rabbit | Verb. To talk, often unceasingly. Abbr. rhyming slang, from Rabbit and Pork. E.g."Stop rabbitting and get on with your work." {Informal} |
rack | Noun. The female breasts, usually when large. [Orig. U.S.] |
racked off | Adj. Upset, angry. [Orig. Aust.] |
rad | Adj. Excellent, wonderful. Often an exclamation of approval. From radical. [Orig. U.S. 1970s] |
radge | Adj. Insane, crazy. Cf. 'radgie'. [Scottish /Cumbria /North-east use] Noun An psychotic, unscrupulous, and devious person. [Scottish use] |
radge pot | Noun. An idiot, a crazy person. Also radgepot. [Scottish use] |
radgie | Adj. Crazy. Also radgey. [Scottish /Cumbria /North-east use] |
radgie gadgie | Noun. A crazy man. See 'gadge'. |
radio rental(s) | Adj. Mental, crazy, mad. Rhyming slang. |
rag | Verb. 1. To tease, annoy, torment. E.g."She's been ragging me about my stupid mistake all day." 2. Of vehicles or machinery, to push to the limits of use, to abuse. E.g."I got a speeding ticket yesterday when I was stopped for ragging my beaten up old Fiat at 120." Noun. A newspaper. |
rag head | Noun. An arab, Sikh, or other race, religion or culture that traditionally wears cloth headwear. Offens. |
raging | Adj. Great, immense, extreme. E.g."I had a raging headache last night so went to bed early". |
rag it | Verb. Push to the limits. Usually applied to driving a vehicle. E.g."I wouldn't buy a second hand hire car as you don't know who's ragged it." |
rags | Noun. Clothes. See 'rag trade'. |
rag trade | Noun. The garment industry. |
rag week | Noun. The period of menstruation. |
rainbow kiss | Noun. When a man and menstruating woman kiss after performing oral sex on each other, so mixing their semen and blood in their mouths. |
rain stair rods | Vrb phrs. To rain very heavily. |
ralph | Verb. To vomit. |
ram it! | Exclam. An exclamation of dismissal. Often extended to ram it up your arse! or ram it up your ass! [Orig. U.S.] |
rammed | Adj. Very crowded, busy. E.g."It was an awful night, the club was so rammed we couldn't find space to dance." |
rammy | Adj. Vile, unsavoury, rotten. |
ram-raid | Noun. The act of using a vehicle to smash into a property so as to steal the goods, often a jewellers. Also ramraid. Verb. To do a ram-raid. |
random | Adj. Cool, excellent, great. |
randy | Adj. Sexually excited, lustful. {Informal} |
randy-arsed | Adj. Lustful, easily sexually aroused. |
rank | Adj. Disgusting, ugly. E.g." His flat is rank and stinks of sweaty socks." |
rap | Noun. The blame. E.g. "I'll not take the rap for everybody, it's not fair." |
rare | Adj. Good, excellent. E.g."We had a rare time at the party last night. The best for a long time." |
rare as hen's teeth | Phrs. Very uncommon, non-existent. |
rare as rocking horse shit | Phrs. Very uncommon, non-existent. |
rasclat | Noun. A contemptible person. Meaning arse cloth. Also ras clat. [Orig W.I.. Mainly Black use] |
raspberry | Noun. A flatulent imitative sound made with the lips and tongue, either expressing derision or used humourously for its rude associated qualities. From the rhyming slang raspberry tart meaning 'fart'. {Informal} |
raspberry (ripple) | Noun. 1. A cripple. Rhyming slang. Derog. 2. A nipple. Rhyming slang. |
rat-arsed | Adj. Very drunk. |
ratbag | Noun. A contemptible or objectionable person, a devious schemer. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
rat-faced | Adj. Meaning the same as 'rat-arsed'. |
ratfink | Noun. An objectionable person. Also rat fink. [Orig. U.S.] |
rather! | Exclam. I agree! I accept! {Informal} |
rat on | Verb. To inform on, betray. E.g."You won't make many friends if you spend your time ratting on people to the police." |
rat race | Noun. A way of life that involves a competitive struggle for wealth, power and status, typical of modern society. E.g."So I hear you moved to the city and joined the rat race." {Informal} |
ratshit | Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. E.g."In my opinion it all went to ratshit when we sold our star player." |
rats with furry tails | Noun. Squirrels. |
rats with wings | Noun. Pigeons. From being considered vermin, like rats. |
ratted | Adj. Drunk. |
