g | Noun. 1. A gram. 2. A thousand, from 'grand' (noun). |
gab | Verb. To chatter, talk. {Informal} |
gabby | Adj. Talkative. {Informal} |
gadge | Noun. A male, often with respect to older men. Variations include gadgy and gadgie. Poss. from Romani gadje, a non-Roma/Romani person. [Mid 1800s/ Mainly Scottish/ Northern use] |
gaff | Noun. 1. Place of residence or work. E.g."My gaff is just around
the corner." [1930s] 2. Place. E.g."It was all over the gaff but at least I had a week to clean it up." |
gaffer | Noun. The boss. |
gaga | Adj. Insane, just a little crazy. |
gagging (for something) | Phrs. To have an extreme desire for something. E.g."I'm gagging for a night of vigorous, sweaty, dancing." |
gagging for it | Phrs. Eager for sex. |
gak | Noun. Cocaine. [Mainly London use] |
galloping knob-rot | Noun. Severe, uncontrolled venereal disease. Cf. 'knob-rot'. |
gallus | Adj. Of a person, bold, self-confident, cheeky, mischievous. [West Scotland/Glasgow use] |
galoot | Noun. An ungainly and often unrefined person. Usually affectionate usage. |
gam | Noun. A leg, especially a woman's. Usually in the plural. E.g."She had the most beautiful gams I've ever seen." |
gamahuche * | Noun. An act of oral sex: fellatio or cunnilingus. Verb. To perform oral sex. * also as gamahouch, gamaroosh, gamarouche. |
game on! | Exclam. Expressing excitement and anticipation of an event, or at the start of a competitive event. |
gammy | Adj. Injured, painful or septic. Usually applied to a body-part. E.g."My leg's gone gammy since that fall last week." |
gamp | Noun. An umbrella, especially a large one. Dated. {Informal} |
gan | Verb. Go. E.g."Are you gannin' down the pub tonight?" [N.E./Cumbria use. Dialect] |
gander | Noun. A look, a glance. E.g."Will you have a gander at my job application letter, and check it for spelling mistakes?" |
Gandhi's flip-flop | Noun. A very dry environment. Used in phrases like my mouth is like Gandhis flip-flop. Other parts of one's anatomy that are likened to Gandhi's flip flop include the throat or tongue. |
Gandhi's revenge | Noun. A stomach upset, and subsequent diarrhoea. |
gang-bang | Noun. Copulation with an individual by a group. |
ganja | Noun. Marijuana. [Orig. W.I.] |
gannet | Noun. A greedy person. |
gansie | Noun. A pullover, jumper, woollen sweater, cardigan. A variant of Guernsey, the Channel Island. Also as gansy, ganzie, ganzy, ganzee, ganzey. [Mainly Northern use] |
gaping axe wound | Noun. Vagina, female genitals. Cf. 'axe wound' & 'hairy axe wound'. |
garden (gate) | Verb. To orally, sexually stimulate the penis, to fellate. Rhyming slang on 'plate', not fellate. See 'plate'. |
Gareth Hunt | Noun. A contemptible person. Rhyming slang on 'cunt'. Gareth Hunt, English actor, most famous for his role in The New Avengers television series in the late 1970s. |
garm | Noun. Clothes. Abbr. of garments. [Mainly black use?] |
garrity | Adj. Mad, crazy, angry. [South-east use] |
gary | Noun. A tablet, usually the drug MDMA. A shortening of the rhyming slang Gary Ablet; the name of a professional English footballer. [Orig. Liverpool] |
garyboy | Noun. A male who drives a sporty car. The vehicle is usually noticeable by its sporty appearance and souped up engine. Cf. with 'boy-racer'. [E.Anglia/ Norfolk/ Essex/ Suffolk use] |
Gary Glitter | Noun. The anus. Rhyming slang for 'shitter'. Gary Glitter, British pop singer/musician in the 1970s. |
gas | Verb. To chat, talk incessantly. E.g."We spent the whole night gassing about the old days and didn't get to bed until 5am." |
gash | Noun. 1. The vagina. 2. Women viewed as sexual objects. Offens/derog. 3. Nonsense. E.g."Don't talk gash, it's all lies." 4. Rubbish, useless things. 5. Something going spare, extra, in excess of requirements. E.g. "If that's all gash, then I'll have a second helping, I'm starving." [Mainly Armed Forces use] |
gasper | Noun. A cigarette. [Early 1900s] |
gasping | Verb. To be desperate for something. E.g."I'm gasping for a good night out, and a drunken few hours dancing in a club surrounded by gorgeous females." |
gassed (up) | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. |
gast one's flabber | Vrb phrs. To astound, to amaze, to confound. A pun on 'flabbergast'. E.g."What a performance! They totally gasted my flabber." Cf. 'flabber one's gast'. |
gast was flabbered | Phrs. Astounded, amazed. A pun on 'flabbergast'. E.g."It's been a while since my gast was flabbered." Cf. 'gast one's flabber' and flabber one's gast'. |
gatted | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. |
gavver | Noun. A policeman/woman. [Kent use/ Orig. Romany] |
gawm | Noun. Heed, notice, attention. E.g."That boy's got no gawm so you need to keep an eye on him." Also as gaum and gorm. [Dialect] |
gawp | Verb. To stare obtrusively. {Informal} |
gay | Noun. A homosexual male and occasionally used for such females. The word, once derogatory, has been reclaimed by the 'gay' community and is an accepted term for homosexuals. However the term is still heard used in a perjorative sense. 'Gay' is now considered standard English. Adj. 1. Homosexual in nature. 2. General disparaging term. |
gayarse | Noun. 1. A homosexual male. Derog. 2. A contemptible person. |
