packed out | Adj. Very crowded. E.g."The bar was so packed out, it took us 30 minutes to get served." {Informal} |
packet | Noun. 1. The male genitals. 2. A sizeable amount of money. E.g."I earnt a packet working overtime last weekend." |
pack up | Verb. To break down. Usually said of a machine, however may on occasion be applied to one's bodyparts, such as, "my back's packed up." {Informal} Noun. A snack, a packed lunch. [Hull/E.Yorkshire use] |
pad | Noun. One's apartment, room, home. |
paddy | Noun. A rage, a tantrum or an upset. E.g "O.K., calm down, don't get in a paddy." {Informal} |
Paddy | Noun. An Irish person. Derived from the popular and pet-form of the Irish name Padraig (Patrick). Often used offensively. {Informal} |
paddy wagon | Noun. A police van, typically used for the transportation of arrested people or prisoners. [Orig. U.S. Early 1900s] |
paedo | Noun. Abbr. of paedophile. |
pagga | Noun. A fight. Also pagger. [Scottish/N.E. use] Verb. To beat up, fight. [Scottish/N.E. use?] |
paggered | Adj. Tired, exhausted. [Yorks/NE/Cumbria use] |
pain in the arse | Noun. Something or someone who is troublesome or tedious. |
pair | Noun. A euphemism for a woman's breasts. |
Paki | Noun. 1. A Pakistani, but also used as a general and particularly offensive term for any person/immigrant from the Indian sub-continent, such as Pakistan, India, Bengal, Sri Lanka etc. Offens. 2. A shop or delicatessen run by asians. Often as paki deli. Offens. |
Paki-bashing | Noun. Racially motivated violence against the Asian community. See 'paki'. |
pal | Noun. 1. A friend. {Informal}. 2. A term of address, not always friendly despite its original meaning as noun 1. |
palatic | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated with alcohol. Also spelt pallatic and parlatic. Possibly a corruption of 'paralytic'. [N. England/Ireland use] |
palaver | Noun. A tedious fuss or discussion. E.g."What's all this palaver about you and my mum having an argument?" {Informal} |
pally | Adj. Friendly. {Informal}. |
Pam and her five sisters | Noun. The hand when used for masturbation. Cf. 'Madam Palm and her five sisters' and 'Rosie Palm and her five sisters'. |
pan | Noun. The toilet. Refers to the room and the bowl itself. E.g."I'll get her to ring you back, she's just in the pan." |
pancrack | Noun. The dole, social security. Often heard as on the pancrack. Possibly originally miner's slang. [North-east/Yorkshire use] |
panda (car) | Noun. A policecar. Taken from when policecars were black and white. {Informal} |
pan handle | Noun. An erect penis. From the resemblance between the two. |
pan someone's head in | Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat someone up. E.g."I warned him he'd get his head panned in if he didn't stop messing with that nutter." |
pansy | Noun. 1. An effeminate, feeble, weak-willed male. 2. A homosexual male. Derog. |
pant moustache | Noun. Pubic hair that shows outside the confines of underwear. Cf. 'spider's legs'. |
panto | Noun. Abbr. of pantomine, being a theatrical show, mainly for children, and usually staged around the Christmas period. {informal} |
pants (!) | Noun/Adj. Nonsense, rubbish, bad. From the standard British English of pants, meaning underwear; also a variation on 'knickers'. E.g."The first half was pants but I stayed until the end and it was actually a
great film." [1990s] Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance or frustration. From the noun, (above). |
pap | Noun. 1. Nonsense, rubbish. 2. Faeces. Verb. 1. To defecate. E.g."He was so scared he papped his pants." 2. To photograph, as done by the paparazzi. Abbr. of paparazzi. E.g."We were drunk and got papped coming out of a nightclub holding hands." [1990s] |
paps | Noun. Women's breasts. |
papers | Noun. Cigarette papers. |
para | Adj. Abbr. of paranoid. E.g."I was feeling a bit para so I hid in the bathroom." |
paraffin | Noun. A tramp, a vagrant. Rhyming slang on paraffin lamp, meaning tramp. |
paralytic | Adj. Extremely drunk. |
park one's arse | Vrb phrs. To sit down. E.g."Park your arse there a moment whilst I find my car keys." |
park one's foot/fist | Vrb phrs. To kick or punch. Typically finished with the name of a part of the recipient's body, e.g. face. E.g."If you don't shut up I'm going to park my foot in your kidneys." |
park the bus | Vrb phrs. In football (soccer), to play in such a defensive way that it's like putting a physical obstacle in the front of one's own goal and so preventing the opposition from scoring. {Informal} |
parky | Adj. Cold, with regard to the weather. {Informal} |
parp | Noun. 1. To break wind, to fart. E.g."I parped on the bus and proceeded to put the blame on the guy sitting in front of me." 2. Nonsense, rubbish. |
party-pooper | Noun. Someone who is miserable and a spoilsport, consequently putting a damper on the pleasures of others. [Orig. U.S. 1950s] |
pash | Noun. An infatuation. Verb. Be sexually passionate, to kiss passionately. Abbr. of passion. E.g."I found her having a pash in the back garden with the nextdoor neighbour." |
pass-agg | Adj. Abbr. of passive-aggressive. |
passion killers | Noun. Very unattractive underwear and unlikely to encourage sexual advances; infact so unappealing they would halt any such advances. |
paste | Verb. To beat up. E.g."I'll paste him if he ever bothers my sister again." |
pasting | Noun. A beating. E.g. "He gave me a right pasting when he realised it was me that started spreading that rumour." |
Pat and Mick | Adj. Affected with nausea, ill. Rhyming slang on sick. Also 'on the Pat and Mick'. |
Paul Weller | Noun. Stella Artois, a popular brand of lager. Rhyming slang on Stella. Paul Weller, English musician. [1990s] |
pavement pizza | Noun. Vomit, when lying on the street. |
P.C. | Adj. Abbr. of politically correct. [1990s] |
PDQ | Adj. Very quickly, immediately. Abb of Pretty Damn Quick(ly). E.g."You best tidy up that mess P.D.Q., before your mother gets home." {Informal} |
peach | Noun. Something or someone excellent, pleasing or attractive. E.g."We had a peach of a day: we weren't in work, the sun was out and I'd just heard that I'd had a pay rise." {Informal} |
peachy | Adj. Wonderful, excellent, desirable. {Informal} |
peahead | Noun. A person with a comparatively small head. Also pea head. Derog. |
