wabs | Noun. Female breasts. |
wack | Noun. 1. A term of address. Cf. 'la'. [Liverpool use] 2. Bad, wrong, worthless. [Orig. Black U.S.] |
wacko | Adj. Crazy, insane. [Orig. U.S.] |
wack off | Verb. To masturbate. Also whack off. E.g."I wacked off with all my dad's stash of porn laid out in front of me." |
wacky | Adj. Crazy, zany. |
wacky backy | Noun. A euphemism for marijuana or cannabis. Jocular and often used by older generations in an attempt to tune in and be accepted by a younger generation. See 'wacky' and 'backy'. |
wad | Noun. 1. A large amount of money. 2. Semen. Cf. 'shoot one's wad'. |
wadded (up) | Adj. Having large amounts of money, wealthy. E.g."Tonight the drinks are on me, I'm wadded up and I'm feeling generous." |
waffle | Verb. To talk, or write, aimlessly, to ramble on. E.g."Stop waffling on and get the point." {Informal} Noun. Aimless talk, nonsense. {Informal} |
waffling | Adj. Rambling, aimless. E.g."It was another typical waffling speech by the president which went on for over an hour." {Informal} |
wafty crank | Noun. An act of masturbation, perhaps implying one done at a particularly opportunist moment. A spoonerism on crafty wank. See 'wank'. E.g."I know she was sexy, but having a wafty crank under the table is disgusting." |
wag it/off | Verb. To play truant. Mainly adolescent use. E.g."Harry got caught by the head teacher wagging off from Maths." |
wagwan! | Exclam. A form of greeting. A contraction of What go on? (What is happening?). Also war gwan, wa'gwan, wha'gwan. Occasionally written as wag1. [WI/Black use] |
wahey! | Exclam. An expression of delight or exhilaration. |
walkies | Noun. 1. A walk, usually with a dog. Often used towards dogs to suggest going for a walk. {Informal} 2. Of a thing, to go missing, to disappear. E.g."My best t-shirt appears to have gone walkies. Have you been wearing it?" {Informal} |
walking disaster | Noun. A person prone to having accidents or mishaps. Occasionally extended to walking disaster area. |
walk in the park | Phrs. Something very easy and effortless. E.g."Giving up smoking is no walk in the park." [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
wallies | Noun. False teeth. [Scottish use] |
walloper | Noun. An idiot, an objectionable person. Also as whalloper. [Glasgow/Scottish use] |
wally | Noun. 1. An idiot or imbecile. Popular during the early 1980s. {Informal} 2. A pickled cucumber, a gherkin. |
wannabe | Noun. A person who aspires to be someone else, usually a celebrity and consequently imitates their life or image. |
wang | Verb. To throw. |
wanger | Noun. 1. The penis. Also spelt whanger. 2. An idiot. |
wangle | Verb. To obtain by scheming. E.g."I even wangled myself a backstage pass and met Kylie after the show." |
wank | Verb. To masturbate. Also phrased as wank off. E.g."If our young men devoted as much time to their school work as they did to wanking then we'd have a nation of geniuses." Noun. 1. An act of masturbation. E.g."You can guarantee that if he sees a pair of naked breasts he'll go and have a wank straight away." 2. Something useless, or worthless. E.g."I wish I hadn't brought that new CD, it's wank." 3. Nonsense. Exclam. Exclamation of annoyance or expressing disbelief. |
wank bank | Noun. Memory, with respect to sexually stimulating thoughts and recalled as an aid to masturbation. E.g."Did you see that girl dancing on the podium? I've put her in my wank bank for later." |
wank biscuit | Noun. A contemptible or objectionable person. |
wanker | Noun. 1. A masturbator. 2. A contemptible person. 3. An idiot, an incompetent person. |
wankered | Adj. Very intoxicated. |
wankiest | Adj. Of the poorest quality, of the lowest standard, the worst. E.g."It was wankiest film I've seen all year and to think I wasted £5 on a ticket and 3 hours of my life." |