gay as a goose | Phrase. Very evidently homosexual. |
gay-boy | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
Gaychester | Noun. Nickname for Manchester with its ever-growing and popular gay scene. Along with 'Gunchester' and 'Madchester', these puns tend to be journalistic pseudonyms. [Early 1990s] |
gaydar | Noun. The ability, intuitive or otherwise, of a person to know when another person is homosexual. A play on the words gay and radar. |
gaylord | Noun. A homosexual male. |
gayrage | Noun. Derogatory term for the UK garage music scene; a play on the words garage and gay. |
gays on trays | Noun. Snowboarders. Mainly used by skiers. Cf. 'pricks with sticks'. |
gazump | Verb. 1. In property sales, to offer a higher price that makes the seller unethically drop the original agreed buyer. E.g."There's too much gazumping in the local housing market." 2. To take over, to usurp, take possession of. E.g."Manchester City are resigned to losing out after their rivals gazumped them in the transfer market." |
gazunder | Noun. A chamber pot. Named so because it goes under the bed. Somewhat archaic due to homes having internal toilets. |
gazungas | Noun. Female breasts. |
GBH of the ear hole | Phrs. Excessive noise, often used with reference to incessant complaints or talk. GBH, an abbreviation of the legal term, grievous bodily harm. |
gear | Noun. 1. Illicit drugs. E.g."Andy said he'd bring over some gear for the party, that's if he hasn't already taken it all." 2. Clothes, apparel. E.g."So what gear do we need to pack for this walk?" {Informal} |
gee | Noun. Vagina. |
gee-gees | Noun. Horses. Usually children and gambler's use. {Informal} |
geek | Noun. An intelligent but socially inept person. Derog. |
geet | Adj. Very. E.g."It was a geet big elephant." [Cumbria/ Northumberland use] |
geezer | Noun. 1. General term for a man, however the word can imply more specific qualities, see version 2. 2. A confident man with masculine qualities, very much 'laddish' in nature and respected. * Also occasionally spelt geeza. |
geezerbird | Noun. 1. An androgynous looking woman. 2. A tomboy. 3. A woman who enjoys typically male pastimes. |
gen | Noun. Information. E.g."What's the gen on the economic situation in Brazil." {Informal} |
gender bender | Noun. A transvestite, cross-dresser, a person who adopts a sexually ambiguous dress sense. |
gennell | Noun. Alleyway, passageway between houses. A variant of 'ginnell'. [N. England use/ Dialect] |
gen (someone) up | Verb. To give (someone) all the information required. {Informal} |
gen up on (something) | Verb phrs. To find out about (something). E.g."I'm getting a fish tank next week, so I've been genning up on tropical fish." {Informal} |
Geoff (Hurst) | Noun. A first class university degree. Rhyming slang on first. Geoff Hurst, footballer, best known for his scoring a hatrick during the England World Cup victory over Germany in 1966. |
Geordie | Noun. A person from Tyneside or Newcastle, and consequently the dialect of such a person. |
Geordieland | Noun. The area of Tyneside, in the North-east. Also occasionally Jordyland and Geordyland. |
German (bands) | Noun. The hands. Rhyming slang. Also abbreviated to Germans. |
German helmet | Noun. The head of the penis, from its vaguely similar physical shape. |
gerroff | Exclam./Vrb phrs. Get off. [Dialect] |
gertcha! | Exclam. Expressing derisive disbelief. Literally get away with you! Also as gertcher!. |
get | Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person. Cf. git. |
get a build on | Vrb phrs. To roll a 'joint', a marijuana/cannabis cigarette. |
get a life! | Exclam. An instructional and admonishing statement to sort oneself out. [Orig. U.S.] |
get a load of (something) | Vrb phrs. To see or notice something. E.g."Did you get a load of the arse on her, she's a beauty." |
get any | Vrb phrs. To get some sort of sexual pleasure. Often as a question as getting any? Also as getting much? E.g."Are you getting any, or have you been married for too long?" |
get away! | Exclam. No kidding! Said to express disbelief or astonishment. A shortening of get away with you! {Informal} |
get away with murder | Vrb phrs. To escape punishment or to go unharmed after a risky feat or misdemenour. |
get a wiggle on | Vrb phrs. Get a move on, hurry up. |
get a wriggle on | Vrb phrs. Get a move on, hurry up. |
get cracking | Verb. To hurry up, to get on with one's task. E.g."Go on, get cracking, hurry up and clean your teeth then we can leave for the airport." |
get creamed | Verb. To be thoroughly defeated, beaten. E.g."We got creamed 4-0 in the final." |
get-go | Verb. The start, the outset, the beginning. E.g."From the get-go he was nasty to me." [Orig. U.S./Black / Late 1950s] {Informal} |
get him/her/you (!) | Exclam./Vrb phrs. Said in shock or amazement at a person's behaviour, and ultimately at their expense by humourously drawing attention toward them. E.g."Get her! Wearing designer clothes to work." {Informal} |
get his/hers/theirs | Vrb phrs. To receive punishment that one deserves. E.g."" She'll get hers for doing what she did to my brother. |
get hitched | Verb. To get married. |
get in! | Exclam. Expressing relief or satisfaction with a desired outcome. |
