cabbage | Noun. 1. A person in a catatonic state or seemingly brain dead. 2. The female genitals. Verb. 1. To sit around doing little, to be idle. E.g."It was a great holiday, we just sat around cabbaging, topping up our tans and drinking cocktails." 2. To damage, to injure. E.g."Last year I cabbaged my knee playing football, and it's still not fully recovered" [Northern use?] |
cabbaged | Adj. 1. Intoxicated, by alcohol or drugs, to a state of uselessness. From being in a vegetative state. 2. Exhausted, extremely tired. |
cack * | Noun. 1. Rubbish, nonsense. 2. Excrement. * Also 'kak'. |
cacker | Noun. 1. Gypsy, traveller. Derog. [South-east use] 2. General derogatory term for any number of people with various social or behavioural problems, such as petty criminals, troublemakers, 'chavs'. [South-east use] |
cack-handed | Adj. Clumsy, without manual dexterity, originally left-handed. Cf. 'caggy handed'. |
cackhander | Noun. A left handed person. |
cack it / oneself | Verb. To be terrified.See 'cack'. E.g."I cacked myself when I looked over the edge of the cliff at the sea 200ft below." |
cacks * | Noun. 1. Underpants. [Mainly Southern use?] 2. Trousers. [Mainly Southern use?] * Cf. 'kecks' |
cacky | Adj. Dirty, filthy, rubbishy. |
cadge | Verb. To scrounge, to beg. E.g."He cadged £20 off his brother so he could buy a round of drinks." |
caff | Noun. A cafe. |
caggy handed | Adj. Clumsy, awkward, having little manual dexterity. [West Midlands use] Cf. 'cack-handed'. |
cake-hole | Noun. The mouth. E.g."Shut your cake-hole and get on with your work." Cf. 'pie-hole'. |
cakey | Adj. Stupid, foolish, feeble minded. [Mainly South-west use] |
call (someone) | Verb. To insult (someone). [North-west use] |
camel's hoof | Noun. An impression of the female genitals/vulva as seen through tightly worn clothing. Cf. 'camel toe'. |
camel toe | Noun. An impression of the female genitals/vulva as seen through tightly worn clothing. Also camel's toe and camel toes. Cf. 'camel's hoof'. [Orig U.S./poss. 1970s] |
camp | Adj. An effeminate style and mannerism affected mainly by 'gays', however anyone can 'camp it up.' [1930s] |
camp as a row of pink tents | Phrs. Very 'camp' (see above), or gay. E.g. "He was a camp as a row of pink tents and wouldn't have been out of place in a Mr Gay UK competition." Cf. 'camp as a row of tents'. |
camp as a row of tents | Phrs. See 'camp as a row of pink tents' (above). |
camp it up | Verb. To overact in an affected manner. E.g."If you want to see people camping it up, walk down Canal Street in the Gay Village in Manchester on a Saturday night." See 'camp'. |
cancer stick | Noun. A cigarette. Cf. 'coffin nail'. |
candy ass | Adj. Weak, ineffectual, cowardly. Also candy assed. [Orig. U.S.] |
caned | Adj. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs. |
caner | Noun. A person who indulges in excessive bouts of drug or alcohol use. |
cane | Verb. To hurt, to pain. E.g."It caned severely when I tried to walk on it, and I knew it was broken." |
cane (it) | Verb. 1. To travel at great speed. E.g."I caned it down the motorway and got there in record time." 2. To overindulge in something, originally drink or drugs. E.g."I've been caning speed (amphetamine sulphate) all weekend and have had no sleep for 3 days." |
cank | Verb. To talk, chat or gossip. [Midlands use/Dialect] |
cankles | Noun. Usually of women, fat ankles that lack definition and seem to merge with the calves of the leg. A combination of the words calf and ankle. Also occasionally 'kankles'. [Early 2000s] |
canny | Adj. Good, nice, pleasant. E.g."She was a canny lass." [Scottish/North-east use] |
can of worms | Noun. A complicated problem that may take much trouble resolving. Frequently as open a can of worms. E.g."He opened a can of worms by telling is wife about the visit to the strip club." {Informal} |
canoodle | Verb. To kiss and cuddle, to caress affectionately. Also as cannoodle, conoodle, kanoodle. [Orig. U.S.] |
canoodling | Noun. Kissing and cuddling, love-making. [Orig. U.S.] |
cans | Noun. Headphones. |
cant | Verb. 1. To talk, to speak. [Midlands use/Dialect] 2. To tell tales, to lie. [Midlands use/Dialect] |
can't be arsed | Phrs. To be disinclined or unwilling to make the effort to engage in something, can't be bothered. E.g."I can't be arsed with Christmas this year, I've got no money and I'm not drinking at the moment." See 'arsed'. |
cardie | Noun. Abbr. of cardigan. Also as cardy. {Informal} |
cark (it) | Verb. To die. Also 'kark it'. E.g."Princess Diana carked it in car crash in Paris." [Orig. Aust. 1970s] |
carpet | Noun. 1. £3, £30, or £300. 2. A 3 month prison sentence. [Prison use] 3. In betting, 3/1. A double carpet being 33/1. |
carpet muncher | Noun. 1. A lesbian. 2. A person who performs cunnilingus. |
carpet munching | Verb. Performing cunnilingus. |
carrot cruncher | Noun. A person from the country, a rural dweller. Derog. |
carrot top | Noun. Nickname for a person with red/ginger hair. |
carry out | Noun. Alcohol brought from a bar with the intention of taking it home or away. [Northern use?] |
carry the can | Vrb phrs. To take responsibility for a mistake. E.g."I'm not carrying the can for your inability to control your kids." {Informal} |
casey | Noun. A leather football. |
cast nasturtiums | Verb. To sully a person's reputation. A pun on 'cast aspersions'. |
catch flies | Vrb phrs. To look blankly with one's mouth open. |
catch some z's | Noun. Get some sleep. Pronounced catch some zeds. Original U.S. version is pronounced catch some zees. |
catch you later! | Exclam. Goodbye! |
catfish | Noun. A person who adopts a fake identity on social media in order to gain the trust of someone so as to trick or con them. {Informal} |
catflap | Noun. A bisexual person. Because they swing both ways, like a catflap. |
cat's pyjamas | Noun. The best. Cf. 'cat's whiskers'. |
cat's whiskers | Noun. The best, most sublime thing or person. Cf. 'dog's bollocks' and 'bee's knees'. |
cattle truck * | Verb. 1. To have sexual intercourse. 2. To ruin, destroy. See 'cattled'. * Rhyming slang for 'fuck'. |
cattled | Adj. Broken, worn out. From the rhyming slang 'cattle truck' and hence meaning 'fucked'. E.g."Looks like we are staying at home for the weekend, the car's cattled." |
Cavalier | Noun. An uncircumcised penis and consequently a male with such. Cf. 'Roundhead'. |
C-bomb | Noun. The word 'cunt', and implying how offensive and damaging it can be to use it in everyday speech. Cf. 'drop the C-bomb'. |
cha-ching! | Exclam. The supposed sound of a cash till/register ringing through profits. Cf. 'ker-ching!' |
chalfonts | Noun. Haemorrhoids. Rhyming slang. From Chalfont St Giles, a town in Buckinghamshire, rhyming with piles. |
chalk (farm) | Noun. Arm. Rhyming slang. |
champers | Noun. Abbr. form of champagne. CF. 'champs'. |
champion | Adj./Adv. Excellent, first-rate, perfect. Also used as an exclamation. [Mainly Northern use] {Informal} |
champs | Noun. Abbr. of champagne. Cf. 'champers'. |