peaky | Adj. Sickly and feeble, looking pale and tired. {Informal} |
peanuts | Noun. A trifling amount. E.g."We got paid peanuts but at least we got somewhere to sleep." [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
peanut smuggler | Noun. A woman with erect nipples, evident through her clothing. See 'peanut smuggling'. |
peanut smuggling | Noun. Of a woman, having prominently erect nipples, visible through her clothing. Cf. 'smuggling peanuts'. |
pearler | Noun. See 'purler' (noun 3). |
pearl harbour | Adj. Cold weather. A pun on 'there being a nasty nip in the air'... from nip(py) (cold) and 'Nip' (Japanese). E.g."Put on your scarf and hat, it's pearl harbour out there." [1990s] |
pearl necklace | Noun. Ejaculated semen that has landed around the vicinity of the neck and upper chest, imitative of a pearl necklace. |
pear-shaped | Adj. Out of shape, unorganised, wrong. Heard in the expression go pear-shaped. E.g."All our plans went pear-shaped after our funds were cut by the finance department." |
peasouper | Noun. A very thick fog. {Informal} |
peck one's head | Vrb phrs. To bother and irritate someone by incessently pestering them. E.g."He wouldn't stop pecking my head about buying him new football boots, but I'm not made of money and I'm sure I got him some just 6 months ago." |
pecker | Noun. The penis. [Orig. U.S.] |
peckish | Adj. Hungry. E.g."What time is dinner? I'm feeling a little peckish." {Informal} |
Pedigree Chum | Noun. Semen. Rhyming slang on 'come'. Pedigree Chum, a popular brand of dog food. |
pee | Verb. To urinate. E.g."He was that desperate he peed for a full 5 minutes." {Informal}. Noun. 1. Urine. E.g."There's pee all over the toilet seat!" 2. An act of urination. E.g. "I need to go for a pee before we set off." |
pee it down | Vrb phrs. To rain heavily. E.g."It's been peeing it down for 4 days non-stop." |
peeler | Noun. A policeman/policewoman, a police officer. Generally archaic apart from use in Northern Ireland. From the name of sir Robert Peel (1788–1850), politician and founder of the London police force. [1816] |
peely-wally | Adj. Pale looking, off-colour, sickly. Also peelie-wally. [Scottish use] |
peeper | Noun. An eye, usually in the plural. E.g."I shut my peepers and counted to one hundred." |
peeps | Noun. 1. Sleep. 2. Abbr. form of people. |
peeve | Noun. Drink, usually alcoholic. [North-east/Scottish use] |
peg-it | Verb. 1. To run, usually implying a sense or urgency, such as hurriedly. 2. To die. [Northern /Scottish use] |
pen and ink | Noun. A stink, a bad smell. Cockney rhyming slang. |
pencil pusher | Noun. A person who works at a desk and whose job involves a large amount of paper-work or administration, such as an office clerk. Derog. Cf. 'pen pusher'. |
peng | Adj. 1. The best, great, excellent, often heard with reference to drugs. E.g."This weed is peng!" 2. Of a person, very attractive, desirable. |
(the) penny dropped | Noun. Used to signify that a person finally understands something. E.g."Thank God for that! The penny's finally dropped and we can all go home now." {Informal} |
pen pusher | Noun. An office clerk. Cf. 'pencil pusher'. |
percy | Noun. A pet name for the penis. See 'point percy at the porcelain'. |
perishing | Adj. 1. Used as an intensifier. E.g."That perishing dog was barking all night". 2. Very cold. E.g."You should put your hat and scarf on, it's perishing outside." {Informal} |
pernickety | Adj. Obsessed with minor details or the trivial, fussy, particular. [Orig. Scottish] {Informal} |
perp | Noun. The perpetrator of a crime, someone accused of a crime. |
perve | Noun. Abbr. of pervert. Verb. To look lustfully or lecherously at someone or something. E.g."He shouldn't be allowed to work at the swimming pool, he's always perving over the ladies." |
pervy | Adj. Perverted. |
pet | Noun. A term of endearment. {Informal} |
petal | Noun. An affectionate term of address. |
peter | Noun. A safe or cash box, cash register. [Criminal use] |
Pete Tong | Adj. Wrong. Rhyming slang. Pete Tong, a well known and respected U.K. radio and club D.J. |
petrolhead | Noun. An enthusiast of cars and motoring, especially motor racing. |
phat | Adj. 1. Excellent, pleasing, desirable. 2. Fashionable. 3. Musically, describing a full, deep and bassy sound originating from hip hop. Similarly, describing the fashion quality of hip hop. |
phiz | Noun. Face. From from physiognomy. Also spelt viz. Cf. 'phizog'. {Informal} |
phizog | Noun. Face. Derived from physiognomy. Includes a number of variations in spelling such as phizzog, vissog, fizzog, physog, and phyzog. |
phwoah | Exclam. Used to express appreciation at the sight of a sexually attractive person. Imitative of the sound expressed in such a circumstance. Also spelt phwoar and phwoargh. [1990s] |
pickle | Noun. A difficult situation or trouble, typically as in a pickle. E.g."I got myself in a right pickle and had to be helped out of the hole by a passing stranger." {Informal} |
pickled | Adj. Drunk. |
pick-me-up | Noun. A thing that makes you feel better, or restores vigour, such as a drink. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
picky | Adj. Fussy, fastidious, finicky, hard to please. {Informal} |
piddle | Verb. To urinate. E.g."As I get older I'm finding I'm piddling a lot more." Cf. 'riddle' and 'widdle'. {Informal} Noun. 1. Urine. 2. An act of urination. E.g."I'm going for a quick piddle before we set off." |
piddle about | Verb. To mess around, waste time. |
piddle away | Verb. To squander, to waste, often of money or time. E.g."She's piddling away her inheritance on holidays and clothes." |
piddle (it) down | Verb. To rain. E.g."It's not always piddling it down in Manchester." |
piddling | Adj. Trivial, insignificant, small. E.g."I'm starving. You should have seen the piddling amount we had for dinner." {Informal} |
piddly | Adj. Small, trivial, insignificant. |
pie-can | Noun. A fool, idiot, stupid person. [North/Midlands use] |
piece | Noun. 1. A euphemism for a gun. [Orig. U.S. 1950s] 2. A female seen as a sexual object. A shortening of 'piece of skirt'. Offens. 3. A sandwich. [Scottish use] |
piece of cake | Noun. Something very easy. E.g."I got full marks in that quiz. It was a piece of cake." |