wanking | Noun. Masturbation. |
wanking chariot | Noun. A bed. [Orig. Military use] |
wank mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. |
wank pit | Noun. A bed. [Mainly Military use] |
wank rag | Noun. 1. A cloth item, such as a handkerchief, that is used to mop up ejaculate after masturbation. 2. A contemptible, low quality newspaper or magazine. |
wankshaft | Noun. A contemptible person. |
wank spanners | Noun. The hands. From being tools used for masturbation. See 'wank'. |
wanksplat | Noun. A contemptible person or thing. |
wankstain | Noun. 1. A semen stain, as result of masturbation. 2. A contemptible person. |
wanky | Adj. Rubbish, of very poor quality. |
wap | Noun. 1. A wasp. Also wappy. 2. A woman's breast. Usually in plural. |
war paint | Noun. Facial cosmetics, make-up. E.g."She's in the bathroom putting on her war paint for tonight's party." |
wassock | Noun. An idiot, imbecile. Also 'wazzock'. |
wassup? | Exclam. A form of greeting. See 'what's up?'. [Orig. U.S. 1900s] |
waste | Verb. To kill, to thoroughly beat up. E.g."My mum will waste me for failing my exams for a third time." |
wasted | Adj. Describing being thoroughly intoxicated to a point of uselessness. |
wasteman | Noun. A fool, someone who behaves in a stupid way and is a generally objectionable person. [Black use. Early/Mid 2000s] |
waste of space | Noun. A useless and contemptible person. E.g."That lazy brother of yours is a total waste of space; can't he go out and get a job." |
waste of sperm | Noun. A useless and contemptible person. |
watersports | Noun. The act of urinating on another for the sexual pleasure of both parties involved. |
waterworks | Noun. 1. The act of crying. E.g."As expected my mum turned on the old waterworks when she heard the bad news." {Informal} 2. The urinary system. {Informal} |
way! | Exclam. Used to express that something is correct, often in reply to someone doubting what has been said with 'no-way!' |
way-out | Adj. Unusual, unconventional, avant garde. |
waxa | Adj. Good, excellent. Adolescent usage, mainly. [Tyneside use] |
wazoo | Noun. The bottom, the anus, the rear end. Also, occasionally spelt wazzoo. [Orig. U.S.] |
wazz | Verb. 1. To urinate. Possibly onomatopoeic in origin. 2. To hurry. E.g."Will you wazz round to the chippy and get your dad's dinner." 3. To pass or throw. E.g."Wazz that book over here will you,so I canhave a look?" Noun. An act of urination. |
wazzock | Noun. An idiot, imbecile. Also 'wassock'. |
wazzocked | Adj. Totally intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
wean | Noun. A child or baby. From wee ane (wee one). Cf. 'wee un'. [Irish/Scottish use] |
wear the trousers | Vrb phrs. To be the dominant and controlling partner in a relationship, usually said of a woman. |
weasel | Noun. A despicable, usually sly and deceitful person. |
weasel (and stoat) | Noun. A coat, or jacket. Cockney rhyming slang on coat. |
weasel-water | Noun. A drink that is weak and insipid, often used with reference to tea. |
wedding tackle | Noun. A euphemism fo the male genitals. |
wedge | Noun. Money, usually implying a large amount. |
wedgie | Noun. An adolescents prank whereby a victim's underwear is pulled vigorously upwards between their buttocks, thus causing great discomfort to the wearer, but much hilarity for the prankster. |
wee | Verb. To urinate. Generally inoffensive. Also phrased as wee-wee. Noun. 1. Urine. 2. An act of urination. Adj. Small, tiny. [Mainly Scottish use] {Informal} |
wee buns | Adj. Easy, simple. Also weebuns. [N. Ireland use] |
weed | Noun. 1. Marijuana/cannabis. In the North-west of England weed is not always used in the plural, for example in the question "have you got a weed?" 2. A cigarette. [Manchester use?] 3. A feeble person, a weakling. |