chance one's arm | Vrb phrs. To take risks. E.g."If he keeps chancing his arm on the roulette wheel he'll be bankrupt before the weekend is out." {Informal} |
chancer | Noun. A person who takes risks for personal gain. {Informal} |
chang | Noun. Cocaine. |
channel surfing | Noun. Switching from one television channel to another in search of an interesting programme. [Orig. U.S.] |
chap | Noun. 1. A man. E.g."This chap came up to me and told me to shut my mouth." {Informal} 2. A form of address. Usually associated with the speech of the upper classes. E.g."I say old chap, fancy joining us for a gin and tonic?" {Informal} |
chapel hat pegs | Noun. Erect and prominent female nipples. |
char | Noun. Tea. From the Chinese cha. |
charged | Adj. High on drugs. [Orig. U.S.] |
charity-case | Noun. A person deemed rightly or wrongly to be in need of charity, whether poor or handicapped in some manner. Derog. |
charlie | Noun. 1. Cocaine. Probably the most commonly used slang term for this drug. 2. A fool, an idiot. Often as right Charlie or proper Charlie. Also as Charley. |
charlies | Noun. Women's breasts. |
charlie's dead! | Exclam. A euphemistic warning for your petticoat or slip is showing. An expression rapidly becoming obsolete with the changing of fashion away from wearing such items. |
charver | Noun. 1. A boy, or adolescent male. 2. A close friend, a 'mate'. [Northern use?] 3. An unruly, young person, typically wearing casual, brand-name sportswear, such as Nike, Adidas and Reebok. Usually more associated with poorer, urban environments. Also 'charva'. Derog. [Mainly North-east use] |
chase the dragon | Vrb phrs. To smoke heroin by burning the drug on foil and inhaling the smoke via a tube, such as a drinking straw. |
chat shit | Vrb Phrs. To talk nonsense, to have a casual conversation. Frequently heard as chattin' shit. |
chatterbox | Noun. An incessant talker, especially about trivial matters. {Informal} |
chat up | Verb. To talk flirtatiously with someone, to make sexual overtures. {Informal} |
chav * | Noun. A person, usually of poorly educated, working class origin, who dresses casually in designer sportswear and vulgar jewellery. Chavs are generally viewed as an ignorant under-class with a propensity for criminal or loutish behaviour. Usually derog. [Orig. South-west. Popular from early 2000s] * For a more indepth view and etymology see chav (wikipedia) |
chavball | Noun.Pejorative term for the game of football (soccer), especially used by those who prefer other team ball sports, such as rugby. See 'chav'. |
chavette | Noun. Specifically a female version of a 'chav', see above. |
chavtacular | Adj. Of 'chav', see above, or relating to them in some excessive way or major extent. Another chav related expression created during the chav obsessed early 2000s. Combination of the words chav and spectacular. Cf. 'chavtastic'. |
chavtastic | Adj. Of, or related to 'chav', see above. A combination of the words chav and fantastic. E.g."He was wearing a Burberry baseball cap, Rockport boots, tracksuit bottoms and a fat gold chain draped around his neck - it was the most chavtastic sight to behold this year." |
chavvy | Noun. A child. [Polari] Adj. Of, or like a 'chav'. See above. |
cheap as chips | Phrs. Extremely cheap. Chips, referring to French Fries, and from the period when they were considered an inexpensive meal. |
chebs | Noun. Female breasts. |
cheek | Noun. Impudence, disrespectful behaviour, audacity. E.g."She had the cheek to ask for a drink when she'd just called me an idiot." {Informal} Verb. To speak to a person in an impudent or disrespectful manner, albeit often light-heartedly. E.g."I get cheeked all the time in my job, but I love it." {Informal} |
cheekiness | Noun. Impudence, audacity, the act of being cheeky. {Informal} |
cheeky | Adj. 1. Impertinent, insolent, often in an amusing or disarming way, mainly in speech, and often by a younger person. Often heard used in various expressions such as cheeky sod, cheeky fucker, cheeky bastard. {Informal} 2. Of food, drink or an activity, something pleasurable but mildly irresponsible and self-indulgent. E.g."The groom stopped at the pub for a cheeky pint before going to the wedding." {Informal} 3. Sexually risqué or provocative. {Informal} |
cheeky chappy | Noun. Affectionate name for an attractively impudent person or animal, and someone who generally brings a smile to people's faces or may make one readily smile. Also as cheeky chappie. |
cheeky chops | Noun. Affectionate name for a impudent or mischievious person. |
cheeky monkey | Noun. A light hearted name for a verbally impertinent person. |
cheerio! | Exclam. Goodbye! {Informal} |
cheers! | Exclam. 1.Goodbye!, a parting salutation. {Informal} 2. Thank you!, an expression of gratitude. This is the globally accepted and most understood of the uses of cheers. {Informal} |
Cheers ears! | Exclam. A friendly form of saying thank you, or goodbye. |
cheese | Noun. Smegma. Alluding to the look of this male bodily secretion and perhaps the smell. |
cheesed off | Adj. Fed up, angry. |
cheeselog | Noun. A woodlouse. [Berkshire use] |
cheesy | Adj. Corny, cheap and hackneyed. |
cheesy (quaver) | Noun. 1. A favour. E.g."Oh God! Do me a cheesy quaver, will you? Don't make me get up early tomorrow morning." 2. A raver, a person into the lifestyle and music of hardcore house and techno. [1990s] * Both definitions from rhyming slang. Quavers, cheese flavour, a popular potato snack manufactured by Walkers Snack Foods Ltd. |
Cheggers | Adj. Pregnant. Rhyming slang on preggars. Also occasionally spelt cheggars. See 'Keith Cheggars'. |
chelp | Noun. Impudence, cheek, especially by a child to an adult. E.g." I want you on your best behaviour when the vicar calls; any of your chelp and you'll be grounded for the week." [Midlands /Northern use. Dialect] |
Chelsea smile | Noun. A knife slash, or scar, from the corner of the mouth across the cheek. |
Chelsea tractor | Noun. A 4-wheel drive vehicle (SUV) which is used mainly in urban areas. |
chemicals | Noun. A euphemism for chemically manufactured illicit drugs, such as MDMA, Amphetamine Sulphate or LSD, as opposed to Cannabis etc. |
cherry | Noun. Virginity as in to lose one's cherry. Previously applied to the hymen but now the term is used by both sexes. One is also able to lose one's anal cherry. Cf. 'pop someone's cherry'. |
chesticles | Noun. Women's breasts, often implying either small or cute. |
chevy (chase) | Noun. The face. Cockney rhyming slang. [Mid 1800s] |
chewny | Noun. Chewing gum. [Scottish use] |
chew the fat | Vrb phrs. To chat. E.g."Yeah, come round and join us, we're just chewing the fat over a glass or two of wine." |
chewy | Noun. Chewing gum. |
chib * | Noun. A knife or blade. From the Romany chiv, or chive, meaning knife Verb. 1. To slash, stab or cut off. 2. To smash someone on the face with a bottle and slash with the broken shards. * Also chiv. |
chicken | Noun. 1. A young person. Very common on the gay scene for an attractive young male. 2. A game of courage in which competitors dare one another to complete a given task. Usually a game of adolescence. Adj. Cowardly, timid. {Informal} |