rattle | Noun. A bout of drug withdrawal symptoms. [Northern use?] |
rattling | Adj. Suffering from the physical effects of drug withdrawal. Also on the rattle. [Northern use?] |
ratty | Adj. Irritable. {Informal} |
rave | Noun. A large organised dance music party featuring performances by DJ's and often involving drug taking. The term originated in the 1950s and since the late 1980s in Britain has become synonymous with electronic music such as the house and techno dance scene. Verb. To party in the manner by which a 'rave' (noun) became known. |
raving | Adj. The act of going to a 'rave'. |
raver | Noun. A person who enthusiastically parties. {Informal} 2. A person who frequents a 'rave' (noun). |
ravey | Adj. In the manner of a 'rave'. |
razzle | Noun. A good time, a pleasurable spree. An abbreviation of razzle-dazzle. Cf. 'on the razz'. |
reach-around | Noun. An act of masturbation done from behind by a sexual partner. |
readies | Noun. Money. Usually cash as opposed to cheques or credit cards. |
ream (out) | Verb. To penetrate the anus with the tongue or penis. [Orig. U.S.] |
ream | Adj. Good, excellent. [Mid 1800s] |
recce | Noun. A look or assessment with the aim of gathering information. Abbr. form of reconnaissance. [Orig. military] {Informal} Verb. To look or explore. Abbr. form of reconnoitre. E.g."I'm going into town to recce whether there's any sign of the police after last night's disturbance." {Informal} |
reckon | Verb. To consider, to suppose, to think likely. E.g."I reckon if we set off early, at 6am, we should get there before lunchtime." {Informal} |
redneck | Noun. A bigoted, narrow-minded person, typically from the countryside. Originally a term for a ruralised bigot. Derog. [Orig. U.S.] |
Red Sea pedestrian | Noun. A jew. Offens. |
reefer | Noun. A marijuana or cannabis cigarette. Dated and rarely used seriously. [Orig. U.S. 1920s] |
reet | Adj. Alright, correct, OK. Dialect or mispronounciation of right. |
Reg (Varney) | Noun. Pakistani. Cockney rhyming slang. Reg Varney, actor and comedian, best known for his role as Stan Butler in the U.K. sitcom On The Buses between 1969-1973. Offens? |
rellies | Noun. Relatives. E.g."I'm afraid we can't come over this evening, Zoe's rellies are visiting." |
rent-boy | Noun. A young homosexual male prostitute. {Informal} |
rents | Noun. Abbr. of parents. E.g."The rents are coming over this evening to meet my fiancee." |
result! | Exclam. An exclamation expressing a successful outcome. |
resting bitch face | Noun. The inadvertent facial expression that makes a person appear to be scowling, angry or irritated despite being relaxed and unengaged with anything. Also abbreviated to RBF. |
retard | Noun. A mentally retarded person, and by extension used as a general insult. |
riah | Noun. Hair. Backslang originating from Polari, consequently heard mainly on the Gay scene. |
rib | Verb. To tease, make fun of. E.g."He was ribbing me all evening about my dancing." {Informal} |
rice queen | Noun. A gay male who prefers asian partners. |
Richard * | Noun. 1. A lump of faecal matter. Richard the Third, rhyming slang on 'turd'. 2. Third. A third class university degree qualification. * Richard III, king of England between 1483-1485 and the last king of the House of York and of the Plantagenet dynasty. |
ricker | Noun. The anus. |
riddle | Noun. An act of urination. A shortening of 'jimmy riddle', the rhyming slang for 'piddle'. Cf. 'widdle'. |
ride | Noun. 1. An act of sexual intercourse. 2. A woman/man viewed as a sexual partner. E.g."He's a good ride, even when he's drunk." [Orig. Irish] Verb. To have sex. |
ridic | Adj. Abbr. of ridiculous. E.g."Don't be ridic. You've more chance of winning the lottery than getting a date with him." |
rifle range | Noun. Loose change. Rhyming slang. |
right | Adj. Used as an intensifier. E.g."I made a right mess of that." {Informal} Adv. Very. E.g."I'm right glad to hear that you two are friends again." {Informal} |
right Charlie | Noun. An idiot. From the cockney rhyming slang Charlie Ronce meaning 'ponce' or Charlie Hunt, meaning 'cunt' (3). E.g."You made me look a right Charlie when you told everyone about me getting so drunk last night." |