weepy | Noun. A film that is sentimental and emotional. |
wee 'un | Noun. A child or baby. Cf. 'wean'. [Scottish/Irish use] |
Weegie | Noun. A person from Glasgow, also known as a Glaswegian. Also wegie. [Scottish use, mainly outside Glasgow] |
weigh into | Verb. 1. To tackle something forcefully and enthusiastically. {Informal} 2. To attack verbally or physically. |
weirdo | Noun. A person perceived as objectionably unusual, an eccentric. {Informal} |
weirdy | Noun. An eccentric. |
well | Adv. A general intensifier, very, extremely, definitely. E.g."I'm well upset about United losing in the cup." |
well gone | Adj. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. |
well hung | Adj. Having a large penis. |
wellie | Noun. A waterproof boot, typically knee length and made of rubber or plastic. An abbreviated form of wellington boot. Also as welly. {Informal} |
wellied | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. |
well jel | Adj. Very jealous. E.g."I'm well jel. Tina's won a holiday to Marbella." |
welly | Verb. To kick forcefully. Noun. 1. A hard kick. 2. Energy, force, effort. Often in the phrase 'give it some welly'. E.g."If you put a bit more welly into it we can get this job finished and get to the pub." |
wellybobs | Noun. Wellington boots. Cf. 'welly-gogs'. |
welly-gogs | Noun. Wellington boots. Cf. 'wellybobs'. [North /Midlands use] |
welly-top | Noun. Descriptive of a large vagina. Supposedly having the roominess and appearance of the top of a wellington boot. E.g."Thomas was horrified to hear she had a vagina like a welly-top." |
wet | Adj. Feeble, over-emotional, lacking in confidence. {Informal} |
wet blanket | Noun. A miserable person unwilling to participate in an enjoyable event or moment. Derog. |
wet fart | Noun. An act of passing wind with a little fluid, either mucus or watery stool. See 'fart' (noun 1). |
wet lettuce | Noun. An emotionally weak person. Derog. |
wet nellie | Noun. A weak willed person. Derog. |
wet oneself | Verb. To laugh heartily, to find something particularly amuzing. A shortening of wet oneself laughing. E.g."I wet myself when I saw how ridiculous she looked in that hat." Cf. 'piss oneself'. |
wet the baby's head | Vrb phrs. To celebrate the birth of a baby with a drink of alcohol or more usually an excuse for a drinking spree. E.g."Congratulations Bill! How about we go out tonight to wet the baby's head?" |
whack | Verb. 1. To promptly insert or place (something). E.g."Whack the contract in an envelope and send it off first post." 2. Hit or strike. {Informal} Noun. 1. A hard blow. {Informal} 2. When in the expressions 'full whack' or 'top whack', meaning maximum price or rate. {Informal} |
whacked | Adj. Tired, worn out. {Informal} |
whacking | Adj. An intensifier such as 'steaming' or 'mad'. E.g."It was a whacking great spot the size of Mount Vesuvius." |
whack off | Verb. To masturbate. Also 'wack off'. E.g."It's a myth that whacking off too much makes you go blind." |
wha'gwan | Exclam. A form of greeting. See 'wagwan'. [WI/Black use] |
whatchamacallit | Noun. Something whose name escapes one. |
whatevs! | Exclam. An expression of indifference. Abbr. of whatever. |
what-for | Pron. See 'give someone what for'. |
whatnot | Noun. Used to describe nondescript items or things one may have forgotten or not know the names of. Also as what-not. {Informal} |
what's cooking? | Phrs. What's happening? Also used as a form of greeting. |
what's one's/the beef? | Phrs. What's one's/the problem or complaint? E.g."I can see you're upset, but what's your beef with the situation?" Cf. 'beef' (noun 2). |