chick flick | Noun. A film (flick), often romantic and with a happy ending, and typically enjoyed by females (chick). |
chick with dick | Noun. A male to female preoperative transexual, usually very feminine looking, with breasts and male genitals, a shemale. E.g."Last time I visited Bangkok the streets were lined with chicks with dicks, and they were so gorgeous too." |
chief | Noun. 1. A general term of address. 2. A contemptible person. E.g."I'm not sitting next him, he's a fucking chief and I'll likely punch him before the meeting's finished." [London use] |
Chieftain (tank) | Noun. An act of masturbation. Rhyming slang on wank. [Mainly London use] |
chill | Verb. To relax, take time out. Abbr. of 'chill-out'. E.g."Hey calm down! You'll have a heart attack unless you learn to chill a little." Noun. A time of relaxation. E.g."Are we having a chill tonight? Watch some TV, drink a little wine, and go out clubbing tomorrow night?" |
chillax | Verb. To relax, to take time out. A combination of the words chill and relax. [Orig. U.S. Mid 1990s?] |
chillaxing | Adj. Relaxing. See 'chillax'. [Orig. U.S.] |
chilled | Adj. Relaxed. |
chilling | Noun. Relaxing, taking time out. Often heard as chillin'. From 'chill out' (verb). |
chill-out | Verb. To relax. Noun. A time or place where people chill-out, often whilst on drugs or in a hot sweaty club. |
chill pill | Noun. Something that reduces anxiety and stress, and promotes relaxation. Mainly used figuratively in phrases such 'take a chill pill'. |
chin (someone) | Verb. To hit someone on the chin. E.g."I'm going to chin that idiot if he doesn't shut up." |
china | Noun. A term of address, usually friendly. Derived from the cockney rhyming slang china plate, meaning mate. E.g."Alright china! How's it going then?" |
chin chin | Exclam. 1. Used as a toast, good health, cheers! From the Chinese ts'ing ts'ing. [Anglo-Chinese] {Informal} 2. Farewell, goodbye! |
ching | Noun. Cocaine. |
Chinglish | Noun. Pidgin English, a mixture of Chinese and English. |
Chink | Noun. A Chinese person. Derog. |
Chinky | Noun. 1. A Chinese person. Offens. 2. A Chinese restaurant or takeaway. Offens. 3. Chinese food, often a takeaway meal. Offens. Adj. Chinese in nature. Offens. |
chinless wonder | Noun. A person of the wealthy upper classes, who lacks depth of character and/or intelligence. Derog. |
chin-wag * | Noun. A conversation or chat. Verb. To chat, talk. E.g."I can't listen to those two chin-wagging all afternoon whilst I'm trying to work." * also as chinwag. |
chip | Verb. To leave, go. E.g."I've just had a call from Alex; he's waiting for us at the station - we'd better chip." [Orig. Black use] |
chip off the old block | Phrs. Of a person, resembling or having characteristics of their parents. {Informal} |
chippy * | Noun. 1. A chip shop, a shop that sells mainly fried hot food for eating off the premises, typically battered fish, meat pies, sausages, fried chicken and, of course, chips (deep fried potatoes not disimilar to fries but fatter). {Informal} 2. A carpenter. {Informal} Adj. 'Cheeky', impertinent, insolent. * also chippie |
chirps | Verb. To chat up, to talk flirtatiously. See 'chirpsing'. [Orig. London use/Late 1990s] |
chirpsing | Noun. Flirtation, chatting up. E.g."I had a great night chirpsing the girls, and got the phone numbers of 3 gorgeous blondes and a brunette." [Orig. London use/Late 1990s] |
chirpy | Adj. Cheerful, lively, merry. {Informal} |
chisel | Noun. Cocaine. |
choad | Noun. The penis. Especially one that is short and fat. Also as chode. [Orig. U.S./1960s] |
chobble | Verb. To chew, or eat, occasionally inferring loudly. [W. Midlands use/ Dialect?] |
chobbling | Noun. Chewing, eating, often inferring loudly. [W. Midlands use/ Dialect?] |
chock-a-block | Adj. Very crowded, busy, crammed full of things or people. E.g."The high street was chock-a-block with shoppers looking for a bargain in the sales." Also as chockablock. Cf. 'chocker' (adj.). |
chocker | Noun. Chocolate. Also chocko or the more childlike term chockies. Adj. Very crowded, busy. Also chocka and chocko. From the expression chock-a-block. |
chocolate drop | Noun. A black person. Offens. |
chocolate fireguard | Noun. A useless thing. Usually heard in phrases such as "as useless as a chocolate fireguard." Cf. 'chocolate teapot' |
chocolate starfish | Noun. The anus. |
chocolate teapot | Noun. A useless thing. Usually heard in phrases such as "as useful as a chocolate teapot." E.g. "A car without wheels is as useful as a chocolate teapot." Cf. 'chocolate fireguard' |
choice | Adj. The best, excellent. E.g."Your new boyfriend is choice; we get on really well." |
choked | Adj. Upset, overcome with emotion. {Informal} |
choke the chicken | Vrb Phrs. To masturbate. E.g."It's no wonder you're tired, spending every waking hour choking the chicken!" |
chokey | Noun. Prison. |
chonged | Adj. Very intoxicated with marijuana or cannabis. From the verb 'chong it'. |
chong it | Verb. To smoke marijuana / cannabis constantly. Possibly from the series of movies featuring the characters Cheech and Chong, both heavy marijuana smokers. [North West use?] |
choochie face | Noun. Affectionate term of address, often used with respect to children and babies. |
chop chop(!) | Adv./Exclam. Quickly, hurry up! From pidgin-English, orig. Chinese k’wâi-k’wâi. E.g."Come on, chop chop! We need to be at the airport in half an hour." |
chopper | Noun. The penis. |
choppers | Noun. Teeth. |
chops | Noun. The mouth. Verb. To chat, to talk excessively. Possibly from 'chops' (noun), meaning mouth. E.g."We spent the night chopsing in the bar and didn't get to see the film." [Mainly Welsh use] |
chopsy | Adj. 1. Chatty, verbally impudent, very talkative. [Mainly Welsh use] 2. Moody, annoyed, argumentative. |
chord | Noun. A bad mood. E.g."Sarah's in a right chord after smudging her lipstick just before the photograph was taken." [Widnes / Merseyside use] |
chordy | Adj. Moody. See 'chord'. [Widnes/Merseyside use] |
chore | Verb. To steal. From the Romany cor, to steal. E.g."You can't go choring senior citizen's pension books, it's unethical, even for a thief." [Mainly Scottish use?] |
chow | Noun. Food. Verb. 1. To eat. 2. To reprimand, tell off. [Hull/Yorkshire use] |
Chrimble | Noun. Christmas. Also as crimble. Cf. 'Crimbo'. |
Christ on a bike! | Exclam. Expressing annoyance, anger, surprise etc. |
chrome dome | Noun. 1. A bald head. 2. A man with a bald head. Derog. |
chubby chaser | Noun. A person who finds fat people attractive. More commonly used on the Gay scene. |
chubbychops | Noun. Jocular and affectionate term of address for a podgy person. |
chuck | Noun. An term of endearment. E.g."Come on chuck, let's go out whilst the sun's shining." Verb. 1. To vomit. E.g."Harry's done his usual, he's missed the toilet and chucked all over the floor." 2. To terminate a relationship. E.g."I'm going to chuck her at the weekend, she's really annoying me with her moaning." |