(a) right one | Noun. A foolish or eccentric person. {Informal} |
rim | Verb. To stimulate and penetrate a persons anus with the tongue for sexual pleasure. |
rim job | Noun. The act of using one's tongue to stimulate a persons anus, for sexual pleasure. |
ring | Noun. The anus. Cf. 'ring-piece'. |
ringer | Noun. 1. A second hand car made to appear in much better quality than it is. 2. A person with high skills brought into a sports team for a game or competition. |
ring-piece | Noun. The anus. Cf. 'ring'. |
ring-sting | Noun. Soreness of the anus, due to diarrhoea. |
ring-stinger | Noun. A hot and spicy curry. One, that on digestion, may cause looseness of the bowels and diarrhoea. See 'ring'. |
ringtum | Noun. The anus. Also as rington. |
rinse | Verb. 1. To overdo, overplay, exploit. E.g."It may be a classic but that tune's been rinsed, play something new will you?" [Orig W.I./Black use] 2. As rinse it, to go for it, to enjoy, to party. 3. Of a D.J., to rinse or rinse out, may mean to play a good set. E.g."Magnus' set at the club was rinsed out last night" [Orig W.I./Black use] 4. In sport, to thoroughly defeat or beat an opponent. E.g."We rinsed them in both legs of the semi-final." * A term heard within the black originated music scene of the UK, such as jungle; seems to have multiple but contradictory meanings and uses, many of which are not yet listed. (Apologies for the lack of clarity offered with this word and any definition errors; advice on use and meanings welcome Ed/Author) |
rip-off | Verb. To con, to swindle. {Informal} Noun. 1. A con trick, a act of deception. {Informal} 2. An illicit copy. E.g."Dont buy any computer software from that market stall, it's all ripped off." 3. An unreasonably priced commodity or service. From the feeling that one if being deceived. E.g."Those Versace jeans are a rip-off. You should try buying clothes from the market." |
ripped | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. Cf. 'ripped to the tits'. [Orig. U.S.] |
ripped to the tits | Adj. Very drunk. Cf. 'ripped'. |
rip the piss | Vrb phrs. 1. To ridicule, to tease, to make fun off. Cf. 'take the piss' 2. To take unfair advantage of, to exploit. |
rispeck (!) | Verb./Exclam. To hold someone or something in high esteem. An alternative spelling of respect. Also respeck. [Orig. W.I./UK Black] |
rispeck due | Phrs. An expression that gives due notification of respect upon someone or something. Also respeck due. - respect due. [Orig. W.I./UK Black] |
rivet counter | Noun. A model railway enthusiast who thinks they know everything about railways and modelling. Derog. |
rizz | Noun. Abbr. of charisma, charm. E.g."I really want to see her again, she has so much rizz." [Orig. U.S./Black. Early 2020's] verb. To charm someone, to use ones charisma for gain. By extension of the noun (above). |
roach | Noun. The filter of a cannabis /marijuana cigarette (a 'joint') made from waste cardboard; as opposed to in the U.S. where it refers plainly to a butt of a 'joint'. Verb. To make a 'joint' filter. E.g."Own up, who's roached the cover of my new Iain Banks novel." |
roadman | Noun. A popular, confident and fashionable young male, typically one who listens to street music, such as rap or grime, is streetwise and will take and deal drugs. Also as road man. |
road apple | Noun. Horse manure, when found on streets. |
roaring | Adj. Used to add positive emphasis, and expressing unqualified, wholeheartedness. Frequently heard in roaring success. {Informal} Adv. An intensifier, extremely, very. Often heard in the phrase roaring drunk. |
roasting | Noun. 1. Sexual intercourse usually between at least two males and a female, although it could involve all males, in which there is an act of double penetration. Abbr. of spit roasting. See spit roast. 2. Strong criticism, or verbal abuse. Frequently to give someone a roasting. E.g."He gave the kids a good roasting and grounded them for 2 weeks." |
robber's dog | Noun. Heard in expressions such as 'face like a robber's dog' and 'off like a robber's dog' and 'rough as a robber's dog'. |
