Words beginning with: A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z . Abbreviations used
Abbreviations Used
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abbr. - abbreviation
Adj. - adjective
Adv. - adverb
Aust. - Australia
Cf. - compare with
Conj. - conjunction
Derog. - derogatory
Exclam. - exclamation
imper. - imperative
Informal - not slang but informal speech (formerly called a colloquialism)
Int. - interjection
Lancs - The county of Lancashire
Leics - The county of Leicestershire
Lincs - The county of Lincolnshire
Notts - The county of Nottinghamshire
N.Z. - New Zealand
Offens. - offensive
Orig. - originating in
Occ. - occasionally
Phrs. - phrase
Poss. - possibly
Prep. - preposition
Pron. - pronoun
s.e. - standard English
U.S. - United States
Vrb phrs - phrase based on a verb
W.I. - West Indies
Yorks - The county of Yorkshire