of guns at a particular target from inside a car. Common with street gangs in U.S. and now occurring in Britain. |
drive the porcelain bus | Vrb phrs. To vomit. [Orig. U.S.] |
drooth | Noun. A thirst. [Scottish use] |
drop | Verb. To take drugs orally. The term drop acid being common. |
drop a bollock | Vrb phrs. To make a mistake. E.g."It was the third time in a week that he'd dropped a bollock. No wonder he got the sack." |
drop a clanger | Vrb phrs. To make an obvious mistake. E.g."The government dropped a clanger by ignoring the wishes of the populace and going to war." |
drop anchor in poo bay | Vrb phrs. To have anal intercourse. [1990s] |
drop dead! | Verb. An exclamation of annoyance directed at a person. [Orig. U.S.] |
dropdead gorgeous | Adj. Stunningly attractive. |
drop one's guts | Vrb phrs. To break wind. Occasionally shortened to just 'drop one'. E.g. "Jesus! What a stink, have you just dropped one?" |
drop (someone) in it | Vrb phrs. To land (someone) in trouble, to incriminate. A euphemism for dropping someone in the shit. |
drop the C-bomb | Noun. Use the the word 'cunt' in conversation, and implying how offensive it is to use it. |
drop the kids off at the pool | Vrb phrs. Euphemism for defecation. E.g."I cant even think about eating breakfast until I've had a cigarette and dropped the kids off at the pool." |
druggie | Noun. A drug addict or, more recently, used with reference to anyone who uses drugs to excess. Also spelt druggy. Derog. Adj. Having a quality associated with that of recreational drugs and consequently the drug scene itself. E.g."I did like that new tune but it was a bit druggy and reminded me of psychedelic music." |
drum | Noun. A house, home. |
drunk as a skunk | Phrs. Very intoxicated with alcohol. |
dry hump | Verb. 1. To simulate sexual intercourse. 2. To sexually rub up against a person whilst fully clothed. |
dry humping | Noun. The act of simulating sexual intercourse, or sexually rubbing up against a person whilst fully clothed. |
dry slap | Noun. A punch. Expression allegedly invented by actor Mike Read for the Frank Butcher character he played in a TV soap, Eastenders. E.g."You'd better show him some respect before he gives you a dry slap." [1990s?] |
duch | Noun. A term of address for a woman. Cf. 'dutch'. |
duchess | Noun. A term of address for a woman. Occasionally dutchess. Also abbr. to 'duch'. |
duck | Noun. 1. A term of address. 2. A euphemism for 'fuck'. See 'give a duck'. 3. No score, zero points. From cricket. E.g."He went for a duck in his first innings." See 'out for a duck'. {Informal} |
duckarse | Verb. To wet the end of a cigarette, or joint, with saliva, thus making it difficult or unpleasant to smoke. [Northern use] |
duckegg | Noun. A fool, an idiot. [Northern use?] |
ducker | Noun. A stone, usually flat, used for skimming on water. [Dialect? Mainly Midlands use] |
ducking and diving | Phrs. Living by one's wits. |
ducky | Noun. A form of friendly address. {Informal} |
dud | Noun. An ineffectual or broken thing. E.g."Can I borrow another pen, that last one you gave me was a dud." {Informal} Adj. Failing, faulty or of no value. E.g."Will you stop giving me dud pens!" {Informal} |
duds | Noun. Clothes. |
duff | Adj. Worthless, rubbishy, useless, false, bad. E.g."The product was duff, and information he gave us was duff." |
duffer | Noun. An inefficient or stupid person. Derived from 'duff'. E.g."What! You went out with that old duffer?" |
duff up | Verb. To beat up. E.g."He spends his time duffing up the young kids in the lower years at school." |
dugs | Noun. Female breasts. |
duke | Noun. A homosexual. Rhyming slang on Duke of Kent meaning 'bent'. |
dukes | Noun. 1. Hemorrhoids. Rhyming slang on Duke of Argyles, meaning piles. 2. Fists. E.g."Put your dukes up and defend yourself." |
dull as dishwater | Phrs. Very unexciting, exceedingly plain, boring. E.g."I'm not wasting my time watching another hour of this film, it's dull as dishwater." Cf. 'dull as ditchwater'. |
dull as ditchwater | Phrs. Very boring, unexciting. Cf. 'dull as dishwater'. |
dumb ass | Noun. An idiot. [Orig. U.S.] Adj. Idiotic, stupid. |
dumbnuts | Noun. An idiot. |
dumbo | Noun. A stupid, slow witted person. Derog. |
dump | Noun. 1. An act of defecation. 2. A squalid place. {Informal} Verb. 1. To defecate. E.g."Oh my God! The dog's just dumped on the living room carpet." 2. To finish a relationship with someone. E.g."She's got herself a bad reputation for dumping boyfriends after the second date." |
dump all over (someone) | Vrb phrs. To mistreat (someone), to unfairly criticize (someone). [Orig. U.S.] |
dumpy arsed | Adj. Small and chubby. E.g."He was a bit dumpy-arsed but he was very funny so I agreed to go on another date." |
dunderhead | Noun. An idiot, a fool, a stupid person. {Informal} |
dune coon | Noun. An Arab, or often more generally of/from the Middle East. Derog./Offens. |
dunky | Noun. A condom. [South Wales use] |
dunno | Phrs. I do not know. Informal verbal representation of the words don't know. {Informal} |
dunny | Noun. The toilet. [Orig. Aust.] |
durbrain | Noun. An idiot, a fool. Also duh brain and duhbrain. [1990s] |
dustbin lid | Noun. A child. Rhyming slang on kid. Cf. 'bin lid' and 'saucepan lid'. |
dust bunnies | Noun. Clumps of dust, usually found on the floor on the periphery of a room or under furniture. [Orig. U.S.] |
dust-up | Noun. A fight, a quarrel, a row, a disturbance. Also as dustup. E.g."We had a dust-up with our neighbours over parking." {Informal} |
dutch | Noun. Wife. Abbr. form of 'duchess'. Occasionally old dutch. [Mainly London use] |
dutch oven | Noun. The act of breaking wind whilst in bed and to then hold one's partner's head beneath the covers. |
dweeb | Noun. An imbecile. [Orig. U.S.] |
dwile | Noun. A dish cloth, a rag. Also, dwile flonking, a pub game played at village fetes, involving a beer soaked rag. More details available at World Wide Words. [Mainly Suffolk/Norfolk use] |
dyke | Noun. A lesbian. Previously used as a derogatory expression but now used and accepted within the lesbian and gay scene. Cf. 'bull dyke' and 'diesel dyke'. |