piece of piss | Noun. A thing that is very easy. E.g."If you think giving up smoking is a piece of piss, then you've never been a proper smoker." Cf. 'piss easy'. |
piece of shit | Noun. A contemptible person. |
piece of skirt | Noun. A female seen as a sexual object. Offens. |
pie-eater | Noun. 1. A simpleton. [Orig. Aust.] 2. A person from Wigan and surrounding area. |
pie-eyed | Adj. Drunk. |
pie-hole | Noun. The mouth. Cf. 'cake-hole'. |
piff | Noun. Marijuana. |
piffle (!) | Noun. Nonsense, drivel. {Informal} Exclam. Nonsense! {Informal} |
piffling | Adj. Insignificant, small. Cf. 'piddling'. {Informal} |
piffy on a rock bun | Phrs. Heard in phrases expressing upset that one has been ignored or left out of an activity. Often heard shortened to "like piffy on a rock", and also just "like piffy". Etymology unknown. E.g."She forgot to tell me the meal had been cancelled, and left me standing in the rain like piffy."[North-west use] |
pig | Noun. 1. A policeman /woman. Derog. [Early 1800s] 2. A glutton, a greedy person. 3. A slob, an unpleasantly dirty person. 4. A difficult or unpleasant situation or task. E.g."Cleaning all the windows is a pig of a job." |
pigging | Adj./Adv. Used as an intensifier, similar to but less offensive than 'fucking' and 'pissing'. E.g."I hate pigging ignorant customers who think because they have lots of money treat you like scum." |
pig-headed | Adj. Obstinate. |
pig-it | Verb. To live in an slovenly manner, or in squaler, to live below expected standards. E.g."I've been pigging-it whilst I wait for some money to come in." |
pig-ignorant | Adj. Very stupid, due to ignorance. |
pig-out | Verb. To eat fully and enthusiastically. E.g."Since he's given up on his diet he's been pigging out every day." Noun. A big meal. |
pig's breakfast | Noun. A complete mess. Cf. 'dog's dinner'. |
pig's ear | Noun. 1. Beer. Cockney rhyming slang. E.g."I'll have a pint of pig's ear and a bag of crisps please." 2. A mess, a disaster. E.g."I made a pig's ear of that job interview when I farted at the outset and couldn't stop giggling." {Informal} |
pigshit | Noun. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g."You're talking pigshit! The earth's round, not flat." |
pike | Verb. 1. To run away, leave hurriedly. E.g."I piked it up the motorway just in time for kick off." 2. To steal. E.g."I piked a bottle of cider when the shopkeeper was serving my mate." |
piker | Noun. A tramp, loafer, vagrant, good-for-nothing. Derog. |
pikey * | Noun. 1. A gypsy or traveller. Derog. 2. A vagrant. Derog. Adj. Of or relating to a gypsy or vagrant. Derog. * [Orig. South-east England/Kent use. Dialect] |
pilchard | Noun. An idiot. |
pill it | Verb. To take ecstasy (MDMA). E.g."What else is there to do at the weekend, apart from pilling it and staying up late." |
pill-head | Noun. A frequent abuser/user of illicit drugs in pill form, such as 'ecstasy' tablets. |
pillock | Noun. Idiot, fool. Originally a slang term for the penis but fairly inoffensive now its meaning has been forgotten. Derog. |
pillow-biter | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
pimp | Verb. Of a person or object, to embellish with the aim of making more impressive or showy. E.g."I pimped up my car and now I get stopped by the police every week." |
pin | Noun. A leg. Usually plural. E.g."That Brazilian model has got a fine pair of pins." |
pinch | Verb. 1. To steal. E.g."Guess who's just lost his job for pinching from work again?" 2. To arrest. E.g."He got pinched when he was climbing out of the kitchen window with the stolen TV." |
pinch a loaf | Verb. To defecate, to void one's bowels. |
pinhead | Noun. A person or creature with an unusually small head. |
pink cigar | Noun. The penis. Also in 'smoke a pink cigar'. |
pinkie | Noun. The little finger. Also as pinky. {Informal} |
pink oboe | Noun. The penis. Also in 'play the pink oboe'. |
pink pound | Noun. Disposable income that 'gays' ostensibly have through not having the financial expense of children. |
pint-sized | Adj. Small and compact. |
pip | Verb. To defeat by a small margin. Often heard in the expression 'pip at the post'. E.g."We pipped them to the finish and won by just 2 seconds." {Informal} |
pip (someone) at the post | Vrb Phrs. To beat someone to the finish by a small margin. Also pip someone to the post. {Informal} |
pipedown! | Exclam. Be quiet! Shut up! An exclamation. {Informal}. |
pip-pip! | Exclam. Goodbye! A dated expression that is often only heard used jocularly when mocking the upper classes. |
pipsqueak | Noun. A feeble, ineffectual person. {Informal} |
pish | Noun/Verb. 'Piss'. [Scottish use] |
pished | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. See 'pissed'. [Scottish use] |
piss (!) | Verb. To urinate. E.g."Stop the car, I need to take a piss!" Noun. 1. Urine. 2. A weak drink. Exclam. An exclamation of anger, frustration. |
piss around /about | Verb. 1. To mess about, to waste time. E.g."If you're going to piss about all morning then we won't reach our deadline and you won't get your bonus." 2. To waste someone's time, to annoy someone. |
piss all over (someone) | Vrb phrs. To thoroughly defeat someone. E.g."You should have seen Chelsea play on Saturday, they pissed all over West Ham Utd." |
piss-arse | Adj. Insignificant, worthless. |
piss-arse about /around | Verb. To mess about, to waste time. E.g."If you stopped piss arsing about and applied yourself then maybe you'd have a degree and a better job." |
piss-artist | Noun. 1. A habitual drunk. Derog. 2. A contemptible time waster. |
piss away | Verb. To waste through carelessness or neglect, to squander. E.g."Take my advice son, don't piss away your marriage just for the sake of a bit of fun." |
piss-ball around | Verb. To idle away time, to mess around. E.g."Isn't it about time you did some work, as you've been piss-balling around all morning." |
piss-down | Verb. To rain. E.g."It's pissing down outside, so take your brolly." |
piss easy | Adj. Very easy. |
pissed | Adj. Drunk. |
pissed as a newt /coot /fart | Phrs. Very drunk. E.g."Can anyone tell me what happened last night, I was pissed as a fart and can't remember anything after 9pm." |
pissed off | Adj. Angry, upset or depressed. |
pissed up | Adj. Very drunk. |