chucking out time | Phrs. The time when a public house, or bar, closes and asks their customers to leave the premises. |
chuck it down | Vrb phrs. To rain, often heavily. E.g."I think we should stay in and order a takeaway, it's chucking it down." |
chuck one's guts up | Vrb phrs. To vomit. E.g."He's had his head down the toilet all night chucking his guts up." |
chuck one's muck | Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen. E.g."He chucked his muck and stained the sofa." |
chuck up | Verb. To vomit. E.g."I can't come to work, I've been chucking up all night." |
chuddies | Noun. Underpants, underwear. [Anglo-Asian?] |
chuddy | Noun. Chewing-gum. Also chud. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.] |
chuff | Noun. 1. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g."That film was boring, it was too long, badly acted and generally just total chuff." 2. The anus. [Orig. Aust.?] 3. The vagina or more generally the female genitals, occ. also pubic hairs. 4. The passing of wind from the anus, a 'fart'. 5. A fool, an objectionable person. Also used as a euphemism for 'fuck' in expressions such as the denial, "Did I chuff!" Verb. To break wind. E.g."She chuffed just as we were saying grace before dinner and put me off my starters. " |
chuff-all | Noun. Absolutely nothing, zero. E.g."There's chuff-all chance we'll win the league this season." [Mainly Northern use] |
chuffed | Adj. Pleased, delighted, happy. E.g."I'm well chuffed at the result, it means we just have to win one more game to win the trophy." Cf. 'dischuffed', 'dead chuffed', 'chuffed to buggery' and 'chuffed to fuck'. [Orig. military use. 1950s] |
chuffed as nuts | Adj. Extremely pleased, happy. |
chuffed to buggery | Adj. Very pleased, happy. E.g."She's chuffed to buggery that they are marrying before the baby is born." |
chuffed to fuck | Adj. Delighted, very pleased. Cf. 'chuffed to buggery'. |
chuffer | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. 2. An annoying, difficult or disappointing occurrence. E.g."It's a right chuffer, breaking my leg just before the football season starts." Chuffer is a euphemism for 'fucker'. |
chuffer (train) | Noun. A train. Children's talk. Also chuff chuff. |
chuffing | Adj. An intensifier, and euphemism for 'fucking'. E.g."That chuffing idiot scratched my favourite CD and now it sticks on the third track." |
chuffing hell! | Exclam. Expressing anger, surprise etc. Frequently heard as chuffin' ell. A euphemism for 'fucking hell'. |
chuff off | Vrb phrs. To depart, to go away, usually in the imperative as an exclamation. E.g."Chuff off! I'm trying to sleep." [Mainly Northern use] |
chufty badge | Noun. A hypothetical award sarcastically offered to someone who is evidently very pleased with their achievements. E.g."So you came actually came second in the quiz? What do you want, a chufty badge?" [Northern use] |
chugger | Noun. A person paid to collect for charity by signing up people to make regular donations, often by direct debit. Working on busy shopping streets chuggers are often young people and will usually be seen carrying clipboards. The term is a cross between charity and mugger. [2002] |
chuggy | Noun. Chewing gum. Cf. 'chuddy'. [Scottish use] |
chum | Noun. 1. A close or intimate friend. {Informal} 2. A friendly term of address. |
chumble | Verb. To chew, gnaw, nibble. E.g. "He kept chumbling on the cake until it had all gone, then he felt ill." [Dialect] |
chummy | Adj. Intimate, friendly, sociable. E.g."Yeah I thought he was very pleasant, chummy but not creepy." See 'chum'. {Informal} |
chump | Noun. 1. A fool, a disliked person. {Informal}. 2. The head. |
chum up | Verb. To become friends. Often as chum up to. E.g."He's been chumming up with security, hoping to get a backstage pass." {Informal} |
chunder * | Noun. Vomit. Verb. To vomit. E.g."I just made it to the toilet before I chundered my lunch up." * [Orig. Aust.] |
chung | Adj. Attractive. Mainly teenspeak. [2000s] |
chunner | Verb. To mutter, grumble, talk incessantly. E.g."He's always chunnering on about nothing, he bores me silly." |
chunter | Verb. Meaning the same as 'chunner'. {Informal} |
chutney ferret | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
cig | Noun. A cigarette. {Informal} |
ciggy | Noun. A cigarette. Also as ciggie. {Informal} |
clagnut | Noun. A faecal remnant adhering to the anal hairs or fur. Also clag nut. E.g."I don't like sheep, they're disgusting and always have loads of clagnuts." |
Claire Rayners | Noun. Trainers (the footwear). Rhyming slang. Claire Rayner, known mainly for her role as TV/newspaper agony aunt. [1990s] |
clamming | Adj. Starving, hungry. [North-east use] |
clanger | Noun. A mistake or blunder. Cf. 'drop a clanger'. |
clap | Noun. Gonorrhoea. [1500s.] |
clap eyes on | Phrs. To notice, to spot, to see. E.g."He clapped eyes on her across the dancefloor and knew he was falling in love." |
clapped out | Adj. Worn out, broken. Usually applied to machinery. E.g."That car's just a clapped out heap of junk that needs scrapping." |
claret | Noun. Blood. From its colour. |
clart | Noun. Sticky or gooey dirt, mud, or excrement. [Scottish/Northern use] |
clarty | Adj. 1. Sticky, gooey, messy. See 'clart'. [Scottish/Northern use. Dialect] 2. Dirty. [Scottish and Northern use] |
class | Noun. Of distinction, high quality, excellent. E.g."We went to the boxing last night - it was a class fight that went the full distance." |
clatty | Adj. Dirty, untidy, disgusting filthy, unpleasant. [Scottish/Irish use] |
clayhead | Noun. A person from Stoke on Trent, in the Midlands. Stoke-on-Trent is the home of the pottery industry in England and is commonly known as the Potteries. |
clean | Adj. Having no drugs, weapons or illicit goods on one's person. E.g."You can't arrest me officer, I'm clean!" |
clear off! | Exclam. Go away! Leave! {Informal} |
clegnut | Noun. A small piece of excrement that adheres to anal hairs, or fur when on animals. Also cleg nuts. Cf. 'clagnut'. |
clem | Noun. Fourteen pounds, a stone, in weight. E.g."He was a big chap, and must have weighed at least 18 clem." [North-east use] |
clemmed | Adj. Hungry. Also spelt 'klempt'. [Wigan use. Dialect] |
clemmy | Noun. A stone or brick for throwing. [N. Yorks/ N.E. use] |
clever-clogs | Noun. A person who is or claims to be clever or have greater knowledge. Also clever-dick. {Informal} |
climb the walls | Vrb phrs. To reach a state of severe agitation through stress or worry. E.g."He's been climbing the walls waiting for his exam results." |
clingin | Adj. Unpleasant, disgusting. [Scottish use] |
cling-on | Noun. Excrement that adheres to anal hairs, or fur on animals. Also as clingons. Cf. 'klingon', 'clinker', 'clagnut', 'clegnut'. |
clink | Noun. Prison. It is derived either from the name of Clink Street, London, on which a prison was situated, or from the sound of doors locking. |
clinkers | Noun. Excrement that adheres to anal hairs, or fur, on an animal. Cf. 'cling-on'. |
