E | Noun. Abbr. of ecstasy, see below. |
eager-beaver | Noun. An enthusiastic person. |
earache | Noun. Incessant complaining or talking. |
ear bash | Verb. To talk unceasingly. |
ear bashing | Noun. A severe reprimand. E.g."She gave me a real ear bashing for embarrassing her in front of her friends." |
earful | Noun. Enough of hearing something or someone. E.g."I've had an earful of you, moaning on about how poor you are when I know you've got money saved in the bank." |
(it's) early days | Phrs. Too soon to know whether a situation is correct or how things will turn out. E.g."It's early days. We can't possibly know if the war in Iraq will change the country for the better." [Informal] |
early doors | Adj. Early, premature. |
earner | Noun. A profitable job or enterprise. |
Eartha (Kitt) * | Noun. 1. An act of defecation. 2. Excrement. * Rhyming slang on 'shit'. Eartha Kitt, American singer. |
earwig | Verb. To eavesdrop. E.g."If you heard things said about you that you didn't like, then you shouldn't be earwigging into conversations." |
easy pink | Noun. Vaginal sex. Expression often used in conjunction with the terms difficult brown or tight brown, referring to anal sex. Euphemistic and based on references to the game of snooker. |
easy | Adj. Sexually consenting with little encouragement. |
easy-peasy | Adj. Very easy. Usually a children's expression. |
easy touch | Noun. A person easily exploited financially. |
eat | Verb. A euphemism for fellatio or cunnilingus. |
eating irons | Noun. Cutlery. |
eat out | Vrb phrs. To perform cunnilingus. |
eat shit! | Verb. Expression of extreme annoyance. A dismissive and abusive term as in 'get to fuck' or 'piss off'. [Orig. U.S.] |
eat the head off (someone) | Vrb phrs. To verbally attack (someone), to tell off (someone), to speak sharply (to someone). [Irish use] |
'eck as like | Exclam. Used as a denial in phrases such as "did I eck as like!", "will he eck as like!" etc. Actually stands for 'heck as like'. [Midlands /North use] |
ecky | Noun. The drug MDMA, Ecstasy. |
ecky thump ! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or shock. Often used to mock the Northern dialects of Lancashire and Yorkshire. |
eco warrior | Noun. An ecological activist. |
ecstasy | Noun. The drug MDMA. Popular in Britain from the late 1980s and was essential in the early development of the British 'House' and 'Techno' music scene. |
eddress | Noun. The email equivalent of an address. [1996?] |
E'd up | Adj. Intoxicated by MDMA. |
Ee bah gum! | Exclam. Expressing surprise or wonderment. Mimicked by many as the archetypal Yorkshire phrase. Also ee by gum. [Dialect/Yorks & Lancs use] |
eejit | Noun. An idiot. Originally Anglo-Irish pronunciation of idiot. |
eff all | Noun. A euphemism for 'fuck-all'. |
effing | Adj./Adv. A euphemism for 'fucking'. |
effing and blinding | Noun. Using obscenities such as expletives, usually in annoyance. See 'effing'. E.g."I've never seen him so angry, effing and blinding despite being a vicar." |
effing and jeffing | Noun. Meaning the same as 'effing and blinding'. |
eff off | Exclam. Go away. Euphemism for 'fuck off!'. |
egg (and spoon) | Noun. A black person. Cockney rhyming slang on 'coon'. Offens. |
egg banjo | Noun. A fried egg sandwich. See 'banjo' (noun). [Orig. military use?] |
egg chasers | Noun. Rugby players. From the egg shaped ball. Derog. |
egghead | Noun. 1. An intelligent person, an intellectual person. {Informal} 2. A person who is bald. |
egg on one's chin | Phrs. See 'have egg on one's chin' |
eggy | Adj. Slightly annoyed, irritated. |
Egyptian P.T. | Noun. Sleep, rest. P.T., an abbreviation of physical training. [Mainly military use] |
eh up! | Exclam. Hello. An informal greeting similar to hi or alright. Cf. 'ay-up'. |
elbow grease | Noun. Manual hard work. E.g."We'll never get this finished unless you put some elbow grease into that job!" |
elephant's (trunk) | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. Rhyming slang on elephant's trunk. E.g."God I was well elephants last night at the party." |
elevenses | Noun. A mid to late morning drink, approximately taken at 11 o'clock. {Informal} |
Emma (Freud) | Noun. Haemorrhoids. From the rhyming slang on Emma Freuds, broadcaster, writer, and daughter of Sir Clement Freud. |
emmet | Noun. A tourist. Derogatory term meaning ant. Cornish use, expressing their annoyance and frustration at the numerous visitors to the county, especially during the summer months when their presence is seen as a hinderence to the locals. |
emo | Adj. Emotional. Noun. Of or belonging to a genre of emotional rock music. [Orig. U.S.] |
end of! | Exclam. Said to emphasize that there is no more to add on the subject just discussed. E.g."If you don't wear a face mask during this pandemic, you're part of the problem. End of!" {Informal} |
endz | Noun. An area, or place. Also as ends. E.g."What endz you from? I'm from Canning Town" [London/Black use] |
epic (!) | Noun. Remarkable, outstanding, excellent. [Orig. U.S.] |
eppy | Noun. Short for epileptic fit, however used to mean a furious uncontrollable outrage in the expressions 'throw an eppy' or 'have an eppy'. Also spelt eppie. |
erk | Noun. An insignificant person, and general term of contempt. [Orig. military use] |
Essex girl | Noun. Stereotypically describing a female from the county of Essex, or a female of the style of an 'Essex girl'. Characteristics may include being working class, sexually promiscuous, fashion conscious, heavily drinking, confident and of low morals. Derog. |
evatch | Verb. To have. Backslang. |
evils | Noun. A hateful look. Popularized by the character named Vicky Pollard in the British comedy TV series Little Britain. E.g."Stop givin' me the evils, you're scaring me." [2003] |
exactamundo | Adv.Exactly right, correct. Also exactimundo and exactomundo. [Prob. orig U.S.] |
expat | Noun. An expatriate. {Informal} |
extract the Michael | Vrb phrs. To tease or ridicule. A play on words, derived from 'take the Mickey'. E.g."If he doesn't stop extracting the Michael I'll report him to the manager." |
extract the urine | Vrb phrs. Meaning the same as 'extract the Michael', a pun on 'take the piss'. |
eyeful | Noun. A good look. E.g."Get an eyeful of that idiot on the dancefloor." {Informal} |
eyes like a shithouse rat | Phrs. Describing a person with very sharp, observant eyesight. |
eyes like piss holes in the snow | Phrs. 1. Tired, deep sunken eyes. 2. Small eyes. |
Eyetie | Noun. An Italian. Offens. |