pisser | Noun. 1. An upset. E.g."I can't believe what a pisser it was, losing my job just before Christmas." 2. Something very funny. Taken from 'piss oneself laughing'. |
piss-flaps (!) | Noun. The female genitals, particularly the labia. Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance. |
piss-head | Noun. A drunkard, a habitual drinker. |
pisshole | Noun. 1. A lavatory, a toilet. 2. An unpleasant, dirty place. |
pissing | Adj./Adv. An intensifier, such as 'fucking'. |
piss in the wind | Vrb phrs. To do something futile, or pointless. E.g."You're pissing in the wind if you think Kristina's going to sleep with you." |
piss it | Verb. To complete a task easily, to win effortlessly. E.g."They pissed it and won the trophy for the fourth year running." |
piss it down | Vrb phrs. To rain heavily. E.g."It wasn't a great holiday, it pissed it down all day, every day for a week." Cf. 'piss down'. |
piss it up (against) the wall | Vrb phrs. To waste money. E.g."She won £50,000 on the lottery last year but has already pissed it up against the wall on make-overs and spa treatments." |
piss off | Verb. 1. To upset, to annoy. E.g."He had a reputation for pissing off the bar staff and getting thrown out of clubs." 2. Go away. Heard frequently as an exclamation as piss off! |
piss oneself | Vrb phrs. 1. To laugh heartily. E.g."She pissed herself when I asked her out for a meal. Just because I'm 15 years younger than her." 2. To be terrified. E.g."This guy was pissing himself, thinking he was going to get beaten up." 3. To urinate on oneself. E.g."I was very drunk and pissed myself whilst I was sleeping." |
piss on (someone) | Vrb phrs. To thoroughly defeat, to trounce. E.g."City pissed on United yesterday in their cup match." |
piss on someone's bonfire | Vrb phrs. To ruin a good situation for someone, or a person's plans. E.g."She pissed on my bonfire but then started crying when I had a go at her." |
piss on someone's chips | Vrb phrs. To spoil someone's enjoyment or plans, to ruin a good situation for someone. E.g."I don't want to piss on your chips mate but your new car is older than it looks and has a badly rusted chassis." [Orig. U.S.] |
piss-poor | Adj. Terrible, of low quality. |
piss-pot | Noun. The toilet or toilet bowl. Originally referring to a chamber pot. |
piss-proud | Adj. Having a penile erection on awaking in the morning; a common symptom of having a full bladder. |
piss-take | Noun. A joke, a tease. Derived from the phrase 'take the piss'. Verb. To tease, to mock, to make fun of, to ridicule. |
pisstones | Noun. Urinals. Also piss-stones.[Northern use] |
piss-up | Noun. 1. A drunken spree. 2. A mess up, a bungled event. |
piss water | Noun. Weak or tasteless drink, usually alcoholic. |
piss wet | Adj. Very wet, soaked. |
pissy | Adj. Weak, feeble, inferior. Often applied to drinks. |
pissy-arsed | Adj. Insignificant, inferior. |
pissy queen | Noun. A fastidious over fussy gay male. Cf. 'prissy queen'. |
pit | Noun. Bed. E.g."Oh, so you've finally got up out of your pit then? " |
pitch a tent | Vrb phrs. To have an erection whilst wearing clothing. |
pits | Noun. The worst imaginable situation, place or person. [Orig. U.S.] |
pit yakker | Noun. A coal miner. [North-east use] |
pixelated | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated |
pizzaface | Noun. A person with bad spots, acne, or generally a very bad complexion. Derog. |
placky | Adj. Plastic. Also as placcy. E.g."Have you got a placky bag for my groceries?" |
plank | Noun. An idiot. |
plant one on someone | Vrb phrs. To hit someone. E.g."I planted one on him, knocked him out cold, and then ran like mad before his mates arrived." |
plastered | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. |
plasterer's radio | Adj. Messy, ugly, disorderly, dirty. E.g."He had a face like a plasterer's radio. It was covered in spots." |
plastic | Noun. Credit/debit cards, cash cards etc. Adj. Synthetic, false. |
plastic Scouser | Noun. A person from outside of the City of Liverpool who acquires a strong Liverpudlian accent (scouse) in order to make others believe he/she is a true Liverpudlian. Derog. |
plastic Paddy | Noun. A person that claims to be Irish or of Irish descent. Derog. |
plate | Verb. To give oral sex, but more commonly to fellate. Possibly from rhyming slang, plate of ham, meaning gam, an abbreviation of 'gamahuche'. |
plates (of meat) | Noun. Feet. Cockney rhyming slang. E.g."We've just walked 20 miles and my plates are killing me." |
play around | Verb. To be sexually promiscuous. |
play away (from home) | Vrb phrs. To be unfaithful to one's partner, to commit adultery. E.g."So is he playing away from home again and blaming his frigid wife?" |
play gooseberry | Vrb phrs. To be an unwanted, extra person, usually in the company of a courting couple. See 'gooseberry'. |
play hard to get | Vrb phrs. To intentionally make it difficult for someone to achieve their objectives, frequently to make oneself more attractive. E.g."She was playing hard to get all night but as soon as I put my coat on to leave, she changed her mind." {Informal} |
play hooky | Vrb phrs. To play truant. Also play hookey and play hookie. E.g."If I hadn't played hooky for 3 years at school I'd probably have a decent job." |
play it cool | Vrb phrs. To act calmly, to control one's emotions. |
play merry-hell | Vrb phrs. To be very angry. E.g."Your father will play merry-hell if he finds you've spent all your savings on a new CD player." |
play silly beggars/buggers | Vrb phrs. To mess about, be uncooperative. E.g."Are you going to play silly buggers all day or get on with the job?" |
play someone like a fiddle | Vrb phrs. To skilfully manipulate a person for their own advantage. E.g."I can't believe he persuaded me to lend him another £50! He played me like a fiddle." |
play the game | Vrb phrs. To play fairly and by the rules. {Informal} |
play the pink oboe | Vrb phrs. To perform fellatio. The 'pink oboe' refers to the penis. |
play the skin flute | Vrb phrs. To perform fellatio. The 'skin flute' being the penis |
play truant | Vrb phrs. To evade school. {Informal} |
play up | Verb. 1. Of machinery, to go wrong, to malfunction. E.g."The washing machine is playing up again so one of you will have to go to the laundrette." {Informal} 2. Of people or animals, to misbehave, to irritate, to annoy. E.g."We're worn out, after my grand children played up all afternoon." {Informal} |