clip | Verb. To murder (someone). [Underworld use] |
clippie | Noun. A bus conductor. The employee, extra to the driver, who checks and supplies tickets whilst on the bus. From their clipping of tickets. {Informal}. |
clit | Noun. Abbr. of clitoris. |
clobber | Noun. 1. Clothes. {Informal} 2. Things. E.g."Is that all your clobber, cluttering up living room?" {Informal} Verb. To hit. E.g."I clobbered him over the head with a pool cue and made a break for the exit." |
clock | Verb. 1. To notice. E.g."As soon as I clocked him looking suspicious, he left the shop without stealing anything." 2. To hit or punch. E.g."I'm going to end up clocking that idiot if he doesn't shut his big mouth!" Noun. The face. |
clodhopper | Noun. 1. A large heavy shoe. [1830s] {Informal} 2. A farmer, and by extension a country dweller, a yokel, a country bumpkin. [Late 1690s] |
clone | Noun. A distinct type of 'gay' image, being stereotypically masculine and epitomized by short hair, bristle moustache, jeans or leathers. A good example being the 1970s 'gay' icons, The Village People. |
close but no cigar | Phrs. Used to express that someone hasn't quite been successful, or hasn't reached their objective. A cigar often orignally being a way to celebrate a win or success. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
closet | Noun. The situation of concealing one's homosexuality. Coming out of the closet implying living true to one's sexuality. Cf. 'come out'. |
clot | Noun. An idiot, fool. {Informal} |
cloth-ears | Noun. Someone who has poor hearing or doesn't pay attention to imparted information. From the informal adjective cloth-eared - deaf. |
clout | Noun. Vagina. |
clown | Noun. An objectionable person, especially someone who does foolish things. {Informal} |
clown's pocket | Noun. A large or spacious vagina. |
cludgie | Noun. A lavatory. Also shortened to cludge. |
clue up | Verb. To inform. |
clued up | Adj. Knowledgeable, informed. E.g."He's well clued up about the local music scene." |
clunge | Noun. 1. The anus. 2. The vagina. |
clusterfuck | Noun. A disasterous situation, a mess up, a shambles. [Orig. U.S.] |
cobblers (!) | Exclam. An exclamation of disagreement. Derived from the noun. Noun. Rubbish, nonsense. From the rhyming slang cobblers awls, meaning 'balls'. |
cob | Verb. To throw. [Northern use] Noun. A bread bun or loaf. {Informal} |
cob on | Noun. A temper. E.g."She had a right cob-on when I told her I'd spent all our holiday money." |
cock | Noun. 1. The penis. [1400s] 2. A term of address, usually affectionate. E.g."Right cock, that'll be 46 pence please. Would you like it in a bag?" 3. Rubbish, nonsense. |
cock a snook /snoot | Vrb phrs. To openly show contempt or disrespect. From the action of placing one's hand infront of the face with thumb touching the nose and fingers spread and extended, used to express contempt. {Informal} |
cock block | Verb. To prevent someone a man from sexually liasing with another person, usually intentionally. Also cockblock. See 'cockblocker'. |
cockblocker | Noun. Someone who prevents a man from sexually engaging with another person. See 'cock block'. |
cockhead | Noun. A contemptible person, an idiot. |
cock jockey | Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. |
cock knocker * | Noun. 1. A contemptible person. [Orig. U.S.?] 2. A homosexual male. [Orig. U.S.?] * Also cockknocker and cocknocker. |
cockle | Noun. Ten, usually in a monetary sense. Abbr. of cockerel and hen. Cockney rhyming slang. [1800s] |
cockmunch | Noun. A general term of abuse, a contemptible person. |
cock snot | Noun. Semen. See 'snot'. |
cocksucker | Noun. A contemptible person. |
cockteaser | Noun. A person who sexually teases males. Also spelt cock-teaser. Cf. 'prick-teaser' |
cock-up | Noun. A mess, a shambles. Verb. To make a mistake, to ruin. E.g."I've cocked-up again and my wife's left with the kids, and this time she's not coming back." |
cockwomble | Noun. An objectionable person. [2000] |
cod | Verb. To hoax, to joke. E.g."Stop codding me and tell me the truth." |
code brown | Noun. A warning that an act of defecation is in progress or has occurred. [Orig. medical use] |
codger | Noun. An elderly male. Usually prefixed with old. {Informal} |
codhead | Noun. A person from Fleetwood. A traditional fishing port in the English county of Lancashire. |
cods | Noun. Testicles. |
codswallop | Noun. Nonsense. |
coffin dodger | Noun. An elderly person. Derog. |
coffin nail | Noun. A cigarette. |
coggy | Noun. A pillion ride on a single seat bicycle. Cf. 'croggy'. [NE Midlands /Northern use] |
coin it (in) | Verb. To make large amounts of money, to profit. E.g."He's coining it now he's opened a shop on the high street." |
coke | Noun. Cocaine. |
coked up | Adj. Intoxicated with cocaine. |
cokehead | Noun. A regular user of cocaine. |
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey | Phrs. Of the weather or temperature, extremely cold. Cf. 'brass monkeys'. |
colder than a witch's tit | Phrs. Very cold, when applied to the weather, or air temperature. |
coldfish | Noun. A person who is unemotional or insensitive. |
(the) cold shoulder | Noun. The act of deliberately ignoring. Derived from the s.e. verb to cold shoulder. E.g."She smiled straight at me but I gave her the cold shoulder and walked straight passed her." |
cold turkey | Noun. Withdrawal from addictive drugs and the consequential pains and discomfort, including goosepimples, hence the name. |
collywobbles | Noun. A feeling of nervousness or discomfort in the stomach. {Informal} |
come | Verb. To orgasm. The common slang convention of mispelling words also gives us the variation 'cum'. Noun. Sexually ejaculated fluid, usually applied to semen and regularly spelt 'cum'. |
come a cropper | Vrb phrs. 1. To fall heavily. 2. To fail. |
come again! | Exclam. Pardon? What did you say? Can you repeat that? Are you joking? [Orig. U.S. Late 1880s] |
comedown | Noun. The depression and tiredness after the cessation of a bout of drug taking. |
come 'ed | Phrs. Come on, proceed, let's go. Abbr. of come ahead. [Liverpool use] |
come it | Verb. To act in an impudent manner. E.g."Don't come it with me! I said you can't have any more money." |
come on | Noun. A sexual enticement or invitation, by use of words or body language. E.g."I thought she was giving me the come on, but I totally misjudged her signals." Verb. To begin menstruating. A commonly used euphemism. E.g."She's always coming on when I want sex." |
come onto | Verb. To 'chat up'. |
come out | Verb. To openly reveal one's homosexuality. An abbreviated form of come out of the closet. Cf. 'out' and 'closet'. |
come over all peculiar | Vrb phrs. To feel unwell or unsteady. E.g."My mother had half a galss of wine and then came over all peculiar." {Informal} |
commando | Noun. Without underwear. See 'go commando'. |
Commie | Noun. Abbreviation of Communist. Usually derog. |
common | Noun. Abbr. of common sense. |
common as muck | Adj. Very common, usually applied to an unsophisticated and uncultured person. Derog. {Informal} |