get into someone's pants | Vrb phrs. To achieve sexual intimacies. E.g."Don't trust him, he's only being nice to get into your pants." |
get it? | Phrs. Do you understand? Particularly when referring to a joke. |
get it together | Phrs. To organize oneself, to sort out oneself and one's emotions, to put one's life in order. E.g."If he gets himself together I'll meet him and we can discuss our future life together." [Orig. U.S.] |
get it up | Verb. To get an erection of the penis. E.g."He used to have problems getting it up, then he discovered viagra." |
get jiggy | Vrb phrs. 1. To be cool and with what's happening that's respected. Apparently originates with Will Smith, U.S. rapper and movie star, and came to prominence with his song Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It. [Orig. U.S. 1990s] 2. To be active, often in a sexual sense. An extended meaning from version 1, above, possibly a misinterpretation of how the original expression was used. |
get knotted! | Verb. An exclamation of anger expressed at someone. |
get nowhere fast | Vrb phrs. To not progress at all, despite one's efforts. |
get off at Edgehill | Vrb phrs. To perform coitus interruptus, to withdraw one's penis from the vagina before ejaculation. A catholic Liverpudlian expression derived from the symbolic use of the railway station before the Mersey tunnel and the last stop. Also heard phrased as jump off at Edgehill. Other UK cities also have their own variations, such as get off at Paisley, used in Glasgow; get off at Gateshead, used in Newcastle-upon-Tyne; get off at Haymarket, used in Edinburgh. |
get off on | Verb. To enjoy greatly, to be thrilled, often sexually. E.g."She looked so horny; I really got off on that skin tight rubber dress." |
get off with (someone) | Verb. To achieve an intimate or sexual communing with (someone). E.g."I presume you got off with that bloke last night, being as you didn't come home?" |
get one's act together | Vrb phrs. To calm down, to compose oneself. |
get one's arse in gear | Vrb phrs. See 'get one's act together'. |
get one's end away | Vrb phrs. Have sexual intercourse. Male expression of obvious derivation. |
get one's goat | Vrb phrs. To annoy someone. |
get one's head down | Vrb phrs. 1. To get some sleep. E.g."I got my head down early as I was due to leave for the airport at 5am." {Informal} 2. To concentrate, to apply oneself to a task. E.g."Just get your head down for one more week, pass your exams then you can relax and enjoy the summer." {Informal} |
get one's head together | Vrb phrs. To sort oneself out, to regain one's composure. |
get one's knickers in a twist | Vrb phrs. To become upset or bothered. Often used in the negative sense of don't get one's knickers in a twist. {Informal} |
get one's kit off | Vrb phrs. To take off one's clothes, usually heard as a sexually motivated request and has nothing to do with sportswear. E.g."Cor, I wouldn't mind getting her kit off...." |
get one's leg over | Vrb phrs. To have sexual intercourse. E.g."I had a great weekend, and got my leg over three times." |
get one's mad up | Vrb phrs. To annoy, to infuriate. E.g."The way he kept ignoring me really got my mad up." [Manchester/ NW England use] |
get one's rocks off | Vrb phrs. 1. To have sexual intercourse. 2. To thoroughly enjoy. |
get one's shit together | Vrb phrs. To calm down, to compose oneself. |
get on one's tits | Vrb phrs. To annoy, to get on one's nerves. The 'tits' in the phrase are metaphorical hence the idiom is used by both sexes. E.g."Angie's new boyfriend really gets on my tits." |
get on one's tit's end | Vrb phrs. To irritate. See above 'get on one's tits'. |
get on one's wick | Vrb phrs. To annoy. |
get out of here! | Exclam. Expressing disbelief, astonishment. You're joking! I don't believe you! No way! Also as get out of it! |
get stuck in | Verb. Get involved in, apply oneself. |
get stuffed! | Verb. An angry rebuke, get lost! |
get that up you! | Exclam. Take that! Expressing defiance. |
get the horn | Vrb phrs. To be sexually aroused. |
get the nod | Vrb phrs. To get approval or permission. E.g."I've been given the nod by the wife, so I can come to the match on Saturday." |
get to fuck! | Exclam. A dismissive, defiant or angry exclamation. |
get up one's nose | Vrb phrs. To irritate, to annoy. E.g."He gets right up my nose with his constant complaining." |
ghetto blaster | Noun. A large portable stereo radio/CD/cassette player, tyically used and carried by youths. [Orig. U.S. Black/ 1980s] |
ghoster | Noun. A late night work shift, done immediately after a day shift. E.g."Sorry we can't come out tonight, Bob's too tired; we're saving up for a new car so he's just done a ghoster at work." |
ghosting | Noun. The act of abruptly ceasing communication with someone. See 'ghost (someone)'. |
ghost (someone) | Verb. To abruptly cut off communicating with someone without notice. Typically used with respect to relationships and done to avoid having to go through the difficult task of telling someone that you no longer wish to have a relationship with them. E.g."I got ghosted by this gorgious woman I've been texting for 3 weeks, and I thought we were getting somewhere." |