play with oneself | Vrb phrs. To masturbate. E.g."Make sure you knock before entering, there's a good chance he's watching some porn and playing with himself." |
pleb | Noun. An inferior, insignificant or common person. Abbr. of plebeian. {Informal} |
plebby | Adj. Common, ordinary. Derog. {Informal} |
plod | Noun. A police officer. From a character in Noddy, a series of children's books written by Enid Blyton in the 1950s. |
plodging | Adj. Paddling in water or mud. [North-east use] |
plod mag | Noun. A pornographic magazine. [Merseyside use] |
plonk | Noun. Cheap or inferior wine. {Informal} Verb. Of objects or oneself, to put or place down heavily. E.g."He plonked down his bag and then plonked himself on the sofa exhausted." {Informal} |
plonker | Noun. 1. A penis. 2. A fool, idiot, or despicable person. |
plook | Noun. A spot, boil, 'zit'. Also spelt pluke. [Mainly Scottish use] |
plop | Verb. To defecate. Children's onomatopoeic euphemism. Noun. 1. An act of defecation and the resulting faeces. Children's euphemism. 2. Anything unsatisfactory, useless or unpleasant. By extension of the meaning in noun 1. E.g."Actually I thought the film was plop and I nearly walked out after half an hour." |
plug-ugly | Adj. Very ugly. Originally a ruffian, and taken from the New York/Baltimore gang of the mid 1800s named the Plug Uglies. [Orig. U.S.] |
plumber's crack | Noun. The upper part of the buttocks, and the area between, when visible above the low waistline of trousers when the wearer is kneeling or bending. Cf. 'builder's bum'. |
plummy | Adj. Of a person's voice, having an accent and style that's reminiscent of the way the English upper classes speak. Can be derog. [Late 1800s] {Informal} |
plums | Noun. The testicles. |
plur | Acronym. A greeting or parting salutation, used on the underground rave scene. Peace Love Unity Respect. [1990s] |
pocket billiards | Noun. Of males, the pleasurable fondling of one's genitals via one's trouser pockets. Usually an adolescent's term and preoccupation. Also 'trouser billiards'. |
pocket rocket | Noun. 1. The penis. 2. An attractive, vivacious and petite woman. |
podge | Noun. An overweight or obese person. Derived from the s.e. podgy. |
podged | Adj. Full of food, sated with food, feeling one has overeaten. E.g."I had a five course meal and was too podged to walk." Cf. 'pogged'. [Derbyshire /Yorks /Notts use] |
poet's day | Noun. Essentially refers to Friday, although the expression sums up the general feeling of working on a Friday and the desire to leave work and get on with one's real life. Poet's being an acronym of Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday. |
po-face | Noun. 1. A face that's expressionless, impassive. 2. A person with an disapprovingly expressionless face. Derog. |
po-faced | Adj. Of a face, expressionless, impassive, and consequently humourless or disapproving. |
pogo | Noun. A style of dancing born of British punk rock in 1976/77, involves keeping a stiff body and legs whilst jumping vertically up and down. Verb. To dance in the manner of the 'pogo'. |
pogged | Adj. Sated, full from eating food. Cf. 'podged'. [W. Yorks use] |
pointies | Noun. A type of shoe with a pointed toe, usually women's. |
point Percy (at the porcelain) | Vrb phrs. Of males, to urinate. See 'percy'. |
poison | Noun. Alcohol. Usually heard in questions such as "What's your poison?", meaning "What would you like to drink?" |
poison dwarf | Noun. An unpleasant, diminutive person. |
poke | Verb. Of males, to have sexual intercourse with. Noun. Speed or power, usually applied to vehicles. E.g."His new car has plenty of poke and can go from 0-60mph in 6 seconds." |
Polack | Noun. A person from Poland, a Pole. Also as Polak. Offens. [1500s] Adj. Of or relating to Poland. |
poleaxed | Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. Also as polaxed. [Irish use] 2. Surprised, shocked, stunned. E.g."I was totally poleaxed when I heard the news of Elvis's death." {Informal} |
polish a turd | Vrb phrs. Heard in a negative context in the phrase you can't polish a turd, and when applied to a task means that it is impossible. |
poloney | Noun. A girl, young woman. Also polone and polony. [Polari] |
Pompey | Noun. The City of Portsmouth. |
ponce | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. 2. An effeminate male. Derog. 3. An ostentatious male. Derog. Verb. To beg or freeload. E.g."He's been poncing off shoppers up the high street, saying he's homeless." |
ponce about/around | Verb. To waste time, to idle away time. |
ponced up | Adj. Dressed up, overdressed. |
poncey * | Adj. 1. Effeminate, with an implication of homosexuality. Derog. 2. Snobby, ostentatious. * Also spelt poncy. |
the pond | Noun. The Atlantic Ocean. {Informal} |
pond life | Noun. Person or persons of low intelligence, and not greatly evolved, as with creatures found in a pond. Derog. |
pong | Noun. An unpleasant smell. {Informal} Verb. To stink. E.g."It ponged in there so I opened the windows." {Informal} |
pongo | Noun. A soldier. [Military use] |
pony * | Noun. 1. £25 sterling. 2. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g."Our team are a load of old pony and don't deserve to be in the final." 3. An act of defecation. E.g."Can you wait for me? I need to have a pony." 4. A piece of excrement. * Versions 2, 3 and 4 are from the rhyming slang pony and trap meaning 'crap'. |
poo (!) * | Noun. Excrement. Verb. To defecate. Exclam. An expression of distaste, frustration, annoyance. * Also spelt pooh. |
poo chute | Noun. The anus. Cf. 'poop chute'. |
pooey | Exclam. Expressing distaste or derision, especially imitative of children. Adj. 1. Of or resembling excrement. 2. Nasty, distasteful. |
poof | Noun. 1. A male homosexual. Also 'puff'. Derog. 2. A feeble, despicable person. Derog. |
poof juice * | Noun. 1. An alcopop drink, a very sweet ready-mixed fruit drink containing alcohol. Called poof juice supposedly because homosexuals (poofs) consume such drinks. 2. Aftershave. * Also, less commonly, poofter juice. |
poofter * | Noun. 1. A homosexual, usually male. Derog. 2. A soft, feeble person. * Also spelt pooftah, poofdah, puffta and puffda. |