common or garden | Phrs. Ordinary, plain. E.g."It was just a common or garden house cat, not a tiger." {Informal} |
complete and utter | Adj. Total. Frequently prefixing derogatory terms such as 'bastard' or 'twat'. {Informal} |
completely hatstand | Adj. Crazy, insane. Originally from Viz comic. Often abb. to 'hatstand'. Cf. 'totally hatstand'. |
con artist | Noun. A confidence trickster. |
conflab | Noun. A chat, conversation. Also the variation confab. From confabulation. E.g."Before we set off, let's have a conflab about which route we should take." [Informal] |
confuzzle | Verb. To confuse. Also confuzzled, confuzzling. [Orig. U.S.] |
conk | Noun. The nose. {Informal} |
conkers | Noun. Testicles. A conker (British) is the hard shiny nut of the horse chestnut tree. |
conk (out) | Verb. 1. Of machinery, to breakdown or stop working. E.g."I may be late, my car's conked out so I'm getting the bus to work." 2. To lose consciousness, to collapse, to fall asleep. E.g."Apparently I conked out under the table whilst the party was in full swing." |
conniption | Noun. Hysterics, a fit of fury, a temper tantrum. E.g."She was having conniptions after getting a speeding ticket." [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
coochie | Noun. The vagina. |
cooking with gas | Vrb phrs. To succeed, to proceed well. E.g."After a beer, the work went well. We were cooking with gas." |
cool (!) | Adj./Exclam. 1. Excellent, great. [Orig. U.S.] 2. OK. [Orig. U.S.] |
coolio (!) | Adj./Exclam. 1. Excellent, great. [Orig. U.S.] 2. OK. [Orig. U.S.] |
coon | Noun. A black person. Derog/Offens. |
cop | Verb. 1. To commune with someone sexually desirable, occasionally in so much as having sex. An abbreviation of 'cop off.' 2. To take, to obtain. Also cop this!, a facetious remark, meaning take this, said immediately prior to an aggressive act. E.g."Cop hold of this hammer whilst I get the spanner." 3. To notice, to see. E.g."Did you cop that man arguing with his wife outside the pub last night?" 4. A policeman/woman. Abbr. of 'copper'. [Mid 1800s/Orig. U.S.] Adj. Value, worth. Heard in expressions such as 'no cop' or 'any cop'. |
cop a feel | Vrb phrs. Get a feel of something, often applied to a grope of a sexual nature. E.g."Is it any wonder that she reported him for sexual harrassment, he always copped whenever she walked past his desk." |
cop a plea | Vrb phrs. Plead guilty to a reduced charge. |
cop-it | Vrb phrs. To get into trouble. E.g."I copped-it coming out of the backwindow of the house with my arms full of electrical goods." |
cop off | Verb. To commune with someone sexually desirable, occasionally in so much as having sex. E.g."I copped off with a gorgeous girl last night." [Orig. North England] |
cop-out | Noun. An excuse, an avoidance of guilt. [Orig. U.S.] Verb. To withdraw from participation. E.g."Rumour has it that Johnny's copped-out and handed in his resignation." |
copper | Noun. A policeman/woman. [Orig. U.S. Mid 1800s] |
cop-shop | Noun. A police station. |
cop some zeds | Phrs. To sleep. |
cor! | Exclam. Corruption of the word God, used as an exclamation of surprise. See 'cor blimey'. |
cor blimey! | Exclam. A mild exclamation of surprise. A corruption of the oath God blind me. |
corker | Noun. An excellent thing or person. |
corking | Adj. Excellent, splendid. |
corned beef legs | Noun. Legs with mottled, blotchy skin, reminiscent of the meat, corned beef. |
corned beef | Adj. Deaf. Rhyming slang for deef, a Scottish pronunciation of deaf. [Glasgow use] |
corporation pop | Noun. Water. Dated expression. See 'pop' (noun 1). [Northern use] |
corpse | Verb. 1. To confuse or break the performance of an actor, often by a mistake or by laughter. Actor's use. [Mid 1800s] 2. Of an actor, to stall in one's performance or forget one's lines, often due to being made to laugh by one's colleagues. Actor's use. E.g."We had to stop filming the whole scene due to me corpsing and retake it the next day." [Late 1800s] |
correctomundo | Adj. Correct. Usually as an exclamation. Also as correctomondo. |
Corry | Noun. Abb of Coronation Street, the British TV soap opera. See 'Stenders'. |
cosh | Noun. A heavy stick or bar used as a weapon. Verb. To strike with a 'cosh' (see noun). E.g."He coshed the man and stole his laptop and phone." |
cost a bomb | Vrb phrs. To be very expensive. E.g."A month's vacation in the Maldives costs a bomb." |
cotch | Verb. To relax. [Orig W.I.] |
cottage | Verb. The act of soliciting illicit and anonymous sex in a public place by male homosexuals. The 'cottage' will often be a public lavatory; taking its name from when such UK conveniences looked cottage like. |
cotton on | Verb. To become aware, to notice. E.g."I cottoned on to the scam (trick) when I saw him wink at that woman." {Informal} |
couch commando | Noun. The person at home who has control of the TV remote controller. Also couch commander. [Orig. U.S.] |
couch potato | Noun. A lazy person who idles away time, usually watching the television. [Orig. U.S.] |
cougar | Noun. An older woman who seeks the company and sexual intimacies of much younger men, there often being the implication of being a sexual predator. |
cough (up) | Verb. To hand over something, or reveal some information, often reluctantly. E.g. "I've already coughed up a month's wages, and can't afford any more." |
couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery | Phrs. Of a person, totally incompetent. |
couldn't stop a pig in an alleyway | Phrs. Having bow legs. Occasionally heard as couldn't stop a pig in a ginnell, a Midlands/Northern variation whereby 'ginnell' is dialect for alleyway. |
council gritter | Noun. Anus. From the rhyming slang on 'shitter'. |
council pop | Noun. Water. Cf. 'corporation pop'. |
coupon | Noun. The face. [Scottish/Irish use] |
cow | Noun. 1. A contemptible woman. Derogatory, but often used less aggressively, as an affectionate aside, as in 'silly cow'. Also see 'moo'. 2. A difficult or objectionable task or thing. E.g."It was a cow of a job, and took twice as long as I expected." |
cowbag | Noun. A contemptible female. |
cowboy | Noun. A person who is unscrupulous and unqualified in business. Often with regard to 'cowboy' builders. |
cowboy outfit | Noun. A group of people, unscrupulous and unqualified in business, working under the guise of a respectable business. |
cowing | Adj. Euph. for 'fucking' (Adj.), when used as an intensifier. E.g."That cowing bastard from the sales team got the promotion to manager." |
cow juice | Noun. Milk. |
cozzer | Noun. A police officer. Probably from a combination of the words copper and rozzer. Also as cosser. [1950s] |
cozzie | Noun. A swimming costume. |
crabby | Adj. Moody or short tempered. |
crab ladder | Noun. A narrow line of pubic hair that extends upwards towards the belly button. Cf. 'snail-trail'. |
crabs | Noun. 1. Pubic lice. 2. The RAF (Royal Air Force ). [Military use] |