what's he/she like? | Phrs. A rhetorical question in response to unusual or extreme behaviour. |
what's-his-face | Noun. A reference to anyone whose name one has forgotten. Also as whatshisface. |
what's the crack? | Phrs. What's happening? What's the news? See 'crack' (noun 4). |
what's the damage? | Phrs. What's the cost? |
what's the score? | Phrs. What's happening? |
what's the skinny? | Phrs. What's the news, what's the information. See 'skinny'. |
what's the SP? | Phrs. What's the situation? From the horse racing and betting term, SP being an abbreviation of starting price. |
What the dickens! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or annoyance. {Informal} |
What's up? * | Exclam. A informal greeting. [Late 1800s] Phrs. What's the matter? What's happening? {Informal} * also as wassup?, ’sup?, whassup?, whazzap?, wuzzup?. |
wheels | Noun. A motor vehicle or bicycle. E.g."Have you got wheels? We need to get to Jane's before midnight." |
wheels of steel | Noun. A DJ's record decks. [1990s] |
when the shit hits the fan | Phrs. When the truth is discovered the consequences will be felt. E.g."You're in big trouble when the shit hits the fan." |
where the sun doesn't shine | Phrs. The anus. Also as where the sun don't shine. Used to express negative and contemptuous rejection in phrases such as you can put it where the sun doesn't shine. E.g."In my opinion, you can stick politicians where the sun don’t shine." Cf. 'shove it up your arse'. |
whiff | Noun. A smell, usually a bad one. E.g."Oh dear! There's a bit of a whiff in here, has someone broke wind?" Verb. To smell unpleasantly. E.g."It whiffs in there so I'd wait a few minutes." 2. To smell an odour. E.g."Did you whiff that awful stink coming from Andy's feet?" |
whiffy | Adj. Smelling unpleasant. |
while | Conj./Prep. Until, till, up to. E.g."I can't go out this evening, I'm working while midnight." [Northern use/Dialect] |
whinge | Verb. To persistently complain, in an irritating or childish manner. E.g."He spent the whole journey whinging about how uncomfortable the back seat of the car was." {Informal} Noun. A childish compaint, to act in the manner of the verb. E.g."She's never happy and always having a whinge about something." {Informal}. |
whinger | Noun. A person who complains incessently. See 'whinge'. {Informal} |
whingey | Adj. In the manner of a 'whinger', see above. {Informal} |
whip | Verb. To steal. E.g."I had my wallet whipped last night." |
whipping | Noun. A thorough beating or defeat. |
whip-round | Noun. Contributions collected from a group of people for a specific purpose. E.g."Let's have a whip-round for Cath and Rob, so at least they can have a good honeymoon." {Informal} |
whirlies | Noun. Dizziness induced by excessive intoxication, usually alcoholic. |
whistle (and flute) | Noun. A suit. Cockney rhyming slang. |
white van man | Noun. An ill-mannered and aggressive driver of commercial delivery vehicles, such as white transits. [Mid 1990s] |
whitey | Noun. A short period of feeling sick, or queasy; often a reaction to excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs. From the pallid skin of someone feeling sick. E.g."John's just had a whitey and had to go home early." Cf. 'throw a whitey'. |
whizz | Noun. 1. Amphetamine sulphate. Possibly derived from Billy Whizz, see 'billy'. [1960-70s] 2. An act of urination. E.g."So where are the toilets? I need to take a whizz before we leave." |
(the) whole hog | Noun. The complete amount. {Informal} |
(the) whole kit and caboodle | Noun. The complete amount, the whole lot. Also the 'whole kit and kaboodle'. [Orig. U.S.] |
whole nine yards | Phrs. The complete amount, all of it, totally. Much speculation as to its origins but essentially unknown. [Orig. U.S.] |