Gianluca (Vialli) | Noun. Cocaine. Rhyming slang on Vialli, meaning 'charlie'. Gianluca, a successful Italian football player, arrived in UK in the mid 1990s to play for, and subsequently manage Chelsea FC. Departed in the year 2000, eventually going on to manage Watford FC. [1990s] |
gick | Noun. Excrement, or something equally disgusting. [Mainly Irish use] |
giddy aunt | Noun. See the exclamation 'oh my giddy aunt!' |
giddy kipper | Noun. An overexcitable person. |
gift of the gab | Noun. The ability to talk incessantly, persuasively, to have the knack of conversation. |
giggle | Noun. A good time, a lark. |
Gilbert | Noun. A small ball of nasal mucus. |
gimboid | Noun. An idiot, a fool. |
gimmer | Noun. An elderly person. Originally the term only applied to women. Derog. |
gimp | Noun. 1. A cripple, or person with a limp. 2. A limp, or a limping gait. 3. A contemptible person, a fool. 4. A sex slave, particularly one dressed in apparel of a sexual nature, such as black leather, or similar. Verb. To limp. |
ginger | Noun. 1. Homosexual. Rhyming slang on ginger beer, meaning 'queer'. 2. A person with reddish-yellow or orangey-brown hair. Also heard pronounced with hard g's as in goggles. {Informal} 3. Carbonated drink, such as cola. [Scottish use] Adj. Homosexual. E.g."I think we can safely say that Freddie Mercury was a bit ginger." |
ginger nut | Noun. A red-haired person. {Informal} |
ginger knob/minge | Noun. A person with ginger hair. Male being ginger knob, also as ginger nob, and female, ginger minge. Offens. |
ginnell | Noun. An alleyway, a passage at the rear of houses. Also spelt ginnel. [N. England use/ Dialect] |
ginormous | Adj.. Huge. A combination of the words gigantic and enormous. |
gip | Verb. To vomit. |
gippo | Noun. A gypsy. Also 'gyppo'. Usually derog. |
gippy | Adj. Sickly. Commonly heard in the phrase gippy tummy - an upset stomach. Also spelt gyppy. |
gipsy's (kiss) | Noun. See 'gypsy's'. |
giraffe | Noun. A laugh. Rhyming slang. E.g."You're having a giraffe if you think I'm babysitting your little brother mate, he's trouble!" |
girlie mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. |
girl's blouse | Noun. A feeble and ineffectual person. An abb. form of 'big girls blouse'. |
girn | Verb. To complain, to moan, to whinge. E.g."If you don't stop girning we won't go to the cinema and you can go to bed early." Also 'gurn'. [Scottish use] |
gism | Noun. Semen. Less usual spelling of 'jism'. |
git | Noun. An idiot or contemptible person. Derived from 'get'. |
gitty | Noun. An alleyway. Cf. 'jitty'. [Midlands use] |
give a duck | Vrb phrs. To care about, to have a concern, however usually used in phrases such as who gives a duck, or to not give a duck. Euphemistic for 'give a fuck'. |
give a monkey | Vrb phrs. To care, to be concerned with. Usually heard in the negative sense in not give a monkey, to not care. |
give head | Verb. To perform fellatio or cunnilingus. |
give him /her one | Verb. To have sex (with someone). Usually a boastful phrase, e.g."I'd love to give him one, he's so sexy." |
give it a whirl | Vrb phrs. To attempt something. E.g."Go on, give it whirl, it can't do any harm." {Informal} |
give it laldy | Vrb phrs. To be enthusiastic, to put in some effort. (Scottish use) |
give it some rice | Vrb phrs. Put some effort in. |
give it some welly | Vrb phrs. Put some force, or effort into something. E.g."Quick! Turn left here and give it some welly." See also 'welly'. |
give it the/some biftas | Vrb phrs. To try hard, to put effort into a given task. [Merseyside use] |
give it the big I am | Noun. To behave as though one is of great importance. Also as be the big I am. See 'big I am'. |
give it up | Verb. To applaud, to show one's appreciation. Frequently of an audience of an entertainer. E.g."Give it up for this week's guest celebrity..." [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
give out | Verb. To complain. [Anglo-Irish use] |
give over (!) | Exclam. Stop it! [Mainly Northern use] Verb. A request to stop doing something. E.g."Will you give over talking just for one minute." [Mainly Northern use] |
give someone a bell | Vrb phrs. To telephone someone. [Orig. U.S. 1950s] |
give (someone) a piece of one's mind | Vrb phrs. To rebuke someone, to tell someone frankly and angrily what one thinks of something. E.g."So finally I'd had enough of his poor timekeeping, and gave him a piece of my mind." {Informal} |
give someone grief | Vrb phrs. To make someone miserable, to give someone trouble, to strongly criticise someone. |
give someone the big E | Vrb phrs. To reject someone, to dismiss someone, from 'give someone the elbow' (E). {Informal} |
give someone the bird | Vrb phrs. To boo, shout or laugh at someone in order to show disapproval, frequently within the world of theatre. |
give someone the boot | Vrb phrs. To dismiss someone from employment or a relationship. E.g."I gave him the boot when I found out he was still using dating sites." |
give someone the elbow | Vrb phrs. To reject or dimiss someone. Also shortened to 'give someone the big E'. {Informal} |
give someone the hairy eye | Vrb phrs. To give someone a suspicious or contemptible look. See 'hairy eye'. |