crack | Noun. 1. Freebased cocaine. The name derives from the sound made during its manufacture. [Orig. U.S.] 2. The vagina. 3. Between the buttocks. 4. As the crack, the situation, news, gossip. E.g."So what's the crack with this argument that you and Sonya have been having?" [Orig. Irish] 5. Pleasure, fun. From the Irish craic. E.g."Last night was a crack, especially with Mandy doing that drunken striptease." See 'good crack'. [Orig. Irish] 6. Women, viewed as sexual objects. Offens. |
cracker | Noun. 1. A thing that is excellent. E.g."That West End show was a cracker." {Informal} 2. An attractive person, particularly a woman. {Informal} |
crackers | Adj. Crazy, mad. E.g."We had a crackers night our in Manchester, and didn't get to bed until 9 the next morning." |
crackers about | Adj. Infatuated with, obsessed with. E.g."He was crackers about her and followed her around all day." |
crackhead | Noun. An addict of 'crack' (freebased cocaine). |
cracking | Adj. Brilliant, wonderful. E.g."They gave a cracking performance last night and got a well deserved 5 minute standing ovation." Adv. An intensifier such as extremely, outstandingly. E.g."We had a cracking good time last night." |
cracking (the) flags | Phrs. 1. Very hot weather. 2. Raining heavily. |
crackling | Noun. A sexually desirable woman or women. |
(the) crack of sparrow's fart | Noun. Dawn, or specifically the crack of dawn. E.g."I was out of bed at the crack of sparrow's fart this morning." |
crack on | Verb. To progress, to go quickly, to continue. E.g."We'll crack on with the meeting after lunch." Cf. 'get cracking'. |
crack one off | Verb. To masturbate, with reference to the male. E.g."As soon as he has a spare 2 minutes, he's off to the toilet and cracking one off." |
crack on to | Vrb Phrs. To come onto somebody, to make sexual advances. E.g."She was cracking on to me all night, and every other bloke at the club." |
crackpot | Noun. An insane or eccentric person. Adj. Mad, eccentric, unworkable. E.g."I'm not going along with Suzanne's crackpot ideas." |
crack up | Verb. 1. To breakdown with laughter. 2. To mentally breakdown. {Informal} |
cradle snatcher | Noun. A person who dates or marries someone considerably younger than themselves. Derog. |
crafty butcher | Noun. A homosexual male. From delivering meat via the 'backdoor'. |
cram | Verb. To study o revise intensely, usually just prior to an exam. E.g."I spent all last night cramming so now I'm too worn out to take the exam." |
crank up | Verb. 1. To increase, often with reference to the volume of music. 2. To inject drugs. E.g."He cranked up some more smack (heroin) and passed out on the floor." |
crap (!) | Noun. 1. Nonsense, rubbish, waste, useless or not good. 2. An act of defecation. 3. Faeces. Exclam. An exclamation of disbelief, annoyance. Verb. To defecate. Defecate is infact a euphemism meaning to purify or cleanse. E.g."He crapped behind a tree and wiped his arse (anus) with a huge leaf." Adj. Rubbishy, worthless. |
crapbag | Noun. A generally disparaging term for a person, or thing. |
crapper | Noun. A toilet. |
crappy | Adj. 1. Rubbishy, useless, of poor quality. 2. Soiled with dirt or excrement. |
crash | Verb. 1. To share, loan or borrow. E.g."That's the third cigarette you've crashed off me in the last hour!" 2. To temporarily stay over or sleep at a place other than at one's own usual abode. E.g."Can I crash at yours tonight? It'll cost too much for a taxi home." Noun. The situation of crashing (See 'crash' verb). E.g."Come on, get your cigarettes out, it's your crash." |
crashing bore | Noun. Someone who is overwhelmingly boring. E.g."He's such a crashing bore. Always talking about football." |
crash out | Verb. To pass out due to intoxication or tiredness. |
crate | Noun. A delapidated vehicle. Derog. |
crater face | Noun. A face with pock marked skin or the person with such a face. |
craven | Adj. Greedy. [Orig W.I./Black use] |
crawl | Verb. To be obsequious. {Informal} |
crawler | Noun. A sycophant, an obsequious flatterer. |
cray | Adj. Crazy, insane. Frequently expressed as cray cray. Abbr. of crazy. |
cream | Verb. 1. To ejaculate. To cream oneself implies great sexual excitement, but often used figuratively. 2. To succeed. E.g."I thought I'd creamed my exams but I failed all but one." |
cream crackered | Adj. Tired out, exhausted. Rhyming slang on 'knackered' (adj 1). |
cream one's jeans /pants /knickers | Vrb phrs. To be very excited, so much so that one figuratively ejaculates. Not always necessarily sexual excitement. E.g."I creamed my pants when I first saw Emma, she's one sexy lady." |
creampie | Noun. The view of recently deposited semen oozing from a vagina or anus. An expression originating in the porn industry. [Orig U.S.] |
crease | Noun. The anus. |
crease up | Verb. To laugh heartily. E.g."I creased up when he spilled coffee on his suit, the next day he gave me the sack." |
create | Verb. To make a fuss, to complain. E.g."If she's going to create all night, then I'm going home to get some peace and quiet." {Informal} |
cred | Adj. That which is acceptably fashionable, abb. of credible. See 'street cred'. |
creep | Noun. A contemptible person, in particular, one who is fawning. Verb. To act obsequiously. {Informal} |
creepy-crawly | Noun. An insect, or spider, usually viewed distastefully. E.g."Don't go in the cellar, it's damp and full of creepy-crawlies." {Informal} |
creps | Noun. Trainers, sports footwear. [Mainly London use/2000s] |
cretin | Noun. 1. An extremely stupid person, a fool. 2. A general term of abuse. |
crewage | Noun. A gang, closeknit group of freinds. From crew. |
crib | Verb. 1. To copy, usually in an underhand or unfair manner. {Informal} 2. To complain, grumble. |
crikey! | Exclam. Used to express surprise or astonishment. |
Crimble | Noun. Christmas. Cf. 'crimbo'. |
Crimbo | Noun. Christmas. Also spelt Chrimbo. Cf. 'Chrimble'. [1980s] {Informal} |
crimp off a length | Vrb phrs. To defecate. |
crimp one off | Vrb phrs. To defecate. |
cringeworthy | Adj. Likely to promote embarrassment or apprehension. |
crinkly | Noun. A geriatric person. From the appearence of their aging skin. Derog. |
croak | Verb. 1. To die. E.g."My old man croaked during the Covid 19 pandemic." 2. To kill. E.g."I'm going to croak that idiot if he doesn't shut up soon." |
crock | Noun. Nonsense. Abbr. of 'crock of shit'. |
crock of shit | Noun. Nonsense, a worthless thing, of poor quality. E.g."Why not buy a new car? Yours is ancient, it's a crock of shit." |
croggy | Noun. A pillion ride on a single seat bicycle. Also as croggie. Cf. 'backie' and 'coggy'. [NE Midlands/Northern use] |
crotch rot | Noun. General term for a sexual infection of the genitals, or venereal disease. |
crown | Verb. To hit on the head. E.g."Can you see a lump on my head? I've just crowned myself getting up." |
crown jewels | Noun. The male genitals. E.g."I got kicked right in the crown jewels." |
Croydon facelift | Noun. A style of haircut, as worn by females, and stereotypically associated with the working classes. It involves pulling the hair into a pony tail, and tying it so tightly at the back of the head that the resulting skin across the face is pulled taught, as though from a facelift. Usually derog. Croydon, a district in London. |