whoop-de-doo! | Exclam. An expression of joy, however often used sarcastically. E.g."Whoop-de-doo! My life of poverty is no more, I've just won a £1 on the lottery." Cf. 'woopty-woo'. [Orig. U.S.] |
whoopsie | Noun. Excrement, a deposit of faeces. A generally puerile expression. |
whopper | Noun. 1. Something very large. E.g."The spot on the end of his nose was a real whopper. Bigger than I've ever seen." 2. A lie and, in particular, a big lie. Derived from the use of its adjectival form in the phrase a whopping lie. E.g."He's the only Conservative politician I know who genuinely finds it impossible to tell whoppers." |
whopping | Adj. Very large. Adv. An intensifier. E.g."He had a whopping great glob of double cream on a whopping great slice of pie, then proceeded to moan about being fat." |
why aye! | Exclam. Of course! Yes! [North-east use] |
wicked | Adj. 1. Fantastic, excellent. [Orig. U.S.] 2. Very, really. E.g."I got wicked drunk last night." |
widdle | Verb. To urinate. Possibly a combination of the words 'wee' (verb) and 'piddle'. Cf. 'riddle'. Noun. 1. Urine. 2. An act of urination. |
wide | Adj. Self-assured, clever, sharp. |
wide-boy | Noun. A male characterized by his cocky charm, petty illicit dealings, and perceived stylish dress sense. Usually having a working class upbringing the wide-boy has replaced the now generally obsolete 'spiv'. Also wideboy. |
wide-o | Noun. An insensitive and objectionable person. [Scottish use] |
wide-on | Noun. The female equivalent of an erection of the penis. Cf. 'hard-on'. |
widgy | Noun. Affectionate term for the penis. Also widgie. |
wife-beater | Noun. Stella Artois lager. |
wigga | Noun. A white person who so admires Black culture, lifestyle and fashions, that they adopt aspects of it for themselves. Also wigger. [Orig. U.S.] |
wigs on the green | Noun. A fight, brawl. Dated. E.g."There'll be wigs on the green when your father hears about your truancy." [Irish use/1700s] |
wildies | Noun. Diarrhoea, a bout of diarrhoea. [Merseyside use] |
will do! | Exclam. OK, I'll do it, I am willing to do what is requested. {Informal} |
William (Pitt) | Noun. 1. An act of defecation. 2. Excrement. * Both uses are from rhyming slang for 'shit'. William Pitt (1759-1806), the youngest Prime Minister of England on record. |
willies | Noun. Nerves, worries, frights. {Informal} |
willy | Noun. The penis. Generally humorous or affectionate usage. |
willy warmer | Noun. An jokey item of clothing intended to keep the penis warm. |
willy-woofter | Noun. A homosexual male. Cf. 'woofter' and 'woolly-woofter'. Derog. |
wimp | Noun. A feeble or ineffectual person. {Informal} |
wimp out | Verb. To lose courage. E.g."If you wimp out now, you'll lose all the money you invested." |
wimpy | Adj. Feeble, weak. Also applied to objects or places, e.g."The furnishings were a little wimpy for such bold decor." |
winch | Verb. To court, to date. [Scottish use] |
winching | Noun. Courting, dating. [Scottish use] |
windbag | Noun. Someone who talks incessantly. Derog. |
window licker | Noun. A mentally handicapped person. Derog. |
wind your neck in | Phrs. Calm down, shut up, stop arguing. |
wind-up | Verb. 1. To infuriate. 2. To tell lies or joke at the expense of the recipient. Noun. An act of lying or joking. |
wind-up merchant | Noun. A person who 'winds-up' people regularly. See 'wind-up'. |
windypops | Noun. Flatulence, a 'fart' (noun 1.). E.g."Oh god I've got the windypops today." Adj. Breezy, windy. |
wing (it) | Verb. 1. To throw away. E.g."Come on, it's old fashioned, why don't you wing it and buy a new one." 2. To improvise, take things as they happen. |
wingman | Noun. A male friend who accompanies someone in order to play a supporting role, usually when out socially. |