give someone their P45 | Vrb phrs. To terminate a relationship. A P45 is the official form given to someone on their dismissal or departure from employment and explains tax details that are needed by a future employer. |
give someone the Spanish archer | Vrb phrs. To dismiss, to sack. A pun on the Spanish archer being called El Bow, thus 'give someone the elbow'. E.g."I found out she was having it away with the milkman, so I gave her the old Spanish archer." |
give someone the V's | Vrb phrs. To show contempt for someone by raising two fingers in the V-sign. Cf. flash the V's. |
give someone what for | Vrb phrs. A severe reprimand. E.g."I'll give you what for if you don't shut your mouth." |
give something a bash | Vrb phrs. To attempt or try something. E.g."Why don't you give it a bash, and if you find you can't do it or dont like it, we'll give you your money back." |
giz | Verb. Give me. E.g."Giz that map and I'll plot the quickest route to the pub."[Dialect? Midlands/ Scottish/ Northern use] |
(the) glad-eye | Noun. A look of desire cast at another person. E.g."I think you've got an admirer, that man at the back keeps giving you the glad-eye." {Informal} |
glad-rags | Noun. One's finest and dressiest clothes. |
gladys | Noun. An act of defecation. Rhyming slang on Gladys Knight, American singer/songwriter, meaning 'shite'. |
glaikit | Adj. Stupid, idiotic, usually describing a look on someone's face. [Scottish use] |
Glasgow kiss | Noun. A headbutt. Cf. 'Glesga kiss'. [Glasgow use] |
glass | Verb. To strike someone in the face with a broken drinking glass. E.g."When that man got glassed I knew it was time to leave the pub." |
glass back | Noun. A fragile back or spinal area, prone to injury. |
glassback | Noun. A person with a consistently bad back. See 'glass back'. |
gleg | Verb. To look, to glance. E.g."They spend all their spare time glegging the girls walking by." [East Midlands use] |
Glesga kiss | Noun. A headbutt. Cf. 'Glasgow kiss'. [Glasgow use] |
gloopy | Adj. Viscous, sticky, usually applied to liquids. {Informal} |
glop | Noun. 1. A thick viscous substance. 2. Unappetizing sloppy food. |
Gloria Gaynors | Noun. Trainers, sports footwear. Rhyming slang on U.S. singer Gloria Gaynor, meaning trainers. |
glory hole | Noun. 1. A small room or cubbyhole, in which items are stored, often in an untidy fashion. {Informal} 2. A small hole in the dividing wall between two toilet cubicles; used for voyeurism and anonymous sexual encounters, mainly by homosexual males. |
glug | Noun. A drink of something, particularly a large mouthful. |
gnarly | Adj. Cool, excellent, great. [Orig. U.S.] |
gnashers | Noun. Teeth. |
gnat's piss | Noun. A particularly weak and tasteless drink. |
gnat's whisker | Noun. Very close, a small amount. E.g."I missed the target by a gnat's whisker." |
go a bundle on | Vrb phrs. To like, to favour. Usually heard in a negative sense. E.g."I don't go a bundle on lettuce, I'll just have a cheese and tomato sandwich." |
goalhanger | Noun. A player who unfairly loiters near the opposition's goal in order to score easy goals. Derog. See 'goal-hang'. {Informal} |
goal-hang | Verb. In football, when a player unfairly loiters near the oppositions goal in the hope of scoring easy goals. Usually only heard in school games and park kickabouts, since the introduction of the offside rule used in professional and organised competitive football in the mid 1800s. Also as goalhang. E.g." Don't let Peter play, he's always goal-hanging and never helps the team defend." {Informal} |
go ape/apeshit | Vrb phrs. To become angry, to be furious. |
go arse over tit | Vrb phrs. To fall over, to trip up. E.g."He went arse over tit on the ice." |
gob | Noun. 1. The mouth. [1500s] 2. Phlegm that has been spat out. Verb. 1. To spit. 2. To hit, especially in the mouth. [Merseyside/West Lancs use] |
go ballistic | Verb. To explode with fury. |
go base over apex | Vrb phrs. To fall over heavily, to trip up. |
gobbin | Noun. An idiot, a fool. |
gobble | Verb. To give oral sex. E.g."I got gobbled last night in the club toilets." Noun. Oral sex. |
gobbledygook | Noun. Unintelligible jargon, nonsense. {Informal} |
gobby | Adj. Mouthy, offensively outspoken. |
go belly up | Verb. To fail, to go bankrupt. E.g."The company went belly up after the rise in inflation." Cf. 'go tits-up'. |
gob iron | Noun. A mouth organ, harmonica. See 'gob' (noun 1). |
gob off | Verb. To talk in a opinionated and loud manner. |
gobshite | Noun. A person who talks nonsense or boasts to inflate their ego, a contemptible person. |
gobsmacked | Adj. Amazed, astounded. Originally Northern dialect but common throughout Britain from the 1980s. |
gobstruck | Adj. Amazed, shocked. Less common than 'gobsmacked'. |
go commando | Verb phrs. To not wear underwear. |
God-awful | Adj. Particularly unpleasant, horrible. |
God botherer | Noun. A fanatical preacher of religion, an evangelist. Also as Godbotherer. |
Goddammit! | Exclam. Expressing anger, despair, annoyance, frustration. [Early 1700s] {Informal} |
go down a bomb | Vrb phrs. To be very successful and popular. E.g."The band's new single has gone down a bomb in the clubs and it's only a matter of time before it charts". {Informal} |