poofty | Noun. A homosexual person, usually male. Also as pooftie. Derog. [Scottish use] |
poo-head | Noun. An objectionable person. Usually affectionate use, from 'shithead'. See 'poo'. |
pooh-pooh | Verb. To dismiss an idea or suggestion as pointless, foolish or impractical. E.g."The management pooh-poohed the union's proposal of a 7% pay rise." |
poop | Noun. 1. An act of defecation. 2. An act of breaking wind from the anus. E.g."OK, who's done a poop, it stinks in here?" 3. Excrement. E.g."Is that dog poop on the bottom of your shoe?" Verb. 1. To emit wind from the anus, to 'fart'. E.g."She was just sitting there pooping quietly and thinking no-one could smell it." 2. To exhaust, to tire. E.g."I need to sit down, I'm pooped." {Informal} |
poop chute | Noun. The anus. Occasionally misspelled as poop shute. Cf. 'poo chute'. |
poo pirate | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
pooter | Noun. Computer. Also poota. [Late 1990s] |
pootle | Verb. To meander, or wander slowly. E.g."Let's go into town and pootle about the shops." |
pop | Noun. 1. A carbonated drink, like cola. Originally from when such drinks utilized corks or bottle stoppers, thus going pop on opening. {Informal} 2. A physical or verbal attack. See 'have a pop at (someone)'. Verb. 1. To place or put (something). E.g."Come in, please. Pop your bag down there and we'll have a nice cuppa before I show you to your room." {Informal} 2. To go (somewhere), often for a short time or quickly. Usually as pop in, pop over, pop off, pop down, pop out, pop up etc. E.g."I'm just popping down to the shops to get a pint of milk." {Informal} |
popcorn | Noun. An erection of the penis. Rhyming slang on 'horn'. |
po po | Noun. The police. [Orig. US/Black] |
pop one's clogs | Vrb phrs. To die. E.g."I'm afraid old Fred has finally popped his clogs." |
poppers | Noun. Amyl or butyl nitrate. A medicinal heart stimulant taken recreationally by smelling its vapours for its pleasurable 'rush' and also its orgasm enhancing qualities. Very common on the gay scene and in the drug stimulated club scene. |
poppet | Noun. An affectionate term of address, frequently for a child. |
poppy | Noun. Money. |
poppycock | Noun./Exclam. Nonsense, rubbish. {Informal} |
pop someone's cherry | Vrb phrs. To lose or take someone's sexual virginity. Orig. applied to deflowering (a woman). |
poptastic | Adj. Denoting excellence in pop music or associated culture. Sometimes used more generally to describe something excellent or fabulous. E.g."Of all the performers on the show Kylie Minogue was the most poptastic." See the suffix '...tastic'. |
pop up | Vrb phrs. To appear suddenly or unexpectedly. E.g."It's interesting how often English slang words keep popping up in conversation." |
porcelain god/altar | Noun. The toilet bowl. See 'pray to the porcelain god'. |
pork | Verb. To have sexual intercourse. |
pork dagger | Noun. The penis. Cf. 'pork sword'. |
porker | Noun. A fat person. |
porkies | Noun. Lies. Rhyming slang on pork pies. |
porking | Noun. An act of sexual intercourse. |
pork-out | Verb. To eat in excess. |
pork sword | Noun. The penis. Cf. 'pork dagger', 'mutton dagger'. |
porno | Adj. Of, or relating to pornography. E.g. "We got caught watching a porno movie at the back of the class." {Informal} Noun. 1. Pornography. E.g."When I was in my teens the only thing I read was porno." {Informal} 2. A pornographic film. {Informal} |
porridge | Noun. A period spent in prison. E.g."So what's happened in the outside world since I've been doing porridge?" |
porridge wog | Noun. A Scottish person. From porridge being associated with Scotland and 'wog' being a derogatory and offensive term for a non-white person, or in this case foreigner. Offens. |
posh | Noun. Cocaine. Named so, because this is the drug of choice for the wealthy members of society, see adj below. Adj. 1. In the style of or belonging to the upper classes. [Orig. unknown] {informal} 2. Stylish, luxurious, smart, expensive. E.g."Will you wear that posh frock to the party, the one you brought last weekend?" [Orig. unknown] {Informal} |
posh up | Verb. To smarten up. E.g."Are you going to posh up for dinner tonight?" |
Posh and Becks | Noun. Sex. Rhyming slang. Posh and Becks, a nickname for the celebrity couple Victoria and David Beckham. [2000s] |
posse | Noun. A gang or group of close friends, usually young. From the s.e. expression for an armed band of men recruited to aid a sheriff in enforcing law. [Orig. U.S. Black/W.I.?] |
postie | Noun. A postman/postwoman. [1870s] {Informal} |
pot | Noun. Marijuana. |
pot-head | Noun. An frequent user of marijuana or cannabis. |
potless | Adj. Poor, having no ready cash. |
potty | Adj. 1. Crazy, mad, eccentric. [Informal] 2. Madly in love with, or mad about, something or someone. E.g."I was potty about Angelina Jolie for several years." |
potty mouth | Noun. A person who uses obscene (dirty) language. |
potty mouthed | Adj. Obscene, in relation to language and speech. |
pound | Verb. To have vigorous sex. |
pound one's pud | Vrb phrs. Usually of males, to masturbate. E.g."I suspect, on hearing the bed creaking excessively, that when he said he was going for an afternoon nap he was actually pounding his pud." [Orig U.S.] |
pour it on | Vrb phrs. To exaggerate. Also pour it on thick for added emphasis. |
povvy | Adj. Poor, something of poor class or low quality. From poverty. Derog. [South use] |
powder one's nose | Vrb phrs. 1. A euphemism for going to the toilet, usually women's use. E.g."I'm just going to powder my nose before we set off." 2. Euphemism for snorting cocaine. |
powfagged | Adj. Exhausted. Dated. [Lancashire dialect/use] |
poxy | Adj. 1. Rubbishy, crass, of poor quality. 2. A general negative intensifier. E.g."I'm not wasting my time and money by going to the poxy shops, just to keep her happy." * Occasionally spelt poxey. |
pramface | Noun. A teenage mother, usually from a council housing estate. Coined by the online gossip site, Popbitch, and originally a woman with the facial looks of a poor single mother as seen around a housing estate. Derog. [2000] |