Robert's your mother's brother | Phrs. Expressing that something was easily achieved, or done quickly and simply. A witty variation on 'bob's your uncle'. |
rock | Noun. 1. Freebased cocaine, 'crack' (noun 1). From its physical appearence. [Orig. U.S.] 2. A precious stone, usually a diamond. [Orig. U.S.] |
rocket up the arse/backside | Phrs. What someone needs to get them moving, motivated or working. E.g."He needs a rocket up the backside to get him out of bed in the morning." |
rocket science | Noun. Something difficult to understand. Usually heard in the opposite context of "it's not rocket science", meaning something is simple and easily understood, or "you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand". E.g."Come on, hurry up! Changing a car tyre isn't rocket science." {Informal} |
rocking horse * | Noun. 1. Sauce as in ketchup, the condiment. 2. Sauce as in cheek, impudence. * Rhyming slang on sauce. |
rocking horse shit | Noun. A thing that is very uncommon or non-existent. Usually heard in the expression 'rare as rocking horse shit'. |
rock'n'roll | Noun. Social security benefits, commonly called 'dole' in U.K.. Cockney rhyming slang on 'dole'. |
roger | Verb. To have sexual intercourse. E.g."The window cleaner was happy rogering his customers after cleaning their windows." [Mid 1600s] |
rogering | Noun. An act of sexual intercourse. E.g."I'd give her a good rogering anytime she likes." [Late 1700s] |
roister doister | Noun. 1. A cheery and boisterous person. 2. An affectionate term of address. Popularized by the UK sitcom Blackadder. |
roll-up | Verb. To make a cigarette by hand. Noun. A handrolled cigarette. |
rollick | Verb. To reprimand, chastise. Often heard pronounced as rollock. |
rollicking | Noun. A reprimand , a telling off. E.g."She gave him a good rollicking but when he still carried on being naughty she sent him to his room." Adj./Adv. Extremely, used as an intensifier. E.g."We had a rollicking good time at the party." |
rollie | Noun. A handrolled cigarette. |
ronk | Noun. A bad smell. [Mainly Northern use] Verb. To smell badly. E.g."Hold your nose when you go in the boy's bedroom, it ronks in there." [Mainly Northern use] |
ronson | Noun. The anus. Rhyming slang on ronson lighter, meaning 'shiter'. |
roofie | Noun. The drug Rohypnol, a powerful sedative, occ. used as a date-rape drug. Often in the plural as roofies. [Orig. U.S.] |
root | Verb. 1. To have sexual intercourse. 2. To cheer on or support a person or group of people, frequently within competitive sports. Usually followed by for. E.g."Which team are you rooting for?" {Informal} |
ropey * | Adj. 1. Suspicious, dubious. E.g."She seems like such a nice girl, but she has some really ropey looking boyfriends." 2. Of poor quality, mediocre. {Informal} * Also ropy. |
Rosie Lee | Noun. Tea (the drink). Cockney rhyming slang. Also spelt Rosy Lee. |
Rosie Palm and her five sisters | Noun. The hand when employed for masturbation. Usually preceded by dating or spending time with. Also Rosy Palm and her five sisters. E.g."I've been single for 6 months now, so have spent some time with Rosie palm and her five sisters." Cf. 'Madam Palm and her five sisters'. |
rot | Noun. Nonsense. E.g."Don't talk rot! What you've just said is total nonsense." |
rotter | Noun. An unpleasant, objectionable person, a rogue. {Informal} |
rouf | Noun. The number four. Backslang. Often representing 4-1 odds in tic-tac betting slang. |
rough | Noun. A person for a bit of easy sex but below one's usual standard. Frequently as a bit of rough. Adj. 1. Of circumstances, unpleasant, difficult. E.g."It's going to get a bit rough over the next year." {Informal} 2. Unwell, tired, sick, often due to having a hangover. E.g."I've been up all night drinking and it's safe to say I feel rough." {Informal} 3. Of a person, unpleasant, course or ugly. E.g."Mmmm, I'm not sure if I want another date, he's a bit rough." |
rough as a badger's arse /bum | Phrs. 1. Very coarse, bristly. Also, when applied to a person, uncouth and objectionable. [Late 1800s] 2. Unwell, sick. " |
rough as robber's dog | Phrs. Of a person, unpleasant, coarse, or ugly. |
rough-it | Verb. To live without all the usual pleasures and amenities. |