go down a treat | Vrb phrs. To be welcomed and enjoyed. E.g."That cup of coffee went down a treat." |
go down on (someone) | Verb. To perform oral sex. |
God squad | Noun. Organised religion, and its devotees, particularly evangelical Christians. |
gofer | Noun. A personal assistant who does menial errands. Essentially, someone who will go for anything. Also gopher. [Orig. U.S.] |
go for a Burton | Verb phrs. 1. To break or become inoperative. Originally meaning dead or lost in action, from the RAF during the Second World War. The etymology is unproven although there are various speculations, including a connection with an advertising poster campaign for a beer of the period, namely Burtons. Most likely to be heard in the past sense, as 'gone for a burton'. E.g."I'm afraid we can't watch the football match tonight, my TV's gone for a burton." [1940s] 2. To fall over. E.g."I went for a burton and bruised my arms." |
go fuck yourself! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger at someone, such as 'get lost!' The demand isn't meant literally. |
gogglebox | Noun. Television. [1950s] {Informal} |
goit | Noun. An idiot, a fool. |
golden shower | Noun. An act of urinating on another for sexual pleasure. Cf. 'watersports'. |
go mental | Vrb phrs. 1. To lose one's temper, go mad with rage. E.g."She went mental when she saw the stain on her new cream coloured sofa." [Scottish /Northern use] 2. To have fun, to have a wild time. |
gomer | Noun. An awkward or troublesome patient. An acronym of get out of my emergency room. [Medical use/Orig. U.S.] |
goner | Noun. Someone or something that is near to death, is doomed, has died or is no longer working. From the s.e. gone adj.. E.g."Cancel the ambulance, he's a goner." {Informal} |
gonk | Noun. 1. An idiot. 2. Sleep. Also gonk-bag, a sleeping bag. [1950s Military use] Verb. To sleep. [Military use] |
gooch | Noun. The perineum. Cf. 'taint', 'biffin's bridge'. |
good call! | Exclam. Good thinking! Good decision! [Orig. U.S.] |
good crack | Noun. An enjoyable situation. From the Irish craic, see 'crack' (noun 5). E.g."Sarah's house party was a good crack last week." |
good egg | Noun. A liked and favoured person. Cf. 'bad egg'. |
good for you! | Exclam. Well done! Used to express praise, approval or enjoyment for something done well by a person. Also as good for him, her, them. {Informal} |
goody-two-shoes | Noun. A virtuous, or very well behaved person. Juvenile expression. Derog. |
go off on one | Vrb phrs. To lose control. Often heard with regard to a person verbally rambling on. E.g."He had 5 grams of amphetamine and then went off on one for the next 8 hours." |
go off the rails | Vrb phrs. To lose control, to behave in a way that's not normal. {Informal} |
goofy | Noun. A name given to a person with large protruding teeth. Derog. Adj. Stupid, silly, foolish. |
goolies | Noun. The testicles. Originates from the Indian army during the 1800s and the Hindi goli, meaning a pellet or ball. |
goon | Noun. A fool or objectionable person. Generally lighthearted use. [Orig. U.S.] |
gooner | Noun. An Arsenal Football Club supporter. |
goose | Verb. To poke, pinch or feel a person's bottom, usually without their consent. E.g."I got goosed walking through the club to the toilets." [Orig. U.S./Canada 1880s] |
gooseberry | Noun. A person who is an unwanted extra, usually to a courting couple. From the informal expression playing gooseberry. E.g."If you two are going to spend the night kissing and cuddling on the sofa making me feel like a gooseberry, then I'm off out to the pub." |
goosed | Adj. Ruined, finished. E.g."I've just run a marathon and I'm goosed." |
goosegogs | Noun. Gooseberries (the fruit). Not heard frequently due to gooseberries having lost popularity. {Informal}. |
goosey | Noun. A look. Abbreviated form of the title of the nursery rhyme Goosey Goosey Gander, making use of the word 'gander', being slang for a look. See 'gander'. E.g."Let's have a goosey at the timetable and work out which is the best train to get to London." |
go pear shaped | Vrb phrs. Go wrong. E.g."Everything went pear shaped for United after Beckham got sent off the pitch." |
gopher | Noun. See 'gofer'. |
go postal | Vrb phrs. To go crazy, go insane. Coined after numerous incidents involving U.S. postal workers, who deranged, went on a homicidal spree before killing themselves. E.g."He went postal when that idiot smashed his car." [Orig. U.S. 1990s] |
gopping | Adj. Disgusting, ugly. Usually heard as goppin. [North-west use?] |
gora | Noun. A white person, or more specifically a white male. From Hindi. Cf. 'gori'. [British Asian use] |
gor blimey! | Exclam. An oath. A corruption of God blind me!. Cf. 'cor blimey!' |
Gordon Bennett! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger or surprise. Has as much emphasis as most expletives despite its inoffensive nature. See associated article Gordon Bennett for etymology. |
gorger | Noun. A man, sometimes specifically a well-dressed man. Dated. [Orig. Romani] |
gori | Noun. A white woman. From Hindi. Cf. 'gora'. [British Asian use] |