crozzled | Adj. Usually of food, dried out and crispy due to burning or heat. E.g."I've thrown out last night's pizza, it was all crozzled and didn't look very appetizing." [Dialect /Northern use] |
crucial | Adj. Great, excellent, essential. E.g."I'm going to buy that new tune by the Kaiser Chiefs, it's crucial." |
cruckle | Verb. To twist one's ankle, to fall over on one's ankle. [Rochdale use/Dialect?] |
crud (!) | Noun. Rubbish, something useless. 2. Dirt. E.g."There's crud all down the back of your trousers." Exclam. An exclamation of disagreement. Adj. See 'cruddy'. |
cruddy | Adj. Useless, rubbishy, unpleasant, cheap and nasty. |
cruise | Verb. To search for a sexual encounter. Originates from when U.S. teenagers would cruise around in cars looking to pick up some company. The expression is mainly used on the 'gay' scene. [Orig. U.S. 1950s] |
cruising for a bruising | Vrb phrs. Acting in a manner that will get one into trouble, or a fight. [Orig. U.S.] |
crumbs! | Exclam. A mild exclamation of surprise or amazement. |
crumpet | Noun. A sexually desirable person, or people, originally and more frequently applied to women. E.g."The club was bursting its walls with crumpet." {Informal} |
crusty / crustie | Noun. A person whose looks share that of the 'hippie' travellers of the 1990s and being stereotypically scruffy, with long dredded hair, wearing boots and black clothes; generally having the appearance of being homeless. Usually derog. E.g."I used to enjoy my local music festival, but these days it's just full of crusties drinking cider and smoking weed." |
cry on (about something) | Vrb phrs. To complain (about something). E.g."She wont stop crying on about my bad language, but she swears more than anyone I know." |
cuddy wifter | Noun. A left handed person. [Northumbria use/dialect?] |
cuffy | Adj. Scruffy, unkempt. [N. Midlands use] |
culchie | Noun. A rural dweller, a bumpkin, a yokel. Mainly derog. [Irish use] |
culture vulture | Noun. A person with an excessively keen interest in the arts and culture. {Informal} |
cum | Noun/Verb. See 'come'. |
cum bucket | Noun. A sexually prosmiscuous woman, or similar homosexual man. Derog. |
cum guzzler | Noun. A person who actively enjoys fellating, a fellator. Often derog. |
cum slut | Noun. A sexually promiscuous female. Often heard within the porn industry. Derog |
cunning stunt | Noun. A spoonerism on stunning cunt, and adopted by users for its comic ambiguity and numerous meanings, ranging from an impressive female to an objectionable person. |
cunny | Noun. The female genitals. Derived from 'cunt'. |
cunt (!) * | Noun. 1. The female genitals. [1200s] 2. Women from a sexual viewpoint. Offens. [1600s] 3. A fool, an objectionable person, a despicable person. Derogatory and with its associated meanings is consequently particularly offensive. [1800s] 4. A very familiar term of address. E.g."Hello you old cunt, how are you? You're looking well." [1960s] 5. A difficult thing or task. E.g."I'm not offering to help him move house, he's got a piano and it'll be a cunt of a job to shift it." [1920s] Exclam. An exclamation of anger, surprise, frustration, disappointment. * Undoubtedly the most offensive and taboo of all vulgarisms, and particularly so to women, however it's becoming more frequently used. Consequently it is gradually losing its offensiveness and perhaps will in due course become as accepted as 'fuck' in its use. The word goes back to Middle English, cunte, and before then it can only be speculated upon, however some believe its origins lie with the Latin, cuneus, meaning wedge. |
cuntchops | Noun. A general term of address, often depreciatory, and occasionally used affectionately. Also cunt chops. |
cunted | Adj. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs. |
cunt-face | Noun. A contemptible person. Also cuntface. |
cunt-faced | Adj. Very intoxicated. |
cunting | Adj. An intensifier. E.g."If this cunting weather doesn't improve in the next 24 hours we'll have to cancel the whole trip." |
cuntish | Adj. Unpleasant, foolish, unreasonable. E.g."I feel a bit cuntish now, after refusing to loan my brother that money." |
cuntox | Noun. A contemptible person. |
cuntrag | Noun. A contemptible person. Also cunt rag. |
cunt struck | Adj. Sexually besotted by a woman. Also cuntstruck. |
cunt up | Verb. To mess up, to fail. E.g."I cunted up my best man speech but at least I had everyone laughing." |
cunty | Noun. A contemptible person. Adj. Very unpleasant, disagreeable. |
cuntybaws * | Noun. 1. A general term of abuse, an objectionable person. [Scottish use] 2. Occasionally used as a term of address. [Scottish use] * From cuntyballs. |
cunty bollocks | Noun. General term of abuse for an objectionable person, however frequently used humourously. Cf. 'cuntybaws'. |
cuppa | Noun. A cup of tea or more recently also referring to coffee. The term is a contraction of cup of. {Informal} |
curl one off /down /out | Verb. To defecate. E.g."We were so pleased when she stopped wearing nappies and happily curled one out in her potty." |
currant bun | Noun. 1. The sun. Cockney rhyming slang. 2. The Sun newspaper. A tabloid newspaper that adopted the rhyming slang expression for its own use. 3. Son. Rhyming slang. 4. A protestant or commonly also a supporter of Rangers FC. Rhyming slang for 'hun'. [Mainly Glasgow use] |
curry-mile | Noun. The name given to an area in Manchester called Rusholme, which has a high density of asian restaurants and food takeaways positioned along its main street. |
curry queen | Noun. A gay male who is attracted to asian homosexuals. Cf. 'dinge queen' and 'scat queen'. Offens. |
curtains | Noun. The end. E.g."If he doesn't make this jump, it's curtains for the whole team." |
curtain twitcher | Noun. A nosey person who typically keeps an eye on neighbours and what's happening in the street from inside their house. |
cushy | Adj. Of an easy nature. Originates from the Hindustani khush meaning pleasant. {Informal} |
cushy number | Noun. A situation that is easy and without stress. |
cushty | Adj. Excellent, fine, OK. Also spelt cushdy, and kushty. |
cuss | Verb. To curse or swear, to use profanity. From curse. [Orig. U.S.] {Informal} |
custard chucker | Noun. The penis. Often prefixed with blue veined, or purple headed. |
cut | Noun. A canal. [Midlands/North use] |
cut the crap! | Exclam. Stop talking nonsense! |
cuz | Noun. 1. Abbr. of cousin. [Mainly Black use] 2. Friend. [Mainly Black use] Conj. Abbr. of because. |
C-word | Noun. A euphemism for 'cunt'. Cf. 'f-word'. |
cyberpunk | Noun. A nonconformist advocate of modern technology, especially such a user of the Internet. |
cyberspace | Noun. The imaginary place that exists between computers and their users, particularly on the Internet and in virtual reality. The term was coined by the author William Gibson in the book Neuromancer. |