winkie | Noun. A penis, usually implying small or a child's. |
winkle | Noun. Affectionate name for the penis. |
winkle-picker | Noun. A very pointed shoe, popular in the 1950/60s. Also as winklepicker. |
winnits | Noun. Faecal remnants that adhere to the anal hairs. Also winnets. |
wino | Noun. A habitual and often destitute drunkard. Derog. [1920s] |
Winona Ryder | Noun. Cider. Rhyming slang. Winona Ryder, U.S. film actress. [1990s] |
wiped out | Adj. Exhausted. |
wipe someone's eye | Vrb phrs. To defeat someone, to get the better of someone. E.g."They thoroughly wiped the eye of the French that time." |
wired | Adj. Stressed, nervy or anxious. Often with respect to having imbibed stimulants, such as cocaine or amphetamine. |
wise-up | Verb. To become aware. [Orig. U.S.] |
witch | Noun. A despicable, nasty, or spiteful woman. |
witch piss | Noun. Weak drink, usually referring to beer. E.g."I prefer stronger European lager, as most American lager is witch piss." |
with (brass) knobs on | Phrs. That and more. Used to emphasise agreement, or as a retort to an insult. E.g."The same to you with knobs on!" |
witter on | Verb. To talk incessantly and superficially. E.g."Please stop wittering on, I need to concentrate on this report." {Informal} |
wizard! | Adj. Excellent, great, marvellous. This expression is very dated, and often now associated with a stereotypical image of upper class schoolboys. |
wizard's sleeve | Noun. A large or spacious vagina. Cf. welly-top. |
wizzo! * | Exclam. Expressing delight. Adj. Excellent, wonderful. * Also whizzo. |
wobbler /wobbly | Noun. A fit of panic, nerves, anger. See 'throw a wobbly'. |
wobblies | Noun. Women's breasts. Possbibly an abbr. form of the rhyming slang 'wobbly bits'. |
wobbly bits | Noun. 1. Generally the fat bits of a persons body that might be prone to jiggle. 2. A woman's breasts. |
wobbly pop | Noun. Beer or, more generally, any drink containing alcohol. Orig. U.S.] |
wog | Noun. A black/asian person. Offens. |
wog-box | Noun. A portable stereo music system, a 'ghetto blaster'. Offens. See 'wog'. |
wolf | Verb. To eat greedily or quickly. E.g."It's no wonder you have indigestion, wolfing your food that fast!" |
wolly | Noun. An idiot. Alternative and less common spelling of 'wally'. |
womb broom | Noun. 1. The penis. Often as 'purple-headed womb broom'. 2. A moustache. |
womble (off) | Verb. To wander, amble. E.g."We wombled off up the high street in the hope of finding a place to eat." |
wombled | Adj. Very intoxicated, by drink or drugs. |
women's trouble | Noun. A euphemism for menstruation and its associated problems. |
wonga | Noun. Money. [Orig. Romany] |
wonky | Adj. Unstable or misalligned. E.g."Watchout for that rear wheel, it's wonky and may fall off at any moment." |
wood / woody | Noun. An erect penis. |
wooden hills | Noun. Stairs. Often heard in the expression up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire, meaning off to bed. See 'Bedfordshire'. |
wooden overcoat/suit | Noun. A coffin. |
wooden spoon | Noun. A figurative award given to the loser of a competition or race. E.g."I was awful at sports at school and was regularly awarded the wooden spoon." {Informal} |
woodentop | Noun. A uniformed police officer. |
woodwork | Noun. The goalposts in football (soccer). |
woofter | Noun. A homosexual, a variation on 'poofter'. Derog. Cf. 'woolly-woofter'. |
wool | Noun. Abbr. of 'woollyback'. [Liverpool use] |
woolly | Noun. A woollen jumper or cardigan. |
woollyback * | Noun. 1. A person from the provinces of Liverpool, but not from the city itself. Consequently covering a broad ill-defined area in the provinces including such places as Birkenhead, Widnes, St. Helens and Southport etc. Occ. derog. 2. A yokel, country bumpkin. Derog. * Also woolyback and woolly-back. [Mainly Liverpool use] |