prang | Noun. A crash or accident, usually involving a vehicle of some kind. E.g."I had a prang last week so my car's at the garage." Verb. To knock or damage, usually with reference to having crashed a vehicle. Originally an RAF term for a crash landing. E.g."My dad will kill me, I've just pranged his car on a lampost." Adj. Paranoid. E.g."I dont know why she has pink hair, 'cos she gets so prang when people are staring at her." [London use] |
prannet | Noun. An idiot, an imbecile, or objectionable person. Probably derived from 'pranny'. |
prannock | Noun. An idiot. A variation of 'prannet'. |
pranny | Noun. An idiot, a fool. Originally a derogatory term for the female genitals. Also prannie. [Late 1900s] |
prat | Noun. A fool, idiot or objectionable person. Originally meaning the buttocks. Also as pratt. |
prat about /around | Verb. 1. To idle away time. E.g."I've just been pratting around in my bedroom playing online games." 2. To act in a foolish or annoying manner, to mess about. E.g."Stop pratting about and get on with your job before the boss sees you." |
prattish | Adj. Stupid, idiotic. From 'prat'. E.g."He was acting a bit prattish and I'm glad he left early." |
prawn | Noun. A small, weedy and generally objectionable person. |
pray to the porcelain god | Vrb phrs. To vomit in the toilet (the porcelain god) whilst on one's kness (as though praying). E.g."I'm not going in there, it stinks! Rob's been praying to the porcelain god." Cf. 'worship at the porcelain altar' |
preggars | Adj. Pregnant. A corruption of the word pregnant. |
prep | Verb. Abbr. of prepare. E.g."I'll prep the ingredients ready for you to cook the meal." {Informal} |
pretty-boy | Noun. An attractive young man, pretty as opposed to handsome or manly. [Often Gay use] |
previous | Noun. A criminal record. Usually police and criminal vernacular. E.g."Be careful if you decide to employ him, he has previous and has only been out of prison 6 months." |
prezzie | Noun. A present, a gift. Also as pressie. {Informal} |
prick | Noun. 1. The penis. [S.e. until 1700s] 2. An idiot, contemptible person. |
prick-teaser | Noun. A person who leads on a male by seemingly offering sexual intimacies, but always falling short of providing full-on sexual intercourse. Cf.'cockteaser'. |
prick-tease | Verb. To sexually lead on a male but never actually get to engaging with that person for sex. |
pricks with sticks | Noun. Skiers, people who ski. Mainly used by snowboarders. Derog. Cf. 'gays on trays'. |
Primani | Noun. Ironic name for Primark, the discount UK clothes store, suggesting the quality of it's goods are as high as designer fashion. A combination of Primark and Armani. |
Prince Albert | Noun. A pierced penis, for body adornment or sexual enhancement. Named after Queen Victoria's consort who allegedly had such a piercing. |
prissy queen | Noun. A prim and snooty gay male. Can mean the same as 'pissy queen'. Cf. 'dizzy queen', 'scat queen', 'curry queen' etc. |
private parts | Noun. The genitals. Often shortened to privates. |
prize (something) | Noun. An absolute, a complete, an utter (something). E.g."I haven't got time for him, he's a prize idiot." |
pro | Noun. Abbr. of prostitute. |
prod/proddy | Noun. A protestant. Mainly used by Catholics. [Irish/Scottish use] |
prole | Noun. The working classes. Abbr. of proletariat. {Informal} |
pronto | Adv. Now or immediately. From the Spanish. {Informal} |
proper | Adj. 1. Used as an intensifier. E.g." Has the cat crapped under the bed? There's a proper stink in the bedroom." {Informal} 2. Satisfactory, just right. E.g."There's nothing like a proper cup of tea first thing in the morning." {Informal} |
(a) proper do | Noun. A first class social event. E.g."It was a proper do with tuxedos and ballgowns." |
props | Noun. Respect, approval, admiration, compliments. Abbr. from proper respect. E.g."I'll give him props when he produces music that isn't pop and deserves it." [Orig. U.S./Black] |
(the) proverbials | Noun. Used in place of a slang word so avoiding having to say what may be considered coarse, sometimes as a euphemism. E.g."Initially it was pain in the proverbials but once I got used to it, commuting was fine as long as I got a seat on the train." {Informal} |
prozzy | Noun. A prostitute. Also prozzie, prossy and prossie. |
psyche! | Exclam. Just kidding! Expressing it was just a joke. Probably from psyche out. Also as sike and syke. [Orig. U.S. Early 1990s] |
psycho | Noun. An odd, deranged or eccentric person. By extension of being an abb. of psychopath. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
pub crawl | Noun. A drinking session held by visiting a series of pubs (public houses) or bars. {Informal} |
pubes | Noun. Pubic hair. |
pub grub | Noun. Food that's served in a pub (public house). {Informal} |
pud | Noun. The penis, or genitals. See 'pound one's pud'. |
pudding | Noun. 1. An uncomplimentary but jocular and affectionate name for someone who is plump. {Informal} 2. A term of endearment. |
puddle | Noun. A mess, a confused state, when applied to people. E.g."Sorry, I've been in a bit of puddle since the party. I drank far too much." |
puddled | Adj. 1. Confused. See 'puddle'. 2. Eccentric, insane. |
puff | Noun. 1. A male homosexual. Also poof and pouf. Derog. 2. A feeble, despicable person. 3. Cannabis or marijuana. A term more common with adolescents. |
puggled | Adj. 1. Insane, crazy. 2. Drunk. |
pug ugly | Adj. Very unattractive. Cf. 'plug ugly'. |
puke | Verb. To vomit. E.g."He drank so much at his stag party he spent the next 2 days puking up." [1600s] Noun. Vomit. |
pukka | Adj. Excellent, wonderful. Derived from the s.e. use of pukka, meaning genuine, and in itself derived from the Hindi pakka, meaning thorough or substantial. |
pull | Verb. 1. To seduce a desirable person, to sexually attract someone. Also commonly heard in the male expression pull a bird meaning to attract a female. E.g."I pulled this gorgeous student at the Union bar." 2. To kiss passionately. 3. To arrest. E.g."Yeah, I was pulled climbing out of the rear window of the bank and carrying £40,000 in cash." {Informal} 4. To behave in a way that is characteristic of a certain person. E.g."I pulled a Charlie Chaplin and made everyone laugh." {Informal} 5. To achieve or attain (something). See 'pull a blinder', 'pull a job', 'pull a stunt' etc. |