gorm | Noun. An idiot, a fool. Abbr. from the adj. 'gormless'. Usually jocular usage, albeit derog. [Orig. Northern dialect] Verb. To understand. E.g."Do you gorm what I mean?" [Northern /Dialect] |
gormless | Adj. Lacking sense, foolish. [Orig. dialect] {Informal} |
go screw yourself! | Exclam. General dismissive expression, leave me alone! |
gosh(!) | Noun./Exclam. Euphemism for God. E.g."Gosh! That was a scary film." {Informal} |
go spare | Verb. Become very angry. E.g."She went spare when she found her best vase broken." {Informal} |
goss | Noun. Abbreviation of gossip. |
go straight | Verb. To renounce a life of crime. |
go swivel! | Exclam. General dismissive exclamation. |
gotcha! | Exclam. I understand! OK! A shortening of I have got you. Also as gotcher! and got you!. {Informal} |
go tits-up | Verb. 1. To die, go wrong, fail. E.g."Nick's devious plan went tits-up when his colleagues discovered he'd been stealing from the company." 2. To fall over. E.g."I went tits up on that ice on the path." |
go to pot | Vrb phrs. To deteriorate. |
go to the dogs | Vrb phrs. To rot, deteriorate, worsen. E.g."I used to find him attractive but since he's started drinking heavily he's gone to the dogs." |
go to the foot of our stairs! | Exclam. A exclamation of surprise. E.g."Well, I'll go to the foot of our stairs! That's wonderful news." [Northern use] |
governor | Noun. 1. One's employer. 2. A term of address, for a man. Also guv'ner. Cf. 'guv.' {Informal} |
gowk | Verb. To stare obtrusively. [Dialect?] Noun. A fool, idiot. |
gozz | Verb. To spit. E.g."I expect it of boys but I can't bear to see teenage girls swearing and gozzing on the pavement." Noun. Phlegm. |
gradeley | Adj. Good, excellent. Old fashioned Northern use. E.g."That cup of tea was gradeley, is there any more in the pot." [Dialect?] |
graft | Verb. 1. To work hard. 2. To work hard making money outside what is legally allowed. Criminal parlance. Noun. Hard work. |
grafter | Noun. 1. A hard worker. 2. A criminal or drug dealer. An expression used by such members of this fraternity. E.g."It's alright, you can trust him, he's a grafter." |
grand | Adj. Excellent, lovely. {Informal} Noun. A thousand pounds sterling. Orig. U.S. term for one thousand dollars. |
granny | Verb. To defeat or be defeated comprehensively. E.g."I grannied my brother in the first round of the competition, but lost in the semi-final." |
grapes | Noun. Haemorrhoids, piles. |
grass | Noun. 1. An informer. Possibly from the rhyming slang grass in the park - 'nark', meaning informer. E.g."Don't tell John about this, he's a grass and I don't want to get into trouble." 2. Marijuana. Verb. To inform (on), to betray. E.g."He grassed on all his mates just so he wouldn't get sent to prison." |
grasser | Noun. An informer, someone who informs on another person. See 'grass' (noun 1).[Orig. criminal use] |
grasshopper | Noun. A policeman. From the rhyming slang on 'copper'. |
graveyard shift | Noun. Late night work. |
gravy | Adj. Good, OK, easy. E.g."Relax, everything's gravy." [Orig. U.S. 1910] |
greasy spoon | Noun. An inexpensive and poor quality cafe. [Orig. U.S. Early 1900s] |
greb | Noun. 1. A dirty, unsavoury or contemptible person. 2. Phlegm, often consisting of nasal mucus. 3. A young person who likes a particular type of music, such as Nu Metal, punk, or rock, and dresses in the associated way, such as black. From 'grebo'. |
grebo * | Noun. 1. A lout. Derog. 2. A leather jacketed, long-haired lout, and follower of rock music. Dated. Derog. [1970s] 3. A person or follower of one of the rock music genres, such as 'goth' or 'metal' (heavy, death, nu- etc), and who wears the associated fashions. Derived from noun 2, and generally derog. * Also spelt greebo. |
grebby | Adj. Dirty, grubby, unsavoury. |
green | Noun. Marijuana. |
green apple splatters | Noun. Diarrhoea. E.g. "I've got a bad case of the green apple splatters and have spent most of the night on the toilet." |
greenie | Noun. Nasal mucus, or phlegm. |
green ink brigade | Noun. Collective name for pedants and obsessives who feel the need to write letters of complaint, or diatribes, on issues of concern. Apparently named after the colour of the ink they use for their letters. Derog. |
green welly brigade | Noun. Member's of the upper middle-class who participate in countryside pursuits such as riding, hunting and shooting. They may be distinguished by their wax jackets and green wellington boots. Often a depreciatory name. |
greet | Verb. To cry, sob. E.g."We didn't get any sleep last night with the bairn (baby) greetin' until dawn." [Scottish use] |
greetie | Adj. Rainy, showery. Also as greety. From 'greet', meaning to cry. E.g."It's a wee bit greetie out there today." [Northern Scottish use] |
Gregory (Peck) | Noun. 1. Neck.* 2. Cheque.* * Both uses, rhyming slang on Gregory Peck, the actor. |
gribbles | Noun. 1. Crumbs, small particles of something, often with respect to food. 2. Bits of crispy batter left in the frier tray in a chip shop. |
gricer | Noun. A railway, or train, enthusiast. Also grice (verb) and gricing (noun). |
gridlock | Noun. A total blockage, usually refers to a traffic jam. [Orig. U.S.] |
grief | Noun. Trouble, hassle. E.g."Listen, it's over! I've said sorry, so please stop giving me grief!" |