woolly jumper | Noun. A liberal, vegetarian, environmentalist. From the stereotypical image that such a person wears knitted pullovers. Derog. |
woolly-woofter | Noun. A homosexual. Derog. Cf. 'woofter' and 'willy woofter'. |
woopty-woo! | Exclam. Expressing excitement or joy, however frequently used ironically. Cf. 'whoop-de-doo!' |
woo-woo | Noun. A person with unconventional beliefs and practices regarded as unscientific, irrational or outlandish, such as those relating to new age beliefs, spirituality, alternative medicine or mysticism. E.g."OMG! I wouldn't choose to live in Glastonbury - it's full of woo-woos." Derog. [Orig. U.S.] Adj. Of, or relating to, unconventional beliefs and practices which are regarded as unscientific, such as spirituality, alternative medicine, mysticism or new age. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
wop | Noun. An Italian, or of Italy. Offens/Derog. |
word! | Exclam. I agree! [Orig. black U.S. 1990s] |
work | Noun. Cosmetic surgery, usually to have work done. |
workie ticket | Noun. A trouble maker. [Tyneside use] |
workman's bum | Noun. The area of the buttocks (bum) made visible when trousers slip down, usually when bending over or crouching. Often seen on workmen or builders. Cf. 'builder's bum'. |
work one's arse off | Vrb phrs. To work hard. Also as work one's ass off and work one's butt off. E.g."She worked her butt off for 3 years and still failed her exams." |
works | Noun. 1. The equipment necessary for taking drugs, usually intravenously. 2. As the works, the full treatment, the whole lot, everything necessary or expected. Often as the full works or the whole works. E.g. "Give me the works. Do my hair, nails and make-up, I want to look gorgeous tonight." [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
(the) World Wide Wait | Noun. A jocular term for the World Wide Web, due to the often slow and faltering website connections originally experienced by users. Archaic now connectivity speeds are considerably faster. [1990s] |
worm | Noun. The penis. |
worm out of | Verb. To evade or escape an unpleasant situation by undignified behaviour. E.g."She attempted to worm out of the arrangement by saying she had to wash her hair." |
worship at the porcelain altar | Vrb phrs. To vomit in the toilet bowl (the porcelain altar). Cf. 'pray to the porcelain god' |
worth a squirt | Phrs. Worthy of having sexual intercourse with. A favourable announcement on the sexual qualities of a woman. [London use / late 1990s] |
wotcha! | Exclam. A greeting. A shortening of what cheer! Also spelt wotcher. [Mainly London use] |
wow | Verb. To impress or excite. E.g."I've made up my mind to wow her with a bunch of flowers and an expensive meal." |
wrap | Noun. A tiny paper envelope for holding a quantity of illicit powdered drug. |
wreck | Verb. To hurt. E.g."My arm's wrecking. I think I fell badly last night when we were drunk and dancing." [North-west use] |
wrecked | Adj. Very intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. |
wringing wet | Adj. When following a figure of weight, used to emphasise how extremely, lightweight, weak or skinny a person is. E.g."He was 9 stone (57 kilos) wringing wet and wouldn't hurt anybody." |
wrinkly | Noun. An elderly person. Cf. 'crinkly'. |
wrong'un * | Noun. 1. A bad person. 2. The anus, usually in the expression 'up the wrong 'un'. * From wrong one. |
wupp | Verb. To thoroughly beat. E.g."I wupped his arse after he tried chatting her up again." |
wuss | Noun. An inneffectual, feeble person. It has been suggested that this is a derivative of 'wimp' and 'pussy'. The term become very fashionable in Britain during the mid 1990s. [Orig. U.S.] |