pull a blinder | Vrb phrs. To do something exceptionally well, often unexpectedly or against the odds. Also as play a blinder. E.g."He pulled a blinder and scored a goal from the half way line." {Informal} |
pull a fast one | Vrb phrs. To deceive, to gain an unfair advantage. {Informal} |
pull a job | Vrb phrs. To commit a robbery. E.g."I pulled a job at the local post office so I'm lying low for a few days." |
pull a pig | Vrb phrs. To seduce an ugly person. Also a cruel game of the same name, played by friends on a night out, the object being to seduce the ugliest person. |
pull a stunt | Vrb phrs. To do something foolish or risky. E.g."Pulling a stunt like that again will put you in serious trouble." {Informal} |
pull a whitey | Verb. To feel like vomiting and turn pale. E.g."He pulled a whitey and had to go outside to get some fresh air." Cf. 'throw a whitey'. |
pulling tongues | Vrb phrs. Having an urgent need defecate. E.g."Hurry up, I'm pulling tongues here and need the toilet." [Merseyside use] |
pull off | Verb. To succeed in achieving something, frequently something difficult. E.g."I pulled off an Evil Knievel and jumped the car on my bike." {Informal} |
pull someone's leg | Vrb phrs. To tease someone, to deceive someone humourously. E.g." I was only pulling his leg, but he hit me. " {Informal} |
pull someone's plonker | Vrb phrs. To tease someone, to 'pull someone's leg'. E.g."It's true, he offered to pay me for a brand new car. I thought he was pulling my plonker". Cf. 'plonker'. |
pull one's pud | Vrb phrs. Of males, to masturbate. E.g."Pulling your pud all night is hardly what you mother had in mind when she said do something creative." |
pull the other one (it's got bells on)! | Exclam. You are joking aren't you? Used to express a suspicion that one is being tricked or teased. E.g."I drove round the corner and there was a pink elephant in the middle of the road." "Yeah sure, pull the other one!" {Informal} |
pump | Verb. To break wind, to 'fart'. E.g."I'm not sitting next to Louise, she's always pumping and I can't concentrate on my work." |
pumping | Adj. Lively, energetic, thrilling. E.g."What was that last tune the DJ played? It was pumpin'." |
punaani | Noun. 1. The female genitals. Also as punani, punaany, poonani, poonany, poononny, punanny, punany. [Orig. Black/WI] 2. Woman viewed sexually. |
punch someone's lights out | Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat up someone. E.g."I punched his lights out but surprisingly he came back the next day for some more." |
punch up | Noun. A fist fight, a brawl. {Informal} |
punch up the bracket | Noun. A punch in the face. Dated. [1950/60s?] |
punk | Verb. To humiliate, to tease, to disrespect someone. E.g."I dont like him at all, after that time he'd punked me in front ofmy friends." |
punt | Noun. A bet, risk, gamble. See 'take a punt'. {Informal} |
punter | Noun. Generally a customer of any business. {Informal} |
puppies | Noun. Female breasts. |
puppy's privates | Noun. The best. Less offensive variation on the 'dog's bollocks'. Occasionally also as puppies privates. See 'private parts'. |
pure bead * | Adj. 1. Wealthy. E.g."With a car like that, he's got to be pure bead." 2. Expensive. * A street term used mainly in Salford/Cheetham Hill in Manchester. |
purler | Noun. 1. A forceful punch or hit. 2. A heavy fall, a crash. E.g."I went for a purler on the icy path and fractured my collarbone." 3. Something that is excellent or outstanding. E.g."It was worth paying twice the entry fee just to see that purler of a goal." [Orig. Aust.] |
purple-headed warrior | Noun. The penis. |
purple-headed womb broom | Noun. The penis. |
purple patch | Noun. A run of success, good fortune. {Informal} |
push off | Verb. To leave, to depart. {Informal} Exclam. Go away! {Informal} |
push up (the) daisies | Verb Phrs. To die. E.g."Unless I stop drinking and smoking, I think within 10 years I'll be pushing up daisies." |
puss | Noun. A person's face or mouth. [Late 1800s] |
pussy | Noun. 1. The female genitals, alluding to the inclusion of the pubic hairs. [1600s] 2. Women/woman, viewed as sexual objects. Derog/Offens. 3. A cat. {Informal} 4. A feeble or weak willed person. * The ambiguity of the word isn't lost on comedians. |
pussy-whipped | Adj. Of a man, henpecked, dominated by a woman. [Orig. U.S.] |
put a sock in it (!) | Vrb phrs./Exclam. Quieten down, stop talking. Usually in the imperative. |
put it about | Vrb phrs. Have frequent sexual liasons with numerous partners, to be sexually promiscuous. |
put lead in one's pencil | Vrb phrs. To make virile or strong. E.g."Drink this lad, it'll put lead in your pencil." |
put one on (someone) | Noun. See 'plant one on (someone)'. |
put one's face on | Vrb phrs. To apply cosmetic make up. E.g."I can't put my face on until I've found my new lipstick." |
put out | Verb. Usually of a woman, to offer, or agree to, sexual intercourse. E.g."She's been putting out to all the guys in the football team and shockingly her husband doesn't seem to mind." [Orig. U.S.] |
put that in your pipe and smoke it! | Exclam. A dismissive and angry exclamation. |
put the boot in | Vrb phrs. 1. To kick someone aggressively. E.g."The security footage showed a group of men putting the boot in on a young lad lying on the floor" 2. Also used figuratively, meaning to cause someone trouble. E.g."He's a nuisance, and always putting the boot in" * also as 'stick the boot in'. |
put the kibosh on (something) | Vrb phrs. To put an end to (something). E.g."We all went home after their parents put the kibosh on the drinking." Cf. 'kibosh'. |
put the mockers on (something) | Vrb phrs. 1. To put a stop to (something). 2. To bring bad luck to (something). |
put the pedal to the metal | Vrb phrs. To go faster, to accelerate. From the action of pressing the accelerator (gas pedal) to the floor of a vehicle in order to make it go faster. |
put the willies up someone | Vrb phrs. To scare someone, to unnerve someone. E.g."I'm fine with most horror films, but the Evil Dead really puts the willies up me." |
put the wood into the hole | Vrb phrs. Shut the door. A Northern phrase that dialectically is expressed as "put' wood in'thole". The expression is sometimes completed with either "...or were you born in a field?" and occasionally "...or were you born in a barn?" |
putzy | Adj. Easy, simple. Also as putsy. |