griff | Noun. News, information. E.g."What's the griff on the street?" [Late 1800s] |
grill | Noun. The mouth or face. [Orig. U.S.] |
grind | Noun. A act of sexual intercourse. Verb. To have sexual intercourse. |
grockle | Noun. A holidaymaker, tourist. Derog. |
grod | Noun. Bicycle. [Derbyshire use] |
grogan | Noun. A lump of faeces. |
grolly | Noun. Spit, a lump of phlegm. |
groovy | Adj. Excellent, wonderful. Originates in 1930s jazz speak. [Orig. U.S.] |
grope | Verb. To feel a person in a sexual manner. E.g."I don't care if he is my boss, I'm not being groped like that no matter how drunk I am!" |
gross (!) | Adj. Disgusting, unpleasant, repulsive. E.g."The food was gross, and I couldn't eat it." [Orig. U.S. 1950s] Exclam. Disgusting! E.g."Ew gross! Please stop doing that in front of the children, they'll have nightmares." [Orig. U.S.] |
gross out | Verb. To disgust someone. E.g."I was grossed out by the smell, it was vile." [Orig. U.S.] |
grot | Noun. 1. Dirt, rubbish. E.g."Shall we clear out all the grot in the attic and convert it into a spare bedroom." 2. A contemptible person. 3. Sweets, confectionary. [Runcorn use] |
grotbag | Noun. 1. A dirty or sleazy person. 2. A contemptible person. |
grot mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. Occasionally abbreviated to grot. |
grotty | Adj. Unpleasant, disgusting, shabby, of poor quality. From grotesque. [1960s] |
groupie | Noun. A person who fanatically follows a rock/pop band, or celebrity, around. |
grow a pair | Vrb phrs. Said to someone of whom you wish to be stronger or more confident, someone who lacks courage. Actually an abbreviated form of grow a pair of balls (testicles). See 'balls' (noun 2), meaning courage. Not exclusively applied to males. |
growler | Noun. 1. Vagina. From the rhyming slang growl and grunt meaning cunt. 2. A meat pie. [Lancs use] |
grub | Noun. Food. Originates from the Dutch, grubbelen. {Informal} |
grufty | Adj. Dirty, unkempt, scruffy. [North /Midlands use?] |
grumble (and grunt) | Noun. 1. Vagina. Rhyming slang for 'cunt'. 2. A contemptible person. |
grundies | Noun. Underwear, usually applied to male underpants. Rhyming slang for undies. |
grungy | Adj. Scruffy, smelly, grimy, dirty. Also as grungey. |
grunt | Noun. Power, when applied to machines. E.g."How much grunt has that new Porsche got?" |
gubbins | Noun. Paraphernalia, miscellaneous items. E.g."The inside of the television was full of gubbins, so I left the expert to fix it." {Informal} |
guff | Verb. To break wind, to 'fart'. E.g."What's that awful smell? Has someone guffed in here?" Noun. 1. Nonsense. E.g."What absolute nonsense, you're talking guff!" [1800s] 2. An emission of wind from the anus, a 'fart'. |
gumf | Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. Perhaps a combination of 'guff' and 'bumf'. Also 'gumph'. |
gumby | Noun. A bumpkin, a yokel, a 'hick'. Derog. |
gumph | Noun.See 'gumf'. |
gumption | Noun. Common sense, resourcefulness, initiative. E.g."She deserves a promotion having shown lots of gumption over the last year." {Informal} |
Gunchester | Noun. The sardonic nickname given to Manchester during the early 1990s after a series of shootings involving several local gangs. Cf. 'Madchester' and 'Gaychester'. |
gunge | Noun. Thick sticky liquid. {Informal} |
gungy | Adj. Viscous, sticky, greasy. {Informal} |
gunk | Noun. Thick gooey liquid. [1900s] |
gunt | Noun. The fatty area, viewed as unsightly, between the stomach and the vagina. A combination of the words gut (stomach) and cunt (vagina). Derog. |
gunties | Noun. Knickers, panties, undies. |
gurn | Verb. 1. To make involuntary and unusual facial expressions from imbibing excessive quantities of drugs such as amphetamine or MDMA; it is often apparent at raves or techno/house clubs. Originally gurning
was a ruralised competitive freakshow at which toothless old men pulled ugly faces. 2. To complain. See 'girn'. |
gurner | Noun. A person who gurns, see above. |
gurt * | Adj./Adv. 1. Very, extremely, as used for emphasis. E.g."He was a gurt big man." 2. Large. * Both senses, also spelt girt. [Bristol use/ Dialect] |
gussy up | Verb. To smarten up: of a person, to dress up in one's best clothes, and of objects, to make more interesting or embellish. E.g."What better excuse to get gussied up than a New Year party?" [Orig. U.S.] |
gut-rot | Noun. Stomach ache. {Informal} |
gutted | Adj. Very disappointed. |
gutty | Noun. Usually in the plural as gutties, rubber soled sports shoes, plimsolls, sneakers, trainers. (Mainly Irish/Glasgow use) |
guv | Noun. A term of address for a man. Derived from 'governor'. |
guzzle-guts | Noun. A greedy person. |
gym bunny | Noun. A person who spends a lot of time at the gym atempting to improve their physique and health. |
gym queen | Noun. A muscly homosexual male, who obviously works out in a gym. |
gyp | Noun. Hassle, bother. E.g."My leg's been giving me gyp since I got kicked during the game." Cf. 'jip'. {Informal} |
gyppo | Noun. A gypsy. Also gypo and 'gippo'. Often derog. |
gypsy's (kiss) | Noun. An act of urination. From the rhyming slang gypsy's kiss, meaning 'piss'. Also abbreviated to gipsy's. E.g."Hold on a minute, I need a gypsy." |