rough on | Phrs. Unfair on, unpleasant for, difficult for (someone). E.g."It's a bit rough on her after losing both her parents in the same month." {Informal} |
Roundhead | Noun. 1. A circumcised penis. 2. A male with a circumcised penis. Cf. 'Cavalier'. |
round the bend | Phrs. Insane, crazy. {Informal} |
round the houses | Noun. Trousers. Rhyming slang. |
round the twist | Phrs. Insane, crazy. {Informal} |
roving eyes | Noun. Having a propensity for viewing others sexually when already in a stable sexual relationship. E.g."I don't know how she puts up with him, he's got roving eyes." |
row | Noun. 1. A noisy quarrel. {Informal} 2. A loud noise. {Informal} Verb. To have a noisy quarrel. E.g."The neighbours have been rowing all night and I haven't slept for all the noise." {Informal} |
royal | Adj. A general intensifier, frequently used in terms such as a royal fuck-up, a royal balls-up, a royal shagging. |
rozzer | Noun. A policeman/woman. [1880s] |
rub-a-dub | Noun. A public house. Rhyming slang, on pub. |
rubber cheque | Noun. A monetary cheque (check) that isn't honoured by the writer's bank, consequently bouncing back to the issuer. |
rubbered | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [Irish use?] |
rubber johnny | Noun. A condom. E.g."I think we should pack plenty of rubber johnnies this holiday." Cf. 'johnny'. |
rubberneck | Verb. To stare inquisitively, to gawp. Derived from the rarely used noun rubbernecker. [Orig. U.S. Late 1800s] {Informal} |
rubbish | Verb. To criticize, to reject as totally worthless. E.g."Ever since I started this job he's just rubbished all my ideas." {Informal} Adj. Worthless, useless. E.g."She's a rubbish singer with no range, in fact she sounds like a strangled pig." {Informal} |
rub-off | Verb. To sexually excite by manual stimulation of the genitals, to masturbate. E.g."His wife caught him rubbing himself off whilst having a bath." |
rub-up | Verb. Meaning the same as 'rub-off'. |
Ruby (Murray) | Noun. Curry. Cockney rhyming slang. Ruby Murray, a Belfast born singer, popular in 1950s. E.g."I'm starving! Let's go for a Ruby." |
ruck | Noun. The heaving energetic mass of dancing bodies synonymous with 'punk' and 'thrash metal' gigs. Verb. 1. To dance in the manner of a 'ruck' (noun). 2. A fight or quarrel. {Informal} |
rude boy | Noun. A young male, tough, style conscious and with plenty of attitude. [Orig. W.I.] |
rude girl | Noun. Female version of 'rude boy'. |
ruddy | Adj./Adv. An intensifier. Euphemism for 'bloody'. E.g."The ruddy car won't start again!" |
ruddy-hell! | Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, frustration or anger. |
ruddy-Nora! | Exclam. An exclamation of anger or surprise. Cf. 'flaming Nora!' |
rude | Adj./Adv. Sexual. See 'rude bits'. |
rude bits | Noun. A euphemism for the genitals. E.g."Getting a cricket ball in the rude bits is seriously painful." |
rug | Noun. A wig. |
rug muncher | Noun. A lesbian. Derog. |
rug rat | Noun. A young child. [Orig. U.S.] |
ruined | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. |
...rules /rules OK | Phrs. Accompanying a name, signifies that they are the best. E.g."Frankie rules OK" |
rum | Adj. Strange, odd, peculiar. E.g."That new kid's a bit rum, he's always talking to himself." {Informal} |
rumble | Verb. To discover, to find out. E.g."She rumbled me when she overheard my conversation on the phone." |
rum go | Noun. A surprising event. {Informal} |
rumpy-pumpy | Noun. Sexual intercourse. Jocular use. |
run of the mill | Phrs. Ordinary. E.g."That book you lent me was run of the mill but at least it kept me busy for the day." |
runs | Noun. Diarrhoea. |
runt | Noun. An objectionable, small person. From runt meaning the smallest or weakest in a litter of animals. |
Rupert | Noun. An officer in the armed forces. [Military use] |
rush | Noun. 1. A surge of pleasurable feelings from taking drugs. 2. The surging onset of the effects of a drug, occasionally including queasiness. Verb. To feel a 'rush' (noun). |
rust-bucket | Noun. A dilapidated rusty old car, or vehicle. |
rusty bullet hole | Noun. The anus. |
rusty sheriff's badge | Noun